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Why do I ride RTA?Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 08:42.
Dear Mr. Calabrese, Really--we can and should do better. Sincerely, --- On Tue, 6/16/09, From: GM Thank you for your comments. However, RTA is not involved in planning major events or controlling traffic in the City of Cleveland. This is the responsibility of the City, and your concerns should be directed to your elected City officials. We appreciate people using our services to attend events and will share your compliments of Operator Horace with his managers. > 06/15/09 6:23 PM >>> Dear Mr. Calabrese,
First let me compliment your drivers, who endured inhumane bus crowding and anger today with grace and dignity. Today was FREE Monday at the Zoo, so your staff was subjected to gridlock that paralyzed the entire Pearl Rd. corridor from Broadview and Memphis north to Clark Ave.
Passengers and RTA drivers were subjected to overcrowded buses, delays, confusion and stress. I had to go downtown today and on the way back, several buses packed to capacity passed me by at Market Square in Ohio City, because they had no room to accommodate additional passengers. I finally caught a ride with a #35 driven by Horace on bus 2224 at 4:16. With the patience of Job, he navigated and negotiated the horrible traffic and unruly passengers, including wheelchair passengers at Metro.
I fault administrators, the City of Cleveland and the Cleveland Metroparks for allowing a public safety and security crisis of this magnitude to occur during Free Mondays at the Zoo. I have cc.d my council reps, because this type of gridlock should not occur, especially around a major hospital such as Metrohealth.
Your agency and the City of Cleveland needs to coordinate better traffic control and contingency plans for major events at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. I would also strongly suggest that the policy of FREE days at the zoo be reconsidered or at the very least moved to Fridays to avoid the complete bedlam witnessed today.
Laura McShane
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St.Patrick's Day
We tried to take the Green Line from Shaker downtown to St. Patrick's Day this year and after watching several full trains go by got in the car and drove... it did not seem like there was any extra service or extra cars operating on that massive transit occasion... I was shocked.
Do they provide any customer satisfaction surveys and data?
Disrupt IT
st pats 08
last year (2008) i thought it would be fun to walk from CSU to tower city on st pats and then take the rapid home to OC.
what a dumb idea.
the walk was fun - lots of funness going on - but the train station in the tower was surreal. they had not scheduled extra trains (in fact, they were running slower than usual) the station was packed with people, many disorderly with RTA cops looking on. the trains would immediately pack to capacity so i kept thinking i'd just wait for the next one, but they were running so slow, it made no difference. after an hour (in the terrible din) and the third train packed and gone, i decided to bite the bullet and wait by the platform edge for the next one.
the next one came and some doofus thought it would be funny if as soon as the doors opened he were to push on people's backs and walk his feet up the nearby pillar - essentially bench pressing the crowd into the train. i was among children and elderly and it was several moments of terrifying panic - as well as physical danger. i could see the two RTA cops standing over to the side with bemused expressions.
of course i wrote to RTA management and received no reply.
apparently they must not have cared this year either...
This was the response to my letter:
Thank you for your comments. However, RTA is not involved in planning major events or controlling traffic in the City of Cleveland. This is the responsibility of the City, and your concerns should be directed to your elected City officials. We appreciate people using our services to attend events and will share your compliments of Operator Horace with his managers.
Great to know that when the going gets tough, RTA administrators pass the buck...and round and round we go, over and over, ad nauseum....
Save our Ride
Folks may have missed this story buried in the Plain Dealer--
Please see above post.
that's ridiculous
why would it be the city's responsibility to increase bus or train coverage for special events?
do they even have the authority to do so?
is RTA saying they can not do it tjemselves - they need someone to tELL them to do it?
Hi all.
I ride RTA on a regular basis and many, MANY of the drivers have let it be known that the reported comments by Mr. Calabrese that he had said that 'any buses or trains that DO NOT have people standing up on them for EVERY trip, are unnecessary and should be subject having their schedules cut' are true. Ask ANY driver and they will let you know that Mr. Calabrese was quite open in stating this and it is his intention to make sure that every trip IS jam-packed.
Before him, if there was an event in Cleveland, additional buses and trains were added.
I personally want to hear him address this. As a disabled individual who needs to be able to sit down FACING THE FRONT, due to a spinal injury, I was irate to both read in the paper what he had said, and then have it acknowledged by driver after driver. I've personally asked around 20 drivers and they all say the same thing.
Ok Mr. Calabrese ..... I think it's time you find another job! After all, WE'RE your customers!!
RTA, special events, cash parking downtown
Every extra few passengers that the RTA takes downtown to a special event is one less cash parking fee for the downtown parking lots.
Who do you think the RTA management answers to, anyway?
You the measly little rider?
Or the cash parking lobby which is one of the only going businesses in Cleveland.
nice take on that, jeff... i'd like to say dont be so cynical, but unfortunately you're probably right!
Question RTA Reality in Cleveland