Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 16:21.

A few weeks back Susan Miller on Realneo linked to this story - Remember? Matt Zone didn't know the Coast Guard Station in his ward was being repaired? Well it isn't. The talk of the Cleveland Coast Guard Station having it's failed roof replaced in order that the historic building would be stabilized for later renovation appears to be unrealized.
As of 7.1.09 there is still some delapidated roof remaining, but the entire boat house section of the station has had its roof completely removed - so the building is wide open to the weather.
The site was nicely broom cleaned, and there was no construction activity in sight.
How much was the contract? A half million?
( categories: )
Coast Guard Station #239
Coast Guard Station #239
A strategic plan for the restoration (2006)
The schemas range from $5- $10 Million. The second link has the details for all three alternatives.
"Perhaps the real tragedy is letting the site deteriorate in the first place.
Action should have been taken 30 years ago"
Who abandoned it? They built it and then abandoned it. The federal government did, the city did nothing to maintain it....
Would it be a bloody crime to slip funding a maritime museum in cleveland into a bill…we do not do earmarks and it really shows.