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Diwali Festival of LightsSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 11:14.
11/10/2007 - 15:00 11/10/2007 - 18:30 Etc/GMT-4
"The idea is to remove all and every dark corner of the house and spread the light," said Narayan Dravid, a trustee of the region's largest Hindu temple, Shiva Vishnu Temple in Parma. "The main idea is to spread the light in your heart, in your mind."
The festival of Diwali (pronounced dee-VAHL-ee) at Shiva Vishnu Temple, 7737* Ridge Road, Parma, is open to the public Saturday. It begins with veneration of the deity Lakshmi Puja, the goddess of wealth and beauty, at 3 p.m. and climaxes with a communal meal at 6:30 p.m.
The Shivu Vishnu Temple is located on the part of Ridge Rd. known as Snake Hill, between Pleasant Valley and Sprague. If you decide to use RTA, walk or bicycle--be forewarned that autos use the stretch as a speedway and sidewalks are not a real option. Exercise caution. It is also worth the trip to see the lights of the fall foliage in the Big Creek Valley. The Temple has constructed a beautiful memory walkway that overlooks the valley.
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Yesterday 10/28/2008, I had my first "tourist" drop into our little Brooklyn Centre neighborhood library. He was visiting from San Diego and just trying to get a "feel" for our city, while his wife attended a conference.
We have so many "bright lights" here in NEO! I love the spirit of this holiday, which we should all take time to celebrate:)
Cross roads
See above comments. This out-of-town tourist found his way by orienting to Superior/Detroit and West 25th/Pearl Rd., so when he asked for places to shop and dine, I directed him to the Gordon Square district...It was the path of least resistance. Getting on to highways is very daunting for some people in unfamiliar terrain...
How do we capitalize on that?
And, how many studies do we have to endure to actually see investment?
TLCI Community Meeting #2
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008
6:00 pm (promptly)
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
3900 Wildlife Way
Please join us for a discussion about the future of our neighborhood's
main street and share your opinions about how we can make Pearl Road
Presented by OBCDC with City Architecture, NOACA, the City of Cleveland
Planning Commission and Baker Engineering
Download flyer [pdf]
Hindi friends
Bright lights
I was fortunate last night to share dinner with many bright lights in Cleveland at the Krakow Cafe before the CityMusic concert at St. Stanislaus. The beautiful Polish ladies serve homemade food and comfort every Saturday and Sunday after services and before events at their mother church, St. Stanislaus. The Polish community is clinging to the tradition of providing LIGHT.
'Tis the season to reflect on all that is good and to reflect on how we can make amends for any of the wrongs we may have unintentionally or intentionally inflicted on this planet and to give thanks for our blessings. Afterall, nothing is free--except the sun and the moon and the stars--we have to share everything else--land, water, fire and air.
So many cultural traditions share basic universal themes that observe the sun and the moon and the stars--looking for hope. We need to not fear the darkness, because of the light within and we all need to join forces to welcome back that light--in shared traditions that incorporate the hope found in Kwanzaa, Diwali, Eid, Hannukah and Christmas.
NEO needs to celebrate Diwali
Remember to bring light into the world--especially at this time of year when it seems that darkness will prevail.
my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.
Eid al-Adha
A wish for peace and joy at this time of sacrifice--Eid al-Adha
Diwali festival in India is
Diwali festival in India is the most famous and one of the biggest fesival. Navratri 2011 is also current festival in India which is the most famous. There are many Gujrat, Mumbai, Rajastan are the states who celebrate this festival most. Navratri Festival is the festivals of Dandiya. This festival is dedicated to all goddess of India.
Diwali 2011
It would be great to see this wonderful celebration highlighted in Cleveland:
Still, we have a hard time getting various organizations to coordinate and agree on locations etc. Too bad for us.
Diwali is truly festival of
Diwali is truly festival of lights and there are many fireworks all over and every body dancing and doing other and smile is on every body faces
diwali greetings
Festival of loghts and
Festival of loghts and crackers is just coming,I just wanna say one thing for this that as the lights become more brighten they will spread same amount of happiness,and makes evey face laugh,you can't get better then these diwali status so just share.