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The Beauty of Damage: A Film on the Art of Christopher Pekoc, by Thomas BallSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 22:31.
09/24/2008 - 18:00 09/24/2008 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4
Cleveland film-maker Thomas Ball created The Beauty of Damage for This Work in Progress event is not only a celebration of Chris Pekoc's work, but an invitation to think more broadly about film as a compelling medium of communication. Film has evolved to become a more versatile and powerful tool of communication than ever before. Whereas, once films could only be screened in a theater or a classroom, now they can be displayed through television, DVD, and websites. Today, one person with a powerful computer can produce effects that a few years ago would have required hundreds of technicians and a large, well-equipped studio. The screening of the 18-minute film is followed by an open discussion with Chris Pekoc; Bernie Sokolowski, who did the animation; and Henry Adams, who worked on the project with Tom Ball as co-producer and co-scriptwriter. They'll discuss the process of creating the film from its first inception through various stages of fundraising, script-writing, research, filming, crafting the sound track, and editing. A reception follows the program.
Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities Work in Progress Event - The Beauty of Damage: A Film on the Art of Christopher Pekoc, by Thomas Ball Admission: Free.
Please RSVP by calling (216)368-8961 or via email to
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Lecture Hall
11150 East Blvd
Cleveland, OH 44106United States
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more on Ball and Pekoc
more about Christopher Pekoc
more about The Beauty of Damage
Tom Ball's Telos website
There's a fascinating blog, too. Diary of a filmmaker
Film in Cleveland
This event should also be of interest to any one who is interested in the broader topic of film as an art media in Cleveland. A media that determines what we see, know, understand and believe.
Do we even know how much talent we have here in Cleveland?
(Hint: we have more than a lot)
all about real damage
In the main branch of the Cleveland Public library is piece that is said to contain symbolism within it. A ring…
I hear the words love and damage used interchangeably, it tears at me. It was offered to me and then ripped from me in an instance, it registered in my mind as life went on, the love and damage.
I stood there and was told; “I want to share something with you”, I was not attentive at first and was quicky reprehended for not being there, and even today wonder if it would have made any difference.
We, that is all of us that cared enough to look closely, pondered the enigma. I was particularly fascinated by the fire, as if almost wanting to know more and then wanting nothing at all, and is what many of us inevitably received.
Listening to the swooning and considering the example of love and damage that touched my life, it makes me feel sick to my stomach. “My father does not trust me and I do not trust him, and that is how it should be.” The ring as an insult and not a tribute at all.
I still think about him, want him to be ok, that’s all, then wonder if I even want to know if he is not. Love and then the damage. Some leave abruptly, it’s happened before, he entered my mind today that make me wonder is he alright or did he burn out and or fade away…we all will eventually.
Left without a trace….Tyler were are you now.