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EventsTuesday May 6, 2008
Start: 9:00 am
Start: 05/06/2008 - 09:00
End: 05/07/2008 - 20:00
Great Lakes Wind Collaborative 1st Annual Meeting May 6-7, 2008
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 3:30 pm
Passport Project is thrilled to announce that we have been selected to host a group of Women Leaders from Korea on Tuesday, May 6 th from 2:00 - 3:30pm . This project consists of six visitors (accompanied by two State Department Interpreters) who are invited to the U.S. under the auspices of the State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program ( , and will spend three weeks traveling around to different U.S. cities, Cleveland being one of them.
Wednesday May 7, 2008
End: 8:00 pm
Start: 05/06/2008 - 09:00
End: 05/07/2008 - 20:00
Great Lakes Wind Collaborative 1st Annual Meeting May 6-7, 2008
Saturday May 10, 2008
Start: 9:30 am
End: 11:30 am
Brian Redmond, Curator of Archaeology, CMNHFor more information on the Kirtlandia Society, please visit our website
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 7:30 pm
You can visit the Pangea Day website here Or, for details of the May 10 event visit Cat Strat's web site at
Start: 8:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
Dance that will engage the visual arts community and the new music community.
Tuesday May 13, 2008
Start: 11:30 am
End: 1:00 pm
Christopher Leinberger will speak on why downtown Cleveland matters to Northeast Ohio Posted by slitt [at] plaind [dot] com April 24, 2008
Thursday May 15, 2008
Start: 12:00 pm
Start: 05/15/2008 - 12:00
End: 05/18/2008 - 12:00
STUDIO CLOSING SALE!!! Pre-sale for artists, teachers, and hobbyists Thursday, May 15 Noon to 7 p.m. Friday, May 16 Noon to 7 p.m.
Friday May 16, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/15/2008 - 12:00
End: 05/18/2008 - 12:00
STUDIO CLOSING SALE!!! Pre-sale for artists, teachers, and hobbyists Thursday, May 15 Noon to 7 p.m. Friday, May 16 Noon to 7 p.m.
Start: 8:00 am
Start: 05/16/2008 - 08:00
End: 05/17/2008 - 20:00
Get outside during bicycle week to actually see how bikes can fit into your life. Treadway Creek will be officially opened by Mayor Jackson on Friday, morning, May 16th.
Saturday May 17, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/15/2008 - 12:00
End: 05/18/2008 - 12:00
STUDIO CLOSING SALE!!! Pre-sale for artists, teachers, and hobbyists Thursday, May 15 Noon to 7 p.m. Friday, May 16 Noon to 7 p.m.
End: 8:00 pm
Start: 05/16/2008 - 08:00
End: 05/17/2008 - 20:00
Get outside during bicycle week to actually see how bikes can fit into your life. Treadway Creek will be officially opened by Mayor Jackson on Friday, morning, May 16th.
Start: 11:00 am
End: 8:00 pm
Celebrate knowledge with music, poetry and a wealth of reading choices. THIS SATURDAY, May 17th--AFTER SHOPPING FOR BODY FOOD AT THE WEST SIDE MARKET--SHOP FOR MIND FOOD!!!
Sunday May 18, 2008
End: 12:00 pm
Start: 05/15/2008 - 12:00
End: 05/18/2008 - 12:00
STUDIO CLOSING SALE!!! Pre-sale for artists, teachers, and hobbyists Thursday, May 15 Noon to 7 p.m. Friday, May 16 Noon to 7 p.m.
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 2:00 pm
Wednesday May 21, 2008
Start: 10:01 am
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
![]() Winner of the 2006 TED [Technology, Entertainment Design] Prize, the motto of Sinclair’s group, Architecture for Humanity, "design like you give a damn" sums up his design vision. With projects ranging from designing mobile health clinics combating HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa to establishing mine clearance programs and building playgrounds in the Balkans his mission is to create sustainable and innovative living standards for the masses.
Thursday May 22, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Start: 7:30 am
End: 1:00 pm
REALNEO is a founding affiliate of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) - and REALNEO actively promotes "Lead Safe Living" in NEO. For the past several years it has been my honor to work with 100s of amazing people associated with GCLAC, the most innovative and important community redevelopment initiative in Ohio, eradicating lead poisoning and its consequences in this most lead poisoned region in America. We have made great strides and enter a transition stage where we are "institutionalizing" lead poisoning eradication by making it core to public awareness and action for healthy living, centered on healthy homes and environment. So the lead poisoning dialog will no longer be centered only on the plight of poor urban children and toys from China but on lead poisoning's impacts on all of society, and community strategies for mitigation. This year's GCLAC annual meeting, at the Cleveland Natural History Museum, focuses on this turning point in our community approach to lead poisoning, as the topic of the world-class meeting is "Lead Poisoning and Urban Redevelopment". You are invited to attend... see detailed information on the free event and how to register in the message from the event coordinator, Jacqueline Knox Kelly, below.
Friday May 23, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Saturday May 24, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Sunday May 25, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Monday May 26, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Tuesday May 27, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Wednesday May 28, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Thursday May 29, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Friday May 30, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Saturday May 31, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Sunday June 1, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Monday June 2, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Tuesday June 3, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Wednesday June 4, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Thursday June 5, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
Save the date for this week's Midtown Brews with Meet The Bloggers... Essential Footing: Our County-Wide Land Bank Initiative @ Insivia Guest
Friday June 6, 2008
(all day)
Start: 05/21/2008 - 10:01
End: 06/14/2008 - 10:01
Join your neighborhood community ARTS center for costume-making, dance & music that will be presented for thousands at the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Parade the Circle Celebration! Special guest artist, Trinidad Carnaval artist, Michael Guy James, leads the group, and is joined by artists from around the world and around the corner--including the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective.
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Joshua Parker, Jester, 2007, mixed media, 84 x 8 x 16 in. (detail). Image courtesy of the artist. On A Pedestal and Off The Wall, The Fourth Annual Exhibition of Small Sculpture from the Region opens on Friday, June 6 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm with a director’s talk at 6:30 pm. The opening is free and open to the public. This year’s prestigious juror, Gregory Amenoff, Chair of the Visual Arts Division of Columbia University’s School of the Arts, New York, selected 26 works by 20 artists from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Ontario, Canada. Artists include Brandy Agnew, Leticia R. Bajuyo, Matthew Boonstra, Susan Byrnes, Brian Caponi, Stefan Chinov, Jon N. Cotterman, Chad D. Curtis, Walter Early, Ed Hallahan, Delanie Jenkins, Taylor Maida, Eric Mirabito, Anne O’Callaghan, Joshua Parker, Julie Schenkelberg, Matt Steele, Scott Stibich, Nick Vanderpool, and Lauren Yeager. The artists, whose resumes were not consulted by the juror, range in experience from a self-trained electrical engineer to students still in art school to assistant art professors to artists well established in the field. The artwork varies in size from a stripped #2 pencil (Matt Steele, Raw, 2008) to a floor to ceiling installation of orange painted PVC piping that suggests a tornado funnel made solid (Leticia R. Bajuyo, Forces of Nature, 2007). The aesthetics of the juror are manifested in a coherent body of strong works of art that are united by inherent contradictions of ideas and materials, meticulous fabrication or purposefully ephemeral construction, appropriation of commercial products, and a good sense of humor.
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