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Tuesday February 1, 2005
Start: 1:00 pm

Each Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 PM REI is holding REALNEO planning and
orientation sessions for open dialogue and inclusion supportig the Open
Source Economic Development framework for North East Ohio. These

Start: 3:00 pm

A two-part forum on: The Economics of Early Childhood Development

 Awareness: Session; One February 1, 2005, 4:00-6:00PM, Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Wade Oval in University Circle

Friday February 4, 2005
Start: 11:00 am

Tsunamis of Hope: The Human
Face of
Relief and

Tuesday February 8, 2005
Start: 1:00 pm

Each Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 PM REI is holding REALNEO planning and
orientation sessions for open dialogue and inclusion supportig the Open
Source Economic Development framework for North East Ohio. These

Start: 4:00 pm

"Intergenerational Learning"

Thursday February 10, 2005
Start: 4:30 pm

Come and meet serial and aspiring entrepreneurs, supporters of entrepreneurship, community leaders, business leaders, deal makers, and investors at Northeast Ohio's premier networking event at Pickwick & Frolic. Make new contacts and connections while enjoying an assortment of drinks and hors d'oeuvres.Individuals from JumpStart's new portfolio companies will also be present to share their stories and insights.

Over 600 are expected. Space is Limited. Register Now!

Friday February 11, 2005
Start: 11:00 am

Outlasting Racism through
Lasting Friendships

Monday February 14, 2005
Start: 8:00 am

A two-part forum on: The Economics of Early Childhood Development - see NEO Childhood for support site and services

Tuesday February 15, 2005
Start: 1:00 pm

Each Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 PM REI is holding REALNEO planning and
orientation sessions for open dialogue and inclusion supportig the Open
Source Economic Development framework for North East Ohio. These

Start: 3:00 pm

"The Doan Brook Partnership,"
King Smith, Executive Director, Nature Center at Shaker Lakes & project team
associates; Peter B. Lewis Building.

Wednesday February 16, 2005
Start: 4:30 pm

of Minds  
Technology Networking Event

Thursday February 17, 2005
Start: 4:30 pm

HIPAA & BEYOND: Business Opportunities at the Intersection of Privacy, Technology, & Healthcare

NEOSA & BioEnterprise
Thursday, February 17, 2005, 5:30pm to 7:30pm

FREE (everyone welcome)Venue: HealthSpace

Friday February 18, 2005
Start: 7:30 am

Cuyahoga County Cultural Roundtable

WHEN: Friday, February 18, 2005

8:30am – 10:00am

WHERE: Beck Center for the Arts

17801 Detroit Avenue – Lakewood

Recital Hall Armory

Start: 11:00 am

Mayor Jane
Campbell to Give Her
Annual State of the City
Address to

Start: 5:00 pm

Artists teaming up, merging styles and sharing creative processes. Sculpture, ceramics, painting, photography, printmaking, digital imagery are part of an exhibition of unique work and varied stimuli. Buzz Gallery.

Tuesday February 22, 2005
Start: 9:00 am

Each Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 PM REI is holding REALNEO planning and
orientation sessions for open dialogue and inclusion supportig the Open
Source Economic Development framework for North East Ohio. These

Start: 11:00 am

"Cognitive Science,"
Mark Turner, School of Arts & Sciences, Case and Guests; Peter B. Lewis

Wednesday February 23, 2005
Start: 6:00 pm

Sustainable urban development innovations and best practices in Mt. Pleasant. Sponsored by Urban Paradoxes, defending and creating dynamic urban neighborhoods that have inherent sense of place.

Thursday February 24, 2005
Start: 3:30 pm

Wanted to pass along a notice that the Northeast Ohio International Business Network (NOIBN) will have networking reception.

When: Thursday, 2/24
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Clarion Hotel, Rockside Road, Independence
For More Info: contact Radhika Reddy @ 216-344-9441. If you plan to attend, please call.

The reception is co-hosted by the US Export Assistance Center, Ohio Department of Development, World Trade Center-Cleveland and NE Ohio international business organizations.

There will also be a few speakers including:
Honorable Robert de Leeuw, Counsel General of the Netherlands
Kirk Merritt, Ohio Dept of Development, Director - International Trade Division
Robert Farley, President, Team NEO

Greg Ziernicki
440-554-5938 (c)
440-268-9442 (h)

Start: 3:30 pm

Ohio Department of Transportation officials and their consultants will be available to answer questions about Innerbelt alternatives that are planned from 4:30-8:30pm.

Friday February 25, 2005
Start: 11:00 am

MarieSmith, president of AARP, will speak about Social Security and private accounts
proposed by the Bush Administration.

Sunday February 27, 2005
Start: 3:00 pm

faculty perform music of various composers reflecting the
passing of the seasons. Featuring Marla Berg, soprano, and Linda Jones,

Monday February 28, 2005
Start: 7:00 am

We the Region: Fund for Our
Economic Future Annual Meeting

Monday, February 28, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
at National Inventors Hall of Fame in Akron - The Ohio Grantmakers Forum is
hosting speaker Manuel Pastor, who will offer an analysis of why regional action
is so essential in today's global economy. Representatives from the Gallup
Barometer Study will report on citizen perceptions of NE Ohio, and case study
highlights of regional initiatives--BioEnterprise, JumpStart, NorTech, and Team
NEO--will be provided. Tickets: $50. Reservations: 216.861.6223 or

Tuesday March 1, 2005
Start: 1:00 pm

Each Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 PM REI is holding REALNEO planning and
orientation sessions for open dialogue and inclusion supportig the Open
Source Economic Development framework for North East Ohio. These

Start: 3:00 pm

"Prelude to the
New Energy Debate in Northeast Ohio"

From TransTech and the New Energy
Roundtable (NER)

Wednesday March 2, 2005
Start: 2:00 am
Announcement: The
Ohio Nanotechnology Summit

Here to Register for this Workshop Now!

Ohio’s statewide conference on nanotechnology
will be held March 2 and 3, 2005, at the Hope Hotel & Conference Center in Dayton, Ohio.
Ohio Nanotechnology Summit
will offer a unique opportunity to get a
first-hand perspective on the boundless potential that this exciting technical
field holds for Ohio’s economy and its citizens. The
objectives of the meeting are to:
Start: 3:00 pm

Let's bring
manufacturing back through robotics and automation! Join us for a public forum
to design next steps for a new educational and training center for Northeast