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GlenvilleSELVATIONSubmitted by nsarnelle on Wed, 06/17/2009 - 08:07.
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Sweet Lord look at this! An underground exhibition of new artwork and new artspace!Submitted by nsarnelle on Wed, 06/03/2009 - 14:51.
06/19/2009 - 17:00 06/19/2009 - 22:00 Etc/GMT-4
Salon des Refuses Gallery
1387 East Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44106United States
517 420 6715
See map: Google Maps
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"In gerrymandered election districts, the voters don't choose their politicians - the politicians choose their voters!"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 10:20.
It is obvious, by any definition, the process of redistricting the City Council wards of Cleveland is gerrymandering. The question is what to do about it. As stated in the title of this posting, "In gerrymandered election districts, the voters don't choose their politicians - the politicians choose their voters!" If that doesn't sufficiently define for you what Cleveland City Council President Sweeney has done, then how about the following...
Environmental Campaign TrainingSubmitted by ohio citizen action on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 14:03.
03/28/2009 - 09:30 03/28/2009 - 16:30 Etc/GMT-4 Are you concerned that your children's health is affected by pollution? Location
Cleveland State University
Euclid Ave. and E. 22nd St. MC 438
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Councilman Conwell Speaks Up About Crime To Those Hurt MostSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 03:38.
"78% of the homicides in the City of Cleveland are African American Males murdering each another!" was the small print I first noticed on the flier stuck between the bars on Snag's Glenville door, when I stopped by the other day.
Writers & Readers: Firoozeh DumasSubmitted by Cleveland Publi... on Mon, 03/02/2009 - 10:04.
03/15/2009 - 14:00 03/15/2009 - 15:00 Etc/GMT-5 Firoozeh Dumas was born in Abadan, Iran, and moved to Whittier, California, with her family in the 1970s. She later attended the University of California at Berkeley where she met and married a Frenchman.
Cleveland Public LIbrary - Main Branch
325 Superior Ave Cleveland Public Library
Cleveland, OH 44114United States
See map: Google Maps
"Another step taken toward Breaking the Cycle of Abandonment"... Forward or Backward?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 20:52.
This just in, via Cleveland City Council, via Facebook... "Another step taken toward Breaking the Cycle of Abandonment". This is about how City Council has decided to spend our community's $25 million in Federal taxpayer funds from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) - the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - intended to help our impoverished inner city. You must ask yourself, who decided how your $25,000,000 should be spent here, how did they really decide this, and is this a step forward or backwards?
things Ed was thinking aboutSubmitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 12/19/2008 - 21:44.
Attached are minutes from an October 2007 meeting of City of Cleveland Planning, Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority, URS and US Army Corps of Engineers. Ed had these issues in mind (among numerous others) when he left us. Let's catch up a bit. Can anoyone give an update as to how these questions have been addressed more than a year later? Highlights include:
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CIA Student Holiday SaleSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Sat, 12/06/2008 - 10:16.
12/06/2008 - 10:00 12/06/2008 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-5 Find "one of a kind" gifts for all the "one of a kind" people in your life. In the Ohio Bell Auditorium Located in the Gund Building Location
Cleveland Institute of Art
11141 East Blvd.
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
Eternal Home of Ed Hauser, on REALNEO - a reader pointed out Ed died November 14, 2008 - 11 years agoSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 10:59.
EDWARD J. "CITIZEN" HAUSER, beloved son of Walter and Theresia; dearest brother of Harold, Sylvia, Thomas, and Caroline Widemann (husband Reiner); dear uncle of Nicole and Erik; dear friend of Cathy Stahurski; dear nephew, cousin and friend to many. Ed Hauser died suddenly November 14, 2008. Northeast Ohio has lost its most ardent, studied and tenacious citizen activist.
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As Plain Dealer Editors "make" Sutherland commissioner, without public debate, their newspaper loses last iota of credibilitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/08/2008 - 09:49.
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Halcyon Summer DaysSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 14:22.
Art of the Day: "Electric Chair"; Glenville Shootout Memorial, by Cleveland Public PowerSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/06/2008 - 23:50.
![]() 40 years ago, a great tragedy occurred at Beulah and Lakeview roads - police officers and citizens of Cleveland died here in one of the longest, most deadly urban gunfights and riots in modern American history... the Glenville Shootout. Fallen Soldiers in GlenvilleSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 20:59.
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Government and Social Leadership Stands United as GCLAC Against Lead Poisoning in NEO - Committed to Eradication by 2010Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/21/2008 - 22:09.
The most important message communicated at today's press conference kicking-off Lead Awareness Week was that our government leadership at the state, county and municipal level stand united to eradicate lead poisoning in Northeast Ohio by 2010. Publicly expressing their concern about lead poisoning here, and their commitment to its rapid elimination, East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Cuyahoga County Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones added important voices to the chorus of public health and social service champions of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council... a unique, world-class collaboration of around 85 organizations.
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Press Conference in recognition of Ohio Lead Awareness WeekSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 10:50.
07/21/2008 - 11:00 07/21/2008 - 12:00 Etc/GMT-4 The Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) will be holding a Press Conference in recognition of Ohio Lead Awareness Week, which will take place the week of July 20th – 26th, 2008. Scheduled speakers will address the significant progress made in reducing the number of children affected by lead paint hazards, as well as the importance of continued vigilance and prevention in light of new evidence linking childhood lead exposure to crime, low school-performance, as well as numerous lifelong health problems. Scheduled speakers, representing a City, County, and State unified effort to eliminate the dangers of childhood lead poisoning are:
The Justice Center (North face of building)
1200 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Fighting Dinosaurs? Lead Poisoning and Urban RedevelopmentSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 14:07.
If these are average Clevelanders, living in older urban neighborhoods like around University Circle their entire lives, they have been lead poisoned, perhaps severely. Thursday morning, May 22nd, join 100s of NEOs leaders concerned with our community's health, intelligence, safety and economy meeting at the Cleveland Natural History Museum for a free breakfast, keynote discussion and breakout sessions about lead poisoning and urban redevelopment. I guarantee you will leave this brief event with a completely realigned understanding of the core barriers to the success of our urban neighborhoods, leading to better planning for a healthy, effective region in the future.
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Municipal Geothermal for Independent Green Republic of East ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/01/2007 - 09:45.
While looking on Green City Blue Lake for a posting on the Breuer, I came across an interesting article by Marc Lefkowitz called "Warm up to district geothermal in Cleveland", which writes "Representatives from Case, UCI, Cleveland Clinic, city of Cleveland, Flats East Bank and Neighborhood Progress, Inc.— which is considering geothermal district power at its St. Luke’s development—met yesterday (October 22, 2007) at the Cleveland Foundation" to discuss "The economics of district-wide geothermal". It seems these groups are exploring large scale geothermal projects to help meet large energy needs, like for University Hospitals.
Bill Callahan, a private concerned citizen (where’s the County in this expose?), has taken a keen, focused interest in minding the "sub-prime" statistics.
University Circle Cancer Moving Down East Boulevard... Is there an Urban Planner in the House?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 23:59.
![]() The last two realneo headers are pans of a site I pass often, on my way between the East and West sides, which is bounded by East 105, Wade Park and East Boulevard, in one of the most important historic and cultural neighborhoods in America, where I was shocked to find a group of significant apartment buildings being demolished.
Tax-Junkie Pep-Rally for the Arts... And I guess that I just dont knowSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 09:43.
08/17/2007 - 08:30 08/17/2007 - 10:00 Etc/GMT-4 I just got the email below, from the head of a local arts not-for-profit to remain un-named, to protect the innocent: "Norm -- i just wanted to make sure you knew about the "sales pitch" we are about to get.". I read on to see that tax junkie CPAC - Community Partnership for Arts and Culture - is on the Cuyahoga County junk again, now hustling artists and arts organizations to tax themselves and patrons for the benefit of the dealers. Read on... anyone going to this who can cover for realneo?... Note: " RSVP’s are required!" Now, a little art, in honor of this event and the rush for the MedCon and taxation without sober representation, courtesy of Lou Reed: I dont know just where Im going But Im gonna try for the kingdom, if I can cause it makes me feel like Im a man When I put a spike into my vein And Ill tell ya, things arent quite the same When Im rushing on my run And I feel just like jesus son And I guess that I just dont know Location
Great Lakes Science Center
601 Erieside Ave.
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
Join The Inner Circle to Put It On The BallotSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 13:06.
07/27/2007 - 12:30 07/27/2007 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 It is official - "Cuyahoga County commissioners voted 2-1 today to raise the sales tax a quarter of a penny to help bring a Medical Mart to Cleveland." Perhaps you'd like time to think about this more, and the opportunity to vote with other citizens on how you are taxed. Other citizens feel the same and have formed a committee to "Put It On The Ballot"- a grass-roots campaign to collect enough signatures to force the 1/4% sales tax increase to be placed on a ballot. This Friday, July 27, there will be an Excellence Roundtable at The Inner Circle where some of the people involved with this campaign will join a discussion on this issue, from all directions. To learn more about the campaign, visit - you'll certainly read more about this initiative on this site and on REALNEO throughout the coming months. 7GEN (developer of REALNEO) is providing this Drupal site for this initiative, and I look forward to learning more about the campaign and all related issues. Location
The Inner Circle Restaurant, at Hough Bakeries
1519 Lakeview Road
East Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
Brooking’s Bruce Katz and Lt. Gov. Fisher at The City Club of ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 13:12.
05/29/2007 - 12:00 05/29/2007 - 14:00 Etc/GMT-4 Restoring Prosperity: The State Role in Revitalizing America’s Older Industrial Cities
CLEVELAND, OH—Bruce Katz, vice president and director of Metropolitan Policy at The Brookings Institution, will present Restoring Prosperity: The State Role in Revitalizing America’s Older Industrial Cities, a comprehensive economic study of the 65 U.S. cities lagging behind their peers (scheduled for national release on May 20), at noon on Tuesday, May 29, 2007, at The City Club of Cleveland. He will be joined by Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, who will give a local response to the report. Location
City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Avenue 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps A Rubinesque View of ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 15:56.
Interesting perspectives on economic and community development from Coral's Peter Rubin, from the Villager Newspaper Online. I think Rubin makes some good points, and the reality is that we are overbuilding the Cleveland housing market, and other amenities, and that will make Cleveland a more powerful residential draw. As more of Cleveland becomes more "livable", more people will chose to live here. Add good schools and free city wide wifi and watch out. Clevelaqnd first will draw people from other parts of the region - empty nesters from the xburbs, students and young professionals from the inner heights - it will be cool and good to live in Cleveland again. That will attract people from other regions and parts of the world, and they will grow the economy - you need a critical mass of urban housing and culture to be a player and we aren't even near that yet - time to keep building and innovating in Cleveland housing! Now for the chair half there, with Rubin:
Exploring connections between lead poisoning and Alzheimer's disease and related dementiasSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 00:19.
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