Eddy "Citizen" Hauser Read about Ed …
"If you think that great contemporary art comes only from developed countries in the West, or from cities in fast-growing parts of China, India or Latin America, think again.
October 17-21, 2012, members of IAPMA and Friends of Dard Hunter will join together for a 5-day international conference hosted by The Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Education Foundation.
World Have Your Say--the popular BBC radio show will broadcast from Nighttown on Friday, October 19th. Stay tuned on http://www.nighttowncleveland.com/menus.htm
Norm Roulet captured the last visit in 2007: http://realneo.us/WOrld-Has-Its-Say-In-East-Cleveland
Seating is FREE but registration required at http://www.oibc.org
October 25, 2012 Cleveland, OH: Olivet Institutional Baptist Church 8712 Quincy Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106 Time: TBA Contact: Rev. Leah C. K. Lewis, lcarol [dot] leewis [at] gmail [dot] com http://newjimcrow.com/guides.html
Cleveland Institute of Art will compare the trajectories of artists living in Cleveland versus artists living in New York City (Brooklyn)
At Convivium33, opening reception Friday, November 2, 2012 from 6-9 p.m.