Introducing the Velomobile
Submitted by johnmcgovern on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 10:56.

The bi/tricycle of the future, an enclosed recumbent known as a velomobile, has arrived in the USA in form of a space-age looking pod with trunk space as well as hybrid-electric technology that provides electric assist for steep hills and charges from your pedaling motion. The velomobile pictured is the GO-One . Velomobiles enables year round cycling, though it would seem smooth surfaces are preferred. While there are certainly advantages to a traditional upright bicycle, there are also numerous disadvantages. However, lets bask in this revolutionary transportation technology and we can discuss the downsides later....
Human Powered Vehicles will drive human powered places
As you and Kevin Cronin have pointed out in past postings, this area is not strong in bike paths - and now is the best time to appreciate the poor condition of all our roads, at their worst after winter weather and plowing. On my bike, I can jump and avoid hazards and feel up high enough to fight traffic and boneheaded drivers... I don't know how I would feel riding a recumbent, even though it makes such good sense.
That said, the arrival of more alternative human powered vehicles raises the importance of discussing improving road conditions for HPVs. What would be a great route? Euclid, from Public Square to University Circle, and all points in between. The plan shows "Areas for bicycles from Cleveland State University to Case Western Reserve University", which are mixed use car/bike lanes. Not what I would call HPV-friendly. We need HPV lanes to become a core planning priority for all new road and development planning projects (e.g. are bike lanes and racks planned for all those public road improvements for the Wolstein development in the Flats)?
I look forward to seeing this issue surface as a top planning priority for this region. Those parts of the region that are human scale should really focus on HPV routes and amentities - that will be a reason people choose to live in Ohio City or Lakewood rather than Strongsville or Pepper Pike in the future... at least for the human-powered-people.
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The GCRA bought the property at 6611 Euclic and chopped off the front of the building .
They paid a million for the building which now sits idle, attracting acute liability. The RTA bought the building ostensibly so they could widen Euclid to dock the new Euclid buses to take on passengers.
How about a HPV lane or a separate bike lane on Euclid? Did the RTA get there? I don't think so. (I really don’t like to criticize the RTA, as I think they run a decent ship and the we-love-automobiles-with-a-fetish american consumer deck is stacked against public transit)
For our atmospheric destroying cars we will salt and plow and patch and pave and widen and traffic control and improve dead man's curve until the gas tax runs out. But install well paved bike and HPV lanes separate from the deadly fuming trucks and cars? Keep them free of snow in the winter so riders can commute 365? I don't think so.
In Germany, and in Holland, and all across Europe, bike lanes are physically separated from the auto traffic. Bike lanes have their own traffic signals. You can be comfortable sending your 10 year old to school on a bike. Here in the good ole usofa your kid would need serious life insurance and the parent would need to see a psychiatrist if they sent their school kids pedaling off to grade school.
Instead of the Disadvantaged Triangle Freeway, ODOT should build a bike trail along the RTA tracks from University Circle to Terminal Tower. That would be money well spent. And every day and all weekend it would be full of whizzing commuters and on the week ends families enjoying themselves.
Making pedestrians and cyclists a priority
I looked at the plans for the Silver Line today and they are just aweful. A ribbon of complex lanes of motor vehicles - one shared lane part of the way for bicycles. As you are in Toronto, the concept is somewhat like Spadina Ave... what is different between here and there is that in Toronto the public matters, whereas here cars and trucks matter. Best example... try out a crosswalk and see if vehicles stop... try that here and I'll visit you at Metrohealth ER.
This point really came home to me this winter when I noticed how the snow plows would clear the streets just enough for cars and trucks, in complete disregard for cyclists and pedestrians. They are clearly considered second-class citizens in NEO. I think it is this top down lack of respect for humans that makes the population at large disrespect humans - I hate riding a bike in NEO....
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snow and respect for humans
My husband and I had a conversation about interconnectedness the other day. He was telling me about the demolition projects going on in the city. You know that the city has allocated millions for demolishing condemned houses and structures in the city in Frank Jackson’s new budget, right? This new plan is visible along Carnegie Avenue where so many buildings that sat boarded up for years have been razed. I suggested that when the city plants grass there, they should really be considering planting natives or sunflowers or mustard to clean the soil. He said they are just grading the lots toward the street and putting up bollards so that cars cannot drive on to the lots. No grass is planted yet. He also added that he thought it would be costly to plant grass, so he doubted it was in the city's budget planning. Well, I said, they need to plant something or the runoff from these sites will be deleterious to the sewer system which will fill with the soil eroding from the lots. He said he doubted a bobcat or other machinery could get onto the lots to prepare for planting. Jesus! We continued the conversation saying that we need an integrated approach. If the city cannot plant, they might contact OSU Extension or the NEORSD or Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation or the local CDCs to address the fact that they are clearing land just as the spring rains approach.
This past winter while walking our dogs I encountered snow covered sidewalks and some with huge piles of snow cleared from driveways and piled high on sidewalks -- blatant disrespect for pedestrians. In other areas near a school and Martha's new place of employment the Height Youth Center, the city plows had piled snow from the street right onto the sidewalks making them impassable so that kids walking to and from the High School or the Youth Center had to walk in Lee Road. When I called the person responsible (at the Cedar Lee SID) she reported that even when their plows cleared the sidewalks there, the city plows put the street snow right back onto the sidewalks. I suggested she contact the city to work out a plan to better integrate the timing of these plowing operations so the sidewalks could be passable.
The thread here? It is about not living in a vacuum and realizing that even though you may not have everything you need to make a better situation, you can reach out to others to get closer to something desirable. It is not enough to raze a house and walk away saying I have done my part. It is not enough to make a pass at a sidewalk with your plow or snow blower and go home when a half hour behind you someone undoes your work. We will need to work together to address the simple things that make life for those who do not go from garage to garage livable. It may require more thought and more working together, but it can be done.
Notes from Lead Advisory Council Meeting on demolitions
$6 million for demolitions. The Infrastructure and Sustainability (I&S) sub-committee, of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) had people from Cleveland Building and Housing and Law Departments talk to us about demolition and lead poisoning. Here are some of the notes, which includes comments on greening the lots:
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HPVs at EarthFest
Hi all,
I just read an email from Jim Sheehan at Ohio City Bike Co-op that this year's Bike for the Earth at Earthfest will be led off by "a streamlined human-powered vehicle called a Go One which will be exhibited at Earthfest, and may be available for test rides later in the day." I like the looks of this, but, I like Norm, don't know how comfortable I feel riding recumbent on certain roads in Cleveland.
Just to set the record straight, though, the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project will have dedicated bike lanes—a striped, five-foot-wide lane at the curb running in both directions the full length from CSU to Case. How 'bout that?! Thanks to the tireless advocacy of Ryan McKenzie at EcoCity Cleveland, Rich Enty at RTA (now, unfortunately, retired), and Chris Ronayne, at the time Cleveland Planning Director, bike lanes were able to overcome numerous back-door attempts to erase them from the planning process. Just goes to show, with enough gumption (or maybe it's connections), our dreams of bike lanes can become reality. If you're interested, I wrote an article about it way back in '04.
Thanks for the update, Marc
I will come check out that HPV and EarthFest, and appreciate the clarification and link on bike lanes on Euclid Corridor. This is an excellent start, and, I recall, in Mayor Jackson's plan for the city he wants to link all neighborhoods together with bike paths/trails, so I see awareness right now as very high. Let's add Kevin Cronin to the list of advocates pushing this cause, along with all at Ohio City Bike Co-Op. What is still needed is a public awareness campaign for motorists to share the road... I've heard so many stories of bike messengers downtown getting nailed by motorists it is sick.
Living in Ohio City there are lots of people on bikes, even on the worst winter snow-storm days - clearly some by choice and some by necessity. So even without bike lanes I consider this a bike friendly part of town. We need more bike lanes, but we also need more bike awareness - and perhaps bike-friendly TOD planning
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congrats on your first comment at realneo
I am so glad that you persevered and finally were able to post about this on realneo. I am encouraged by the linkup between Green City Blue Lake and realneo. Together with other local websites were engaging someone in the sustainability discussion. It is ever interesting to me that people actually read this stuff -- I often wonder about that since apparently many read and don't comment. Come on folks -- have your say. It was encouraging noting that some politicians are reading the blogs and sending emails to get on Meet the Bloggers! Wow, we may actually be driving some dialogue.
If you guys don't know Ryan McKenzie and Miriam Schuman of CityWheels, get acquainted. (They built their energy efficient home in Ohio City right around the corner from you Norm...)
They are great folks and Marc's right, Ryan has worked tirelessly to make bike lanes a reality in our city. Now he turns his attention and his know-how to car sharing -- a first for our region. I look forward to the expansion of CityWheels to my neighborhood. Right now the car parked on "The Beach" at Ford and Euclid is too far from me to be convenient, but when they have one at Cedar and Lee, you can bet I'll be jettisoning my car and driving one of their Toyotas. I sold my car years ago and opted for the bike for all transport. At my age, it is less a probability as a means of transport, but I'm not ruling it out. I did use it regularly for my non-snowy commute to my close by job for years before I retired to working at home.
Congrats to all the cyclists whose efforts are cleaning our air and to their advocates who are making streets ride-safe in Cleveland.
bikes on buses
Great article > See OCBC's regularly scheduled
OCBC's weekly Saturday Safe Social Ride
Every Saturday at 10am, we meet at the co-op for a short (<10 mile) ride. We almost always have a destination, like an art exhibit, street fair, or the beach. It's a casual, easy, friendly ride: no one is dropped, so we go at the pace of the slowest riders — though anyone is welcome to do wind sprints if they're so inspired. It's free, including loaner bikes and helmets, if you need them. Here are a few points to remember:
Our next ride is this Saturday at 10am - meet us at OCBC and let's go for a ride!
(Need directions?)
I had no idea OCBC offered so much support
Thanks for posting this - Evelyn and I wanted to take Claes for a ride but my bike is in storage and we don't have a trailer - it sounds like OCBC covers all the bases (including earmuffs). How cool is that! Can't go this Saturday but will try to plan for the next... hope we go to the beach... Whiskey Island forever!
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