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property development around treehouseSubmitted by tremontsoul on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 13:21.
the property we own (and had owned for over 40 years) around treehouse (our old southside market) is a great location to help the neighborhood and keep its historic roots. I had proposed underground and above ground parking to alleviate parking issues in the neighborhood as well as residential retail mix above to support funding for parking with a historically correct design based on sustainable and green practices to fit seemlessly within the streetscape. But it seems the Lenahans(owners of treehouse and tremont development group) want a rezoning/variance to expand their bar and kitchen and encroach on our property they do not even own and want the city to allow them to in essence take away a good portion of our property rights and not only create an even more congested parking situation then already exists but inessence make our property useless for any future to benefit the neighborhood or residents. When this rezoning/variance appeal was filed by them I didn't notice any block or residents input. There has never been any written notice from anyone of any interest in wanting to equitably develop our property or asked for any input or even thoughts or opinions. Does the neighborhood support this type of action? For allowing someone to just arbitrarily have the ability to seize/encroach on private property or a portion thereof for their own use? bulldozing over the residents rights in the neighborhood? i still feel very much part of the old tremont as well as the new - I would appreciate any feedback tremont soul
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Are they Giglioing you?
Welcome. Seems your property should be very valuable, even in this down economy (and remember the economy IS RECOVERING).
Sounds like you have an interesting proposal... how far along are you in trying to make it happen? What is the address so we may see the site on Google maps... ?
Are they claiming eminent domain? Or are they Giglioing you?
Definition of being Giglioed...
Analysis of Giglioing in Tremont
Disrupt IT
thank you i read the article
thank you i read the article you refered to and was extremely disheartening and unfortunate.
due to the economy the timing has been extended on the possible venture.
the properties in question surround the treehouse on both profesor and college ave's
Being in central tremont I
Being in central tremont I would believe that any property in that area would be of great value. And no eminent domain is no being claimed.
tremontsoulPrivately owned
Privately owned property in this area is going for top dollar. Many of the developers coming into this area are obtaining much of their land/vacant lots from the City Land Bank - that way they get it for a bargain price. Some "poor" soul living in poverty or down on their luck (falling victim to the foreclosure crisis) that can't keep up with the standards of housing code enforcement or mortgages ends up losing their property and somebody either gets it for a cheap price or the City has it demoed.
Your property is in a prime location - right in the Professor business district where all of the high-end, up-scale galleries, bars/restaurants/nightclubs call home.
Maybe you should check with Tremont West Development Corp. about furnishing some materials to fence off your property. Not too long ago they provided pre-fabed fencing for some residents and vacant lots in Thurman Alley (South of Jefferson).
Perhaps the trespassers should explain to the police
Perhaps the trespassers should explain to the police what the hell they think they are doing trespassing on private property.
Do these people trespass on all public rights? Who are they and what are their day jobs because they obviously don't respect citizens... shouldn't work with citizens... should just get people drunk.
And the TWDC officers who work two blocks from there should explain this to the police as well.
The "Tremont" developers want is only a few blocks in every direction... if TWDC and the police can't keep track of that they should be reorganized completely.
Find out where all their surveillance cameras are - they should have one pointing at the Treehouse to catch all the drunk drivers who leave there each night.
Owned by public servants?
Disrupt IT
Who is responsible for drunk and disorderly in Tremont
With all the bars in Tremont, statistically it should be a hot zone for DUI and drunk and disorderly arrests - just makes sense anywhere lots of people drink in a concentrated area lots of people will then get drunk and do stupid things and get into cars and drive and so should be arrested. What statistics are available for where drunks are arrested in Northeast Ohio for any offenses and where they got drunk... what bar owners are responsible.
Perhaps like with data on racial profiling for arrests in general we will find some profiling around DUI arrests... citizens should know laws are applied fairly and equally for all, in all parts of this community.
Do they ever crack-down on drunks in Tremont...? They sure do in the hood, EC and parts of Cleveland Heights... as they should!
Disrupt IT
comes back to
Most of the time they have to drive away because they're too drunk to walk. You would be suprised to see how many city officials, employees that come staggering out of these places. There are 28 Class D Liquor Licenses in this community.......and if that's not enough, last summer they had an "ale" tasting in the public park where neighborhood children go to swim.
Its Second District...
Its Second District... Norm..
isn't the Mayor related to some big shot in the police
DUI in Cleveland - what are the causes - how are we failing the community in addressing this - what do we do to make the region safer...?
Just like with rape, it is time to hold the police accountable for a lcak of enforcement.
How do we get a Mayor's Task Force on this, and not make it a bunch of insiders.
Oh yeah, isn't the Mayor related to some big shot in the police department?!?!
Disrupt IT
Even if not, the buck should stop here
Even if not, the buck should stop here - mayorsactioncenter [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us
Disrupt IT
oh I am so laughing my ass off -
have you ever called that number??
All that will happen is Action Jackson's gal will feed you a line of bull and if you don't swallow, she'll just get all nasty on you.
They do a lot of talking, but not too much listening.... trust me.
Cleveland is incompetent in serving customers?!?!
That is where the City of Cleveland website says to go if you have trouble.
In the information technology enabled world (the real world) when you have a problem you submit it to customer service, which issues a trouble ticket and tracks problem resolution (time and cost). At any time the customer may check the ticket status, and the customer service department keeps metrics of all levels of performance, and reports those metrics (benchmarks) directly to management.
Anything less is incompetent.
Are you telling me Cleveland is incompetent in serving customers?!?!
Who is the mayor? He is responsible for that?
Is he 23% incompetent... or more like 77%?
Show me the data!
Disrupt IT
I have a better idea -
I have a better idea - call them about this problem - or any other (so many to choose from, my dear!) and post the transcript of the response you get
like - the follow-up and everything.... its could become its own blog site.... ha!
Too many strikes... no more reasons to call.
I've called on Cleveland City Hall a few times... to support Generation X... to bring technology to the people and fix the digital divide... to optimize our virtual community... to fix lead poisoning... to provide economic development leadership... nobody ever home... and nobody ever returned the messages.
Perhaps you need a key to the back door?
The city has proven 100% incompetent by my metrics system, going back to Campbell. I wasn't living here before then.
Too many strikes... no more reasons to call.
Disrupt IT
and then there's tHAt....
but to hear it like the Mayor calls it - anyone who disagrees with him or takes an "attitude" that his hall full of city workers doesn't work -
why we're just all "clinically depressed"....
clinically depressed
I think we need Norm's couch again.
looks to be vacant land
would that be correct?
How do you know that your property is part of the zoning appeal? Were you notified via mail? Your address is on the county auditors website. Can you network with neighbors to write letters to BZA? BZA does want to hear from people impacted by these issues, people that live right around the area.
Have you contacted Joe Cimperman?
yes we were notified only 1
yes we were notified only 1 week prior the hearing taking place. Isn't there a time frame that is set from asking for an appeal to actual hearing? contacted BZA only to find councilman Cimperman had postponed the hearing to June 1. and we were notified by the BZA after the fact. Tried to contact councilman Cimperman to discuss why this is on the agenda to begin with, if there is an expanded agenda and if so why aren't the property owners notified or even included in such discussions as required by due process? as of yet no response
here is the BZA info
are they also or only
are they also or only including the property that is between the patio and treehouse building on the professor side. This was never clear on the appeals notice, since Paul Jones was refering to our property directly. there is no reference to a specific property, number, or lot in the appeal
Who is Paul Jones?
Who is Paul Jones?
Paul Jones was/is the
Paul Jones was/is the manager of treehouse with Amy- Amy since has purchased flying monkey and Paul Jones bought into the treehouse and is a minor shareholder of treehouse
He has always been known as
He has always been known as the Tree House manager. But of late, they have introduced him as a partner.
The appeal is only for the
The appeal is only for the Tree House property at 820 College Avenue and the 2309 Professor property. They want to expand by putting in a kitchen and banquet room up stairs and they're asking that the 4 parking space parking lot be allowed to be a legally permitted patio. They would have to either lease or purchase your property to put anything on it, however, I agree that any expansion could create problematic conditions for you to sell or develope your property.
Read the language and read
Read the language and read the ordinances. Talk to the law department and also your own attorney.
Body of the appeal:
38’ x 70’ lot in a General Retail Business District; subject to Section 349.02, existing off-street parking facilities in all use districts shall not be voluntarily reduced below the requirements in Chapter 349 and elimination of 4 spaces at the existing lot reduces accessory off-street parking for a previously nonconforming operation. Contrary to Section 349.04f), no parking is provided and is required to have 1space for each employee, plus 1 space for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to patron use, or 1 space for each 4 seats based upon the maximum seating capacity, whichever is greater, to accommodate a total requirement of 15 additional off-street parking spaces (8 for the patio and 7 for the second floor banquet room); and contrary to Sections 352.08 through 352.12 of the Cleveland Codified Ordinances. no landscape plan is provided and a landscaping width of 10 feet, designed to provide a 75 percent year round opacity, is required where the proposed patio use abuts a residential district to the east . (Filed 3-11-10)
The number of additional
The number of additional spaces requested (8 for the patio and 7 for the second floor banquet room) is questionable at best. Think 1 space per 4 seats? have you ever heard of anyone opening a banquet room for just 28 people?
Second, 8 for the patio ( 1 space for every 4 seats) Their Certificate of Occupancy states that {first patio} occupancy is 32 Max which would require 8 parking spaces. The second patio is twice the size of the first so I'm sure the seating capacity in that area will be much higher. I don't think 8 will do it.
Welcome Tremontsoul
Seems like the Councilman would also seek input from neighbors whose property is in the way rather than focusing on block clubs and organizations only.
We all know how the "organizations" work around Tremont. And one can not rely on input from block clubs since the "organization" also makes fraudulent letters claiming to be from the block clubs.
Can't win for losing. It sounds like you are being "Giglioed".
Welcome to Realneo and thanks for helping to connect the dots......
** good job with the research, dwebb**
Tremont Soul #1 - The
Tremont Soul
#1 - The Hearing before the Zoning Board with regard to the expansion has been postposed until June 1.
#2. There are more people not happy with this situation than you think.
#3. Our family has also lived on College for 40 years and we've been "SCREAMING" about the parking congestion for years.
Right now, there are many residents who are not in agreement for there to be any type of expansion until the parking situation is dealt with. The problem seems to be getting business owners to comply with the parking requirements they already need before they create any further need for additional parking spaces.
It has been suggested many times that someone purchase your property and pave a parking lot to relieve some of the congestion and your phone number was given to a rep. of the Tree House so that they could contact you about purchasing the property.
While most of the people in this community are not anti-businesses, they are sick and tired of the parking headaches and I don't think they're on board for businesses such as Tree House, Dante's or anybody else expanding unless they can provide proof positive that there is adaquate off-street parking.
The Old South Side Community Coalition will not be providing any type of support until parking is dealt with no matter what business it is.
we had proposed a wonderful
we had proposed a wonderful development for that property to the planning commision which would include multiple levels of parking unfortunately the economy has extended the timeline on that venture.
We have always been open to alternative ways we can help with the community issues but have never had anything equitable presented to us.
I wouldn't agree to anything
I wouldn't agree to anything unless it was something that had some teeth to it. You must insist on some type of enforceability being put in writing otherwise you're SOL. Especially if TWDC is in the mix.
The Old South Side Community Coalition
The real Old South Side Community Coalition will not be providing any type of support......
But you never know if the fraudulent Old South Side Community Coalition will write a letter of support. That could be a problem.
That's true. But i take it
That's true. But i take it you are referring to Tremont West (fraudulent Old South Side Community Coalition). There's a lot of people keeping an out on them as well.
Fraudulent Tremont West
exactly. Count me in as one of the lot of people keeping an eye on them. I have had my eye on them since Frank's demolition and plan on keeping both eyes on them. A lot of work though. I am having a hard time trying to keep up with them. A lot of dot connecting. I see dots in my sleep.
Also, this matter was on the
Also, this matter was on the March Agenda for the Central Tremont Block Club. Problem with that was that Jason Beudert who is the co-chair, pulled a switch and moved the block club meeting (without first asking the membership) to the Tree House. As you can well imagine, we were stuffed into a small space and there were many faces present that had not been seen at the block club meetings before.
There was no vote on the matter (rightly so) because of the confusion and what appears to have been a premeditated maneuver to swing the vote in favor of the expansion.
There are several concerns as far as the expansion goes. They have no place to put proper enclosed dumpsters to support the bar and kitchen's trash. They have an illegally permitted patio sitting in part of their off-street parking spaces (which makes them short of what they already need) there seems to be some questions about exactly how many additional off-street parking spaces that will be required. Also, for the installation and expansion of an up-stairs kitchen and banquet room, there is possibly a sprinkler system that might be required. there is the matter of loud music coming off the patios and live entertainment with a permit.
We also have the same thing happening with Dante. They're planning to open a second place in the basement and yet, no one has seen any site plans, nor have they been scheduled before the Zoning Board for any type of variance. They don't have parking to support an expansion so it's going to be an interesting summer.
Will Councilman Cimperman support granting these variances? That remains to be seen but I do know that if he does, there's surely going to be a lot of pretty angry people. Even the residents on West 10th are beginning to scream. They have renters they don't want to lose because of a three to four hour wait for a place to park.
I did e-mail the Councilman and ask him if he knew how many notices were mailed out because I do know that some people in close proximity of the business did not get one. He has not responded.
I am not aware of a central
I am not aware of a central tremont block club. who are the officers? or at least who manages or runs that block club? or who has been appointed?
tremontsoulThe Central
The Central Tremont Block Club meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. at the Jefferson Branch Library, 850 Jefferson Avenue.
Currently the Chair is Jason Beudert (business partner/representative) of Tom Leneghan). A number of us believe that Jason should recuse himself from any discussions/vote on these matters since he has a conflicting personal and financial business relationship with the Tree house owners. Also, in the past TWDC Staff members have attended this block club and voted on certain issues helping in swinging vote counts favorable to what THEY want. This is a true conflict of interest.
The by-laws governing this group are sketchy and a lot of the old-time residents within the CTBC boundries have just stopped participating due to the fact that often times when a topic such as this comes up, the room fills up and becomes "stacked" with business owners/personal close friends, etc., in favor of the individual asking for support. It is a very un-democratic runned block club.
It was this practice that led to the founding of The Old South Side Community Coalition. Ten of us got together and decided it was time to empower the residents into speaking up and standing up for their rights. Our organization now has more than 100 voting members and we often have standing room only at the meetings. We support and look out for anyone whose rights are being abused. We are not affiliated with TWDC.
We're trying really hard to encourage more and more residents to come back to the block club but so many are either just tired of the on-going battles, the intimidation tactics, the threat of retailiation or just figure that developers, money and politics have completely corrupted our community organization.
For more than ten years TWDC has operated under questionable ethics. Rosemary Vinci went straight from being Board Prersident to the offices of Russo and Demora. Tree House has also hosted campaign fundraisers for TWDC Board Treasurer Judge Candidate Lynn McLaughlin Murray with a special invite list that included Rosemarie Vinci, TWDC Executive Chris Garland, Sammy Catania, Emily Lipovan, Colleen Gilson, Herb Crowther and a few other, The party attendees also included Russo, Dimora and Councilman Cimperman among a few other well known names.
Russo showed up in a pimp ride, there were body guards tagging along and Dimora was walking around like the Godfather. Pictures say a thousand words!!
getting info from BZA
BZA has a list of whom they sent the hearing notification letters to and that is public information.
I am not seeing a property take over in this BZA appeal notice, though. I need tremontsoul to give more information as this situation needs clarity.
it is basically a variance
it is basically a variance which means they will have the right to encrouch on our property and in turn will make any future development or use of our property unuseable or unallowable since the distance requirements will no longer be there and will jeopordize us from doing much of anything with the prpoerty included not being able to put parking or a residence. in essence taking a portion of our property rights away from us for their business profit. So any future venture that would benefit the neighborhood would be lost.
That is why you must write a
That is why you must write a letter stating your objections and appear at the BOZA hearing on June 1.
If you fence off your property, they will be prevented from encroaching.
The councilman did have the hearing postponed but it was after a lot of pressure from a lot of residents who wanted time to research the matter and have time to discuss this quite extensively.
I will be present at the hearing on June 1 as a resident, the President of OSSCC and also I have been gathering material for an article on some of the BOZA hearings that have to do with some of the bars/restaurant/nightclubs and most likely I will wait until this hearing is concluded before I submit to Chuck for publication.
to whom or where do i need
to whom or where do i need to write in the objections?
Carol A. Johnson,
Carol A. Johnson, Chairperson, Board of Zoning Appeals, Room 516, Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44114. Include the Calendar Number and Appellant's name noted on the Notice your received.
good neighbor policy
Jerleen, how is Cimpermans "good neighbor" policy working out for businesses?
Not worth the paper it's
Not worth the paper it's written on. Just a waste of good ink. Dante has never complied with the terms agreed to by all parties and we've pushed and pushed for enforcement but have had no success. It was announced at the last TWDC Economic Development meeting on March 1, 2010, that Tremont West is taking over their contract with St. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Church. I have some big issues and concerns with that. In essence it breaks the conditions of their variance of May 26, 2009. None of these business owners keep their word.
notice of appeal variances
notice of appeal variances to be able to convert a private lot in order to convert sppace to patio/bar/kitchen expansion. this is a residential lot and not a parking lot they do not own
are they renting
or leasing a private lot now for parking? I am just trying to get the lay of the land? Are they currently using a lot, zoned residential, for parking that they do not own?
yes they are actually we
there was never a lease or rent- we tried to negotiate that but they never acknowledged it, actually we have posted wood fencing several years ago after many letters and stating for them not to use our property and the posts were removed which we had a PI film that and had to take them to court which we won. but they still continue to do so
maybe go back to the court
and get a restraining order from the court that heard your case.
Weather is getting nice. Maybe we can picket them.
I understand. I have
I understand. I have reviewed the old Court Case that you won. Perhaps you should have someone put up a new fence and now that peope are aware of the facts, it won't be taken down again.
No, they are not leasing
No, they are not leasing property for parking. The only off-street parking they have is a 10 space lot at 811 College Avenue (which was sold by Tom Leneghan to Bart Leneghan along with the spot on which the 4 space and where the illegally permitted patio is constructed on. Last summer Bart Leneghan (who works for Curruptahoga" County also bought an interest into the Tree House. Paul Jones as far as i knew was just the manager until I read the name on the Appeal to the Zoning Board. To expand, they will need a lot more parking spaces and at the block club meeting on March 30, they were hit kind of hard over taking up some of their parking with the second patio.
Both the 10 and 4 space parking requirements were part of the BOZA Resolution in 2002. Tom Leneghan does own some property in Thurman Alley with several parking spaces on it but it is on a residential street and I don't think it can be used for a business.
I am sure that there will be many letters and opinions sent to BOZA before the hearing takes place. I have made my thoughts known to the Councilman as well as strongly suggested that a "community" meeting be scheduled in a neutral location to openly discuss this matter.
Everybody down this way is aware of the fact that tremont soul's property does extend to the sidewalk on Professor and adjacent to the Tree House on College.
Tremont Soul, you have more allies that you know and we will be in touch. I checked the County Auditor's office and printed out your property information a couple of months ago when we first suggested that someone purchase this property. This appeal to the Zoning board came as a suprise and it wasn't until it showed up on the Calendar that we found out about it.
Tremont Soul you have many friends and acquaintances here on College and throughout the neighborhood.
emphasis on, " they do not own"
put the emphasis on DO NOT OWN
Landstealers. Making plans for something they DO NOT OWN.
I am very involved in these issues and I can assure you they are not going to "take" their property. I happen to know that tremont Soul's property is well maintained and even though I often see trucks and/or equipment on the property there's no way they can possibly hope to take this property. From all I've witnessed, they are expanding the kitchen/banquet room to the up stairs. The two patios are already built - it just that the illegally permitted one is in the "required 4 space off-street parking lot" and the other smaller one they do have a permit for.
wasn't the one patio to be a
wasn't the one patio to be a parking spot which was funded by our tax dollars? the storefront renovation program which specifically was targeted for that use and isn't it a frederal grant program for the moneys?
It was turned in to BOZA
It was turned in to BOZA as a site plan for off street parking. Boza granted the variance based on those 4 spots as well as the 10 they have across the street. it is documented that the space where the patio sits is to be a parking lot. I have a copy of both BOZA Resolution, dated May 20, 2002, that were handed down in 2002 as well as their Certificate of Occupancy. The CO , issued 11/29/02 specifically states that their inside 1st floor load bearance is 66 max, that the small patio has a seating capacity of 32 max, and NO OCCUPANCY on 2nd floor.
The 10 space parking lot is located at 811 College and the patio (4 space lot) noted address is 2309 Professor Avenue.
isn't that using federal
isn't that using federal funds? aren't there strict enforcements on the federal level for that?
the truck's, equipment, and
the truck's, equipment, and vehicles that you see on our property have never been owned by us. As well as the bar trash that always ends up there. Most of them are the property of treehouse using our property when they were told by the courts not to.
so they are already illegal
in their use? BZA needs to know this as this is the kind of information that they take into consideration. If they are already flaunting breaking the zoning regulations now, and are causing a hardship for people who live there, why should they be granted a variance?
I don't see anyone being
I don't see anyone being rewarded for bad behaviour. A lot of this will depend on Councilman Cimperman.
I definetly know how involved you are
and take your word that they will not "take" their property. Damn shame people even have to worry about this.
thank you for your feedback,
thank you for your feedback, it is very heartening to know that there is a good core group of people in tremont that truly want to have the right thing done for the community which I fervently support. It is a very diverse and vibrant community that has had a rocky road but strives for a good balance between personal life and development.
I am glad I have found this forum.
These heroic people of Tremont
These heroic people of Tremont are showing the world how social computing is done right.
They are true revolutionaries - some of the most effective and intelligent in Northeast Ohio I have seen.
And other people around here sell themselves as consultants with this stuff....
Disrupt IT
We are glad that you found realneo
and hope that you keep us updated.
We don't want you to get Giglioed.
Sounds like Jerleen has been keeping her eye out for you, so you are in good hands.
thank you and I do agree
thank you and I do agree with Norm. I will keep you updated on this situation. so sad that precious time and energy needs to be portioned for this type activity that can actually be used to better each others surroundings and lives
loss of your time
tremontsoul - yes the loss of your time is real and damaging.
one of the tactics or strategies per se is to keep one from tending to their own needs. in the end it is a game of divide and conquer, divide one's time, divide residents . . .
there are homeowners who have dealt with 3+ zoning variances moved for over the past 4 years and still, again this year the developer is back and asking again. eventually getting all of the neighbors to take off work and go to the BOZA meeting is too much.
seems abusive to the residents to have to miss work and loss income to defend their right to their property, seemingly annually in some cases. real great advertisement for urban living - eh?
best to you and yours with your current concerns. may you be successful in defending your family home.
also on the BZA agenda
Can someone tell me who are the 11th Street Properties, LLC ?
can the block communities
can the block communities change the time constraints? is that not the reason why they are listened to and given certain precedence? as an effect make it as a 6pm meeting on certain days? consistent to accomodate all?
Block Club meetings usually
Block Club meetings usually start at 6:30PM. If you ever wish to attend the Central Block Club meeting, which I wish you would, it is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Jefferson Branch Library. This will most likely be discussed at the April and May meetings.
Thomas and Bart Leneghan, owners, Tremont Development Group
Isn't Bart an employee of the county auditor, Russo? Is there a line being crossed here?
Well, I have questioned that
Well, I have questioned that but as I was told, there is no rule that says a County employee can't be the owner of a business. I am pretty sure dwebb that this is being closely followed since Bart also owns a seasonal home on the same island as Demora.
FBI probe
You are right. I also missed this PD update on who is who in the county corruption probe from 1/10/10 here.
contact information for BZA
Make sure that you include the calendar number Calendar No. 10-31 on your letter. If you fax it, make sure that you also mail it. Usually staff review letters at their Friday meetings, so make sure that they get it to them before then. Tell them where you live, or where the property that you own is located in proximity to the property under consideration. If it is adjacent, make sure that you tell them that. Keep your letter to the point, and state facts, avoid speculation other than how this impacts you or may impact you.
They will read your letter into the record, but you still need to go, and ask to be heard.
From the BZA website, the contact information:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Board of Zoning Appeals staff.
thank you
thank you
I'll love to knock on some doors here for you
These ladies are the best researchers in town so you have your facts and paperwork covered - if you need someone with real estate experience to expore hold ups with your personal project planning, let me know - I'll love to knock on some doors here for you
norm [at] realneo [dot] us any time
Disrupt IT
thank you, they are on top
thank you, they are on top of their game. I'm sure there is so much more information that they are uncovering on a daily bases. I greatly appreciate the support and will seriously get back with you when things start moving forward once again. I hope the block clubs and residents understand that if a variance is allowed any equitable future development of our property that would be of any benefit to the neighborhood and residents in effect would be negated and not possible. Not only that the noise and congestion would possibly be doubled. not that I am against business since I am a business owner I believe in an equitable balance that is planned to benefit both sides without diminishing each others rights.
tremont soul I don't think
tremont soul
I don't think that anyone is this community is against the businesses thriving. What we are no longer willing to accept is the fact that the only "Good Neighbor" request they want us to adhere to is looking the other way while the quality of life in our neighborhood is rapidly declining.
I drove around the area this morning just taking another long look at the surroundings trying to formulate a suggestive resolution to some of the on-going problems.
As I passed by the Tree House my mind went to the many conversations that have taken place just in the past few months in an attempt to find a workable solution. What I did see sort of brought things into focus.
Sitting backed onto your property is a trailer (used for hauling heavy equipment), a car was parked in the area adjacent to the Tree House and a heap of full garbage bags were piled out in the open against the wall. I spoke to several residents a short time ago still suffering from the lack of by patrons blocking driveways, parking in no parking zones, blocking sidewalks and a lot of disturbances that went on until the early morning hours.
We are continually being told that the "laws" in place were written way back when and should be considered out-dated. Regardless, those "laws" were put in place to protect the residents/citizens and should be enforced.
It's not just the Tree House. My sister came home and told me she was talking to some individuals that stated that Edison's was also expanding into their up-stairs and not obtaining the proper permits. Dante's is expanding into the basement when at the BOZA hearing they specifically staed tthere was no occupancy in the basement. All of these places are blantantly breaking laws and for some reason we have no enforcement.
I will continue to keep you informed as events unfold.
well said tremontsoul
>>not that I am against business since I am a business owner I believe in an equitable balance that is planned to benefit both sides without diminishing each others rights.<<
yes. we need to learn to stand together and mutually respect despite differences. the manner in which you phrase the loss to your property in diminished value/usage seems key to the understanding that newer projects proposed/blind development, is not simply good for all.
other longer term stakeholders may have diminished opportunity due to "new developments" on immediately adjacent properties.
diminished usage to your parcel is not to the larger community's benefit.
seems one of the slippery slopes argued by developers is that they have "no other profitable usage." however most times they are arguing for greatest profit, which makes sense for their bottomline, but maybe not for the community at large.
homeowner occupied is a different type of stakeholder than multi-unit developer or storefront liquor permit holder.
be nice to not have "greater profits for developer/businessman" run over "homeowner occupied family homes." imho
what are the
what are the responsibilities and ethics of an auditor?
block clubs are owned by the residents
Block clubs belong to the residents. The residents make the rules: when and where they will meet, and whom they will invite. Block clubs members set the agendas, and chair the meetings. If block club members want to allow business people who do not reside in the area to be members, that is up to the residents. Since the block clubs belong to the members, the members set the rules.
If the CDC has by-laws that give seats to business people, or others, that do not live in the area, that is within the CDC and can not be transferred to the makeup of block clubs.
Block clubs are never, ever to be owned by a CDC. A CDC may not change the date, time and location of a meeting. They may inquire of the leadership as to a change to accommodate an invitee that the block club had previously invited, it would be common sense to be flexible.
If a CDC and a few invested residents manipulate a block club, the CDC is failing in the democratic process.
If the residents are not running the block club, setting the agenda and chairing the meetings, and if that is being done instead by CDC staff, that CDC has failed the block club.
Residents who allow this to happen are failing themselves.
Tremont West is surely
Tremont West is surely failing in the democratic process.
I have to gather more details but according to Sammy C. they have secured the St. John Cantius parking lot. Sammy did express that this had to be treated as a very sensitive matter. I've spoke to a number of parishoners and nobody seems to know anything about it. I have some inkling that there is some arm twisting going on. Sammy and Councilman Cimperman did meet with the Diocese and Father Lucian was not present.
61 comments later this really means something
Unlike with any other social media in town, 61 comments later this really means something.
I think this post and discussion is one of the finest examples of social media excellence in Northeast Ohio history... but then members make history here daily.
No bullshit - no spam and trolls - real people dealing with real community problems when the community has failed the people.
Read, learn, and stay out of the way if this isn't your business - this discussion is about economic development in Northeast Ohio, among our new leaders.
Disrupt IT
a very lively discussion
and very interesting, too.
Your investigation into lock-outs
Your investigation into lock-outs is certainly as lively and important.... and even more globally significant, as this is a problem across America, while Tremont problems are just problems for Northeast Ohio.
Disrupt IT
Tremont Land Grab
Be assured that the process you are SEEING applied in Tremont has been honed in less socially-networked, digitally segregated neighborhoods, ad nauseum. Our rights have been trampled and destroyed by an oligarchical government--Cimperman is just a lowly cog in the hierarchy carrying out the interests of his corporate handlers.
We abdicated our rights a long time ago, and it takes real diligence to maneuver the plays and double-plays intentionally set up to frustrate and exhaust the average citizen.
Dear Mr. Gernaga--you represent the worst adversary our local government can hope to run across--a member of the professional tier. You have opened Pandora's box. Let's hope that this challenge will expose and finally topple the local oligarchy and their relentless and cruel land grab. It's time for the controlled to take down the controllers...
a member of the professional tier, not trapped in NEO
And an academic, not trapped here...
Chicago, I believe. Thank you for being you.
Disrupt IT
Laura - why I hate those causing the digital divide...
"Be assured that the process you are SEEING applied in Tremont has been honed in less socially-networked, digitally segregated neighborhoods, ad nauseum"...
And you know exectly who is at fault, ad nauseum, and perhaps you now are understanding why they hate me. I made it possible for all people to be optimally socially networked and digitally integrated, for free, to be free.
Laura - why I hate those causing the digital divide... and remain commited to bridging it in NEO for real!
Disrupt IT
exclude=tremont mafia - include=realneo coop
exclude=tremont mafia - include=realneo coop
excude-sive caused by tremont mafia - include-sive caused by realneo coop
jerleen lilly laura evelyn debr debwebb angel so many norm and others so articulates the words that are our prayers that are being answered
from our computors - to goddess
from our lips to goddess
yogi and guy
Looks like they are trying to "Giglio"
the wrong person this time.
No need to hire future Private Investigators
I drove by Tremontsoul's place today on my way to a doctor's appointment.
All of the vehicles have been removed from your property. Someone was also mowing the grass.
I drove around the block a few times to make sure I was checking out the correct property and got a few dirty looks. I think they knew what I was doing. :)
I also drove by tremont
I also drove by tremont soul's property this morning and the vehicles as well as the trash was gone. However, at approx. 7:00pm I drove around again and other vehicles were parked on the property. A black van and a pickup hooked to a trailer hauling some type of construction machinery. I did take pictures this time.
We abdicated our rights a long time ago, and it takes real diligence to maneuver the plays and double-plays intentionally set up to frustrate and exhaust the average citizen.
In my previous post--I meant to link to the article by Michael Ventura of the Austin Chronicle--because the transfer of wealth in America is not just happening in Cleveland and Ohio. It's happening all over the United States.
The political structures of the republic are still operative but increasingly ineffective at stopping Oligarchy from its purpose, which is to suck all resources toward the top....Only action in concert effects structural change and threatens Oligarchy.
The challenge we face as citizens is how to break down the barriers between the tiers of society.
The social distance between tiers is the cement of Oligarchy. Socially separate tiers cannot act in concert. Only action in concert effects structural change and threatens Oligarchy.
I can see why Mr. Ventura says "To Be Continued." But, for now, I am glad to see that along with Lily, Norm and the many contributors to REALNEO--Mr. Ventura is kept awake at night with these thoughts, and pondering just how we can save ourselves.
my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.
Bananas compliments of the GCP - Greater Cleveland Politburo!
I went to the communist USSR and the Communist China in the 1970s... Haiti... Uganda... Northeast Ohio is more like them than any other established form of government I've seen...
Bloated, corrupt business and political leaders raping the citizens for personal gain, and living quite high on those hogs not used to feed the poor...
Northeast Ohio Economic Development is banana republic, in a nutshell... Commie Banana Republic... all we are missing is the plantations of bananas.
But they are coming, along with nice slices of cake, compliments of the GCP - Greater Cleveland Politburo!
Disrupt IT