Ward 14

Submitted by Rebecca Kempton on Wed, 09/11/2013 - 22:48.



Nelson Cintron's response to Jose Feliciano.

Open Letter to the Editor:

Ward 14 is now home to an International Constituency. The New Ward 14 is a diverse, multicultural community comprised of many ethnicities other than just Hispanics. In my opinion, Ward 14 is not solely an “Hispanic Ward” any longer in consideration of the fact that the Cleveland City Council used old data from the 2010 Census to draw the maps without consideration for the true demographic transformation which has occurred over the last few years in Ward 14.

While walking throughout the New Ward 14 boundaries during the campaign; I met a diverse community at large. Neighborhoods that were once highly concentrated Hispanic areas are now occupied by many other ethnic groups; including a growing number of new African American families. The housing stock is now also comprised of enumerable abandoned homes or vacant lots which once were homes to Hispanics. Many of the Hispanic residents have moved out of the City or out of the State. While I am glad to have met so many beautiful new residents in Ward 14; I must be realistic using the “Hispanic Ward” as a guiding post. All residents from all backgrounds deserve equal representation. We must acknowledge this respectfully as we progress forward. Ultimately; I am proud that I have met so many beautiful residents who have supported me from different cultures.

No matter what background our residents come from; they all seek a quality of life to provide for their families. Parents of children want a good school system; safety; and a sense of security. Citizen complaints require responses to all persons. The inflated costs of living in Cleveland including higher property taxes and utilities with less quality infrastructure services continues to be a determining factor in people choosing to leave our area.

If the Hispanic Leadership wants to have an “Hispanic Ward” at large; then perhaps they should sell their homes in the suburbs and return to our community and lead by example to rebuild our city. I challenge the leaders who believe in our Ward 14 residents to commit themselves to improving the lives of all of our residents; not just the select few.

Nelson Cintron, Jr.
Cleveland Resident


( categories: )

Polarizing Politics remain in Ward 14

Perception is reality..............so much fighting over a Hispanic leader.............and who discusses all the other people who live in the ward? 
As I recall.......part of Santiago's favor in being elected had NOTHING to do with him being Hispanic and EVERYTHING to do with being the first openly "Gay" elected council representative. Perhaps that is direct; but it was another divisive issue that went on then which is a huge current issue over by West 93rd and Detroit with that Cocktails bar which received a letter from the City after that guy got beat up which is being alleged as a hate crime. It's all so sad...............Ward 14 has been used; abused; demographically raped by the political regime under whatever quota driven methodology was available to them.............to benefit the CDC's etc for generations............
Why is it one of the "poorest in the city" wards? Because our city planning commission in collusion with our city council designed it that way and then every time a part of our ward became affluent or improved; they cut out that part of our ward to look good in another ward...just look at the WEST SIDE MARKET and all that development there................markedly afforded by our Ward 14 CDBG Funds; but who would give a damn???? 
The good people at all levels are simply tired and disgusted by the gerrymandering, the unethical practices, the political retaliation for speaking up, and the warzone created by such political games upon our lives. Family oriented development is a joke in this community. Business oriented development is another joke. 
I have one big idea............why doesn't the board of elections find a way to filter out the registered voters that don't exist by comparing several things: 1) Death records; 2) Addresses of vacant, abandoned, and demolished properties, and other available resources. ??? Please.................all these numbers are outrageous. 
Who cares anymore? Well; a little over a 1000 engaged citizens voted....that says it right there. You all steer out business investors; families; and anyone who refuses to serve your purpose of being a QUOTA! 
This Ward and many more in Cleveland would be financially bankrupt without all the poor folks who support the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ANNUALLY DRIVEN BY THESE PHILANTHROPIC JERKS/PIGS WHO THRIVE OFF THE BACKS OF THE POOR.....................................................................................The end. 
If ANY OF CLEVELAND'S LEADERSHIP used best practices developed nationally and in countless studies to IMPROVE the quality of lives and such----then countless programs would be defunded and those funds would be redirected into progressive actions to invoke a productive populace instead of perpetuating the "WELFARE STATE OF MIND" which sustains this community far more than anyone in the local government will ever acknowledge. 
BTW: What about the other voting blocks; Seniors, Felons, Addicts, Mentally Ill, Disabled, Veterans, LGBT's, Immigrants, or how about the real minority in this Ward---white people?  Just saying. I mean; we forgot about all those ignorant hillbillies who came up from the mountains of Appalachia to work at all these amazing places like Ford, Chevy, and the industries that have been steered out of Cleveland along with those working class people that came for those jobs. 
This is simply another political nightmare in Cleveland that sweeps the real raw truths of diversity under the rug; but trips over it cyclically or uses it to collect federal tax dollars for non productive, inefficient programs to cycle the quotas again and again and again......sad. Destructive practices..........


Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"

Comments from PD about Ward14...

Interesting to see several comments deleted already...wow. 
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10 hours ago

Is this the same Garcia who was fighting, literally, with Police at Steelyard Commons? Then labeled it a misunderstanding?
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13 hours ago

Considering the mad dash by one of the candidates to register as many people as possible, even offering to take those people to the Board of Elections to vote early and offering to bring them absentee ballots, I'm not surprised that there are so many provisional ballots and allegedly "missing" absentee ballots. If you don't actually live in the ward, you can't vote in the ward, even if you're staying at your cousin's brother's daughter-in-law's house. IF that's not the legal address, you can't vote in that precinct/ward. I saw Garcia signs on W. 117th street, MILES away from Ward 14, so her supporters appear to be unaware of the concept of ward boundaries. And just because someone promises to mail in their absentee ballot doesn't mean they actually do it; they might just want the candidate to get off their front porch and making a few promises is the easiest way to do that. The Board of Elections can't count what it doesn't have.
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12 hours ago

"unaccounted for" is the phrase used by garcia the day after the election. not "missing". the possibility for the mail to yet deliver some valid ballots is real and not unexpected. it only becomes an issue, and we hear of it, in a tight race as this. and 46 "provisional" ballots is not an unusual number for a ward election. 
no one disputes or even brought up your other points. garcia is only looking for legitimate votes not yet counted. just like any politician would.
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14 hours ago

The PD really needs to stop giving Feliciano a platform. Do they realize that there are other Hispanics in the area? Who actually live in Cleveland?
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12 hours ago

what is the problem for a newspaper to speak of a person who leads a major organization of the cleveland area, and who has been involved in the problems of the cleveland ward redistricting? 
they should ignored him? then they would really not be doing their job.
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7 hours ago

moresteps - Please remember Mr. Feliciano is the founder and Chairman of the Hispanic Roundtable. "Major organization" - debatable. If the Hispanic population of Cleveland is that important to him, he needs to live here. Plain and simple. Also, there were no problems with the Cleveland ward redistricting until he interfered. The Stockyards and Clark-Fulton neighborhoods are extremely diverse with all nationalties. To insist on singling out one nationality, try (and failed) to make one nationality more prominant/have more "power", is a slap in the face to the rest of the residents. The ludicrous gerrymandering that resulted from Mr. Feliciano's interference and threats damaged several neighborhoods - streets chopped up, ward lines going down the middle business parking lots, confusion all around on what ward a person lives in when their next door or across the street neighbor lives in another. Again, HE DOES NOT LIVE IN THE CITY! He does not have to live with the damage he caused. 
As Mr. Cintron points out in his letter attached to the article about Mr. Feliciano - old data was used. There are many streets with large Hispanic populations that were cut out of the original map. Mr. Feliciano does NOT represent the Hispanic population or any of the residents of Ward 14. As for Ms. Garcia - any candidate who has felony charges pending now, a drug related criminal background, issues keeping her own business afloat (is being evicted from her business office for not paying her rent) AND lives way too far away from Ward 14 - would have stepped down long ago.
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2 hours ago

thank you for your detailed response, StockyardProud, but i need to disagree on many points.  
1) "ludicrous gerrymandering" is not unique to ward 14. not even as bad as your words suggest. ludicrous is wards 6, 10 and 12. could be done better fits wards 3 and 14. each redistricting brings this complaint. there is no way to redistrict the whole city and to keep all the small neighborhoods whole.http://www.clevelandcitycouncil.org/media/document... 
2) "Hispanic Roundtable. 'Major organization' - debatable." why? the board of the organization does represent many of the prominent hispanics of the town. people i know who are involved and actually work on community issues. if feliciano was the founder of the organization that is a feather in his cap. for a list of the board members see:http://www.convencionhispana.org/#!about/aboutPage 
3) "there was no problems with the Cleveland ward redistricting until he interfered." the lack of attention to problems does not mean that there are no problems. perhaps i should read your sentence as 'i didn't think there were problems, but he did, and i feel i lost out.' 
4) "To insist on singling out one nationality...." after the number of african-americans in cleveland (about 51%), european-americans (about 35% total, including all the english, irish, germans, italians, different eastern europeans), then come the hispanics (about 37,000: 9.6% of cleveland). generally to have that many people in a population and not to have any representation in their government is not good for the whole. everyone else had and is having their chance at power. it is to be expected that those in the hispanic community would want to maximize their opportunity.  
5) he does not live in the community. so? to be an effective voice of a community one does not have to live there. he is not an elective official. yes, you and i will live with the results. again, i doubt that they will be anywhere as awful as you suggest. 
6) as the ward stands the hispanic vote is still a minority, a large minority, but still a minority. if they do not stand together then they have no chance. even if they do get together they still have to get at least 8% of the votes from other groups. that has the making of interesting politics and is not unfair to anyone. 
7) as to ms garcia, her fate is in the hands of the voters and i need express no opinion one way or the other. as to mr cintron, he has been removed from contention as most knew would happen. his supporters have dwindled and now he is but a spoiler to other candidates.
Convención Hispana is a one-day community organizing event, but it is also a three-year process of community empowerment and agenda setting for the city of Cleveland, Ohio

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48 seconds ago

.................." everyone else had and is having their chance at power. it is to be expected that those in the hispanic community would want to maximize their opportunity. "....................... 
Wow..........speechless.....................THESE ARE THE EXACT DIVISIVE PRACTICES KEEP CLEVELAND THRIVING OFF THE QUOTAS OF A DIVIDED POPULACE.................no love, no unification, no equality, no protection under the constitution for all...........just divide and conquer.................completely surreal.  
One thing is for sure................the parents of young Hispanic Children should be taught about their US Constitution, Education, and Political Leadership so that they can aspire to return to this community and truly lead with dignity and respect to honor their culture while representing EVERYONE-not just their heritage and the same should go for all the other citizens of this ward and all wards. But; CLEVELAND LEADERSHIP THRIVES OFF THE IGNORANT DROP OUTS WHO NEED LABOR JOBS, WELFARE, AND SOCIAL SERVICES FOR LONG TERM PERIODS....it's all about their JOB SECURITY..You wouldn't want to actually EDUCATE THESE POPULATIONS THAT THEY HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS; now would you? Then you'd have a real revolt of people uniting to step against the devastating ways the historical leadership has gainfully abused the public at large? ..............and it's not only about the HISPANIC COMMUNITY...........once again..........engage the community at large; not just this voting block/census.  
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15 hours ago

"Maybe the hispanic community was underwhelmed by the choice between an drug felon and a wife beater"  
Given that choice, I would have stayed home too. 
We are already seeing the PD's usual inept attempts to intervene in elections. What about Councilman Cummins, who actually won the election?
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15 hours ago

no one wns the election in the primary unless they get over 50% of the vote. if not, the two highest vote getters go on to the general election.
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12 hours ago

Not the way it works in city of Cleveland elections. The top two vote getters face off in the November, general election, regardless of plurality.
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12 hours ago

thanks, media202. it is the two highest, period. i mistakenly remembered that a majority by one terminated the process in the primary. i see in the city charter that i was wrong.
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16 hours ago

My goodness, It looks like Leila and the PD has picked her favorite in this race. Maybe the PD can just appoint MS Garcia to the council position and just do away with the election altogether. 
Maybe the hispanic community was underwhelmed by the choice between an drug felon and a Little Leila sould ask Jose Feliciano if he voted in this race. I'll bet not! Please also report the percentage of registered hispanic voters who bothered to vote. That would be an interesting part of this non-story.
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13 hours ago

I heard that approximately 3 percent of the total number of registered voters in the ward bothered to vote in this election. The last time I heard statistics, only around 6 percent of the Hispanics in the ward actually vote in elections. I don't understand why the redistricting process was so messed up and gerrymandered to "protect" the "Hispanic" ward - which in reality is much more ethnically diverse than ever - when most of the Hispanic residents choose not to vote.
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16 hours ago

she has to get at least 50% of the provisional votes in her favor. It's not impossible but it is unlikely
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15 hours ago

not just the 46 provisional ballots are noted in the article. there are always late absentee ballots received by the board of elections post marked before the election date. in this case it could make a difference.
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23 hours ago

Feliciano is grasping at straws. I question the legality of forcing a specific ethnic group of people to become ghetto-ized in one part of the City through redistricting. The only thing missing in Ward 14 are the walls around the Ward! Hispanics do not vote every election cycle. I cannot believe that Feliciano doesn't know this. The turnout in Ward 14 has always been low among Hispanics. Nothing new here.
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15 hours ago

i would worry first about the larger issue in the state of gerrymandering. the influence of urban area in the state has been diluted, giving more power in columbus to the lesser populated rural areas. 
thus the constitutional concept of one person, one vote is not recognized in ohio.
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And the funny business begins
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15 hours ago

it is a clear process of counting votes. the process is overseen by equal numbers of democrats and republicans. no funny business involved.
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15 hours ago

I think the funny business in this case is the Democrat party's knowing endorsement of two time drug felon in Ms Garcia, and this reporters (Atassi) cheerleading treatment for Ms Garcia.

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12 hours ago

what, in the process of describing the process that is actually going on, is cheerleading?
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14 hours ago

moresteps, Don't kid yourself if the powers to be want a Hispanic Councilperson it will happen, just watch
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13 hours ago

It won't happen. Ms. Garcia is so universally disliked by most of the voters in Ward 14 that if she is on the ballot, they will vote for ANY other candidate. If she manages to get on the ballot, her opponent will be Brian Cummins. I guarantee that he will be re-elected by a landslide, if that is the case.
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11 hours ago

i have to agree with sotregirl here. i don't know that garcia is particularly liked or disliked. cummins, however, comes out with the suggestion of a good lead regardless of who his opponent is. 
and if his challenger does show signs of overtaking him i am sure that an anonymous letter will be issued by some unknown person to muddy the water and smear that opponent. seems always to happen here.
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2 hours ago

Perception is reality..............so much fighting over a Hispanic leader.............and who discusses all the other people who live in the ward?  
As I recall.......part of Santiago's favor in being elected had NOTHING to do with him being Hispanic and EVERYTHING to do with being the first openly "Gay" elected council representative. Perhaps that is direct; but it was another divisive issue that went on then which is a huge current issue over by West 93rd and Detroit with that Cocktails bar which received a letter from the City after that guy got beat up which is being alleged as a hate crime. It's all so sad...............Ward 14 has been used; abused; demographically raped by the political regime under whatever quota driven methodology was available to them.............to benefit the CDC's etc for generations............ 
Why is it one of the "poorest in the city" wards? Because our city planning commission in collusion with our city council designed it that way and then every time a part of our ward became affluent or improved; they cut out that part of our ward to look good in another ward...just look at the WEST SIDE MARKET and all that development there................markedly afforded by our Ward 14 CDBG Funds; but who would give a damn????  
The good people at all levels are simply tired and disgusted by the gerrymandering, the unethical practices, the political retaliation for speaking up, and the warzone created by such political games upon our lives. Family oriented development is a joke in this community. Business oriented development is another joke.  
I have one big idea............why doesn't the board of elections find a way to filter out the registered voters that don't exist by comparing several things: 1) Death records; 2) Addresses of vacant, abandoned, and demolished properties, and other available resources. ??? Please.................all these numbers are outrageous.  
Who cares anymore? Well; a little over a 1000 engaged citizens voted....that says it right there. You all steer out business investors; families; and anyone who refuses to serve your purpose of being a QUOTA!  
This Ward and many more in Cleveland would be financially bankrupt without all the poor folks who support the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ANNUALLY DRIVEN BY THESE PHILANTHROPIC JERKS/PIGS WHO THRIVE OFF THE BACKS OF THE POOR.....................................................................................The end.  
If ANY OF CLEVELAND'S LEADERSHIP used best practices developed nationally and in countless studies to IMPROVE the quality of lives and such----then countless programs would be defunded and those funds would be redirected into progressive actions to invoke a productive populace instead of perpetuating the "WELFARE STATE OF MIND" which sustains this community far more than anyone in the local government will ever acknowledge.  
BTW: What about the other voting blocks; Seniors, Felons, Addicts, Mentally Ill, Disabled, Veterans, LGBT's, Immigrants, or how about the real minority in this Ward---white people? Just saying. I mean; we forgot about all those ignorant hillbillies who came up from the mountains of Appalachia to work at all these amazing places like Ford, Chevy, and the industries that have been steered out of Cleveland along with those working class people that came for those jobs.  
This is simply another political nightmare in Cleveland that sweeps the real raw truths of diversity under the rug; but trips over it cyclically or uses it to collect federal tax dollars for non productive, inefficient programs to cycle the quotas again and again and again......sad. Destructive practices..........



Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"