Digital Photography SIG holds meeting on Open Source application--the GIMP
Submitted by Charles on Fri, 02/10/2006 - 21:07.
02/16/2006 - 18:30
02/16/2006 - 20:30
The Digital Photography Special Interest Group of the Greater Cleveland PC Users Group will host a presentation by computer professional Phillip Williams on the GIMP, a FREE open source graphics creation and manipulation application similar to Adobe Photoshop. The meeting will be a short "course" showing how to use the GIMP to do common digital imaging tasks, such as manipulating a photo, removing red eye, correcting colors, resizing images and changing them to black & white.
Phillip will provide a FREE copy of the program to a limited number of people who rsvp before the meeting. Reserve your copy by visiting
Maple Heights Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 22:23.
For years I've wanted to learn a photo editing ap better, but I haven't wanted to get too into it, and spend a fortune, so I avoided PhotoShop. When we converted our office to open source software, I started using GIMP and found my photo ap. But I've never really known how to use it. Thanks to the Digital Photo SIG and presenter Phillip Williams for holding this informative intro... nice to see lots of friends there, and so much interest in open source software!
Seems once you know the basics, it all comes down to experimenting. I recommend giving GIMP a try.
Worth giving GIMP a look
For years I've wanted to learn a photo editing ap better, but I haven't wanted to get too into it, and spend a fortune, so I avoided PhotoShop. When we converted our office to open source software, I started using GIMP and found my photo ap. But I've never really known how to use it. Thanks to the Digital Photo SIG and presenter Phillip Williams for holding this informative intro... nice to see lots of friends there, and so much interest in open source software!
Seems once you know the basics, it all comes down to experimenting. I recommend giving GIMP a try.