New York Times - secure means of providing a news tip
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 01/28/2017 - 13:35.
The New York Times has suggestions for persons who would like to anonymously forward news tips to the Times - at this link. Of course, the suggested methods - using sites which encrypt and do not store identity back-track information - can be used for communication to other news organizations or persons.
It is significant that the Times is providing the information - what are they aware of which is not public? Just the recommendation to put your tip mail into a post box, and not take it into the post office is significant. Why use a post box? There are video cameras running in all the post offices.
Another suggestion the NYTimes provides is to use a public wi-fi connection: "We strongly recommend that tips be sent using a public Wi-Fi network, and that the computer you use is free of malware. If the computer is compromised,
communications using SecureDrop may be compromised as well. The steps below outline best practices for use of SecureDrop, as well as the steps that we take to protect your privacy."
Civil Rights
I agree that it is wise to be cautious at this time of transition - but to fear that your every spoken word or typed correspondence or Facebook post will lead to some type of governmental retribution, is insane.
I have been subjected to censorship by all media - except REALNEO. Be heard here - and, use an alias, if you are afraid. But, we all need to speak out without anonymity to really make a difference.
Sadly, I believe we can't rely on the mainstream media at all. The New York Times - bellwether for truth to some people - routinely covers up for the investor schemes that have decimated Northeast Ohio (tax lien sales, mortgage industry, Cuyahoga County Land Bank).
Wake up - take care of the folks in your neighborhood - build a church community or neighborhood association. It is the best that we can do for ourselves. Run for political office - demand transparency - change laws so the crooks can't continue to rob us blind.
The New Yorker Magazine suggests Strongbox for anonymity.
Here is a link to the advice on The New Yorker's site.
The New Yorker and the New York Times would not be publishing their advice to be cautious without reason. This is a new era. Or an old era - like Germany in the late 1930's....
Washington Post's advice on communicating news tips or documents
Confidential Tips
The Washington Post offers several ways to securely send information and documents to Post journalists. No system is 100% secure, but these tools attempt to create a more secure environment than that provided by normal communication channels. Please review the fine print before using any of these tools so you can choose the best option for your communication needs.
See more
This is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with The Post. You can send text messages, images and video. It also allows you to talk securely with a reporter by calling them via the Signal app. No metadata is retained by Signal. It can be downloaded from the app store. Signal can be configured to delete messages automatically at a designated time interval.
The Post’s Signal phone number: 202-580-5265
Download Signal from iTunes
Download Signal from Google Play
This is a free, end-to-end encrypted messaging app, which allows you to communicate directly with The Post. Peerio provides fully encrypted cloud storage for files. You can transfer files to The Post as large as 400 megabytes.
Our Peerio user name: wplockbox
Download Peerio
This is a free messaging app with end-to-end encryption that also allows the transfer of documents, photos and videos. WhatsApp can be used to make secure phone calls. It is owned by Facebook. Some data is retained by WhatsApp.
The Post’s WhatsApp phone number: 202-580-5265
Download WhatsApp
This is a secure, desktop messaging app. When used with the OTR (off-the-record) plug-in, it can be used to send encrypted messages. We recommend you also turn off logging for added security. Pidgin also supports encrypted file transfers.
Our Pidgin user name is: wplockbox [at] jabber [dot] de
*also install OTR plugin
Download Pidgin
If you use PGP encryption, here is our fingerprint and link to our public key. If you use our public key with a mail encryption plugin, for example Mailvelope or Enigmail, this encrypts the contents of your message but not the subject line or the name of the sender.
Fingerprint: 88D9 812E D074 7AEA EA1E C219 DC81 6CC4 FE3D 535C
Email: lockbox [at] washpost [dot] com
The Post’s public key
SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. SecureDrop submissions are entirely encrypted and do not include any identifying metadata.
Learn how to use SecureDrop
You can drop a letter or package in the mail to reporters at The Post. To maintain anonymity, it is recommended that you use a mailbox rather than going into a post office.
Please send to:
News Lockbox
The Washington Post
1301 K St. NW
Washington, DC 20071
If you have news you want Realneo to publish anonymously.mail it
If readers of Realneo have information which has civic importance and which the reader does not wish to have connected to them, please mail the information, which can be a document or a thumb drive with digital files, and realneo admin will review the material for anonymous publication. If there are questions about the material, questions which need to be answered before publication, the questions will be posted on realneo and the reader can respond further by mail.
P.O. Box 20046
Cleveland, OH 44120