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"Envisioning Cleveland" photo exhibit is open to all residentsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 08:29.
08/13/2007 - 09:00 08/13/2007 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 It is very cool that REALNEO contributors received this special invitation to submit work for what could be an exciting photo exhibition... I'll certainly submit... read on: The Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University is celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2007. To celebrate this event, the Center for Civic Education will be putting on a series of forum programming looking at Our Place in the Urban Age. As part of this celebration we will be having a photo Exhibition. This "Envisioning Cleveland" photo exhibit is open to all residents in Northeast Ohio. Photographers of any age are eligible. No more than five (5) photos from each entrant will be accepted. Photos must have been taken since 2005. Deadline is August 13, 2007. Questions and submissions should be sent to photos [at] urban [dot] csuohio [dot] edu The theme is Envisioning Cleveland, where we are looking for images that convey hope and excitement for our future as a city and as a region. For more information please visit We hope that RealNeo contributors will be interested in participating. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Best, Molly Molly S. Schnoke Project Coordinator Center for Civic Education Levin College of Urban Affairs Cleveland State University 216-523-7495 Location
Center for Civic Education
1717 Euclid Avenue Cleveland State University Levin College of Urban Affairs
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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I have a problem with the cooked happy theme for the CSU photography. One of our biggest problems here in NEO is self deception. Year after year, decade after decade, the place deteriorates and the population empties out, while we hear from TeamNeo, and Joe Roman and GCP and the other Rah Rah orgs about Plus sizing the area.
For Levin to be solely "looking for images that convey hope and excitement for our future as a city and as a region" only serves to perpetuate the self deception and prolong the time before we respond to the desperate realities of driving down Union Avenue in Cleveland - which I did this morning to meet you at the Habitat ReStore.
The "hope and excitement for our future" theme is particularly alarming in this particular case because Levin is a College of Urban Affairs - precisely the forum where the deserted factory shells, empty debris filled lots, daily shootings, and boarded up realities - not just the hope and excitement – of our urban area need to be clearly in view.
My additional complaint with the Levin request for submissions is that they retain the rights to use the photos without any recompense to the photographers – At least when the Cleveland Foundation requested submissions for a new logo the Foundation threw out prize money of $12,500.00.
So I propose an alternative photo exhibit right here on RealNeo. Same deadline, same 5 submissions. Same since 2005 chronology on photos. Photographer keeps all rights. Photos can’t be used by anyone without photographer’s permission,
RealNeo will set up a new tab on the home page for the contest. Derek, can you help me with this please?
If anyone has trouble uploading their photos to Realneo (the process isn’t very intuitive – images must be less than 650 pixels wide, either GIFs or JPEGs), log into Realneo and send me a private email via RealNeo with your question or telephone and I will be glad to help. Collages, mash ups, panoramas, whatever are welcome. Show us something new. If anyone has further suggestions put ‘em up as comments here. If anyone has 1,2,3 prize suggestions or contributions let’s hear those too.
The Be Real NEO Exhibition
I had an issue with one of the sponsors in particular, but I'll still submit to their show - I don't mind Cleveland Magazine using my pictures either. But I love your idea of a show of other less restricted perspectives. Let's have the actual show and opening at The Inner Circle and Hough Bakeries - we can use other venues in East Cleveland to exhibit at well.
As for the format of the photos (and we should accept video as well) - there doesn't need to be a limit on file size and suce - for standard photos we will want to use the Image Gallery feature, which automatically creates thumbnails and preview versions but also allows viewing of the full size image... we can work all that out - need to consult with Derek... why don't you email him on that.
Disrupt IT
a realneo photo show?
i third the idea of a show with less restricted perspectives where we dont have to sugar coat the seething underbelly ;-) I am interested in contributing.
I'm ready and have the gallery
Okay - time for a photo exhibition. We can have it at The Inner Circle - UNLIMITED SPACE - I have plenty of work together but will put out for this - time for a casting call. Jeff, ZM, Norm... I know many others... sounds very fun. Halloween-time opening.
Disrupt IT
I'm in
Already submitted my five faves and have dozens of others to display gallery style. Let's rock!