06 / 12
Start: 7:30 am
End: 12:00 pm

Register today for the 2009 Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council (GCLAC) 4th Annual Symposium, “Countdown to 2010: Revisiting the Past and Planning for the Future”, Friday, June 12, 2009 from 7:30 a.m. - noon at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (1 Wade Oval Drive)
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 11:00 pm
06 / 13
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
The Art of Lakewood Madison Art Walk is coming on June 13th in Lakewood. Below is a list of shops that are involved.
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
This Saturday, June 13, 2009, the members of REALNEO are invited to a community meeting of our cooperative, REAL COOP. The REALNEO social network is owned and operated by all members of REALNEO, through their REAL COOP, an Ohio cooperative, making us entirely unique in the world of social computing. As such, all members are welcome to participate in the network and cooperative planning. This meeting is an important opportunity for REALNEO members to become involved in the operation of REAL COOP and the planning of our virtual network...
06 / 14
06 / 15
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:00 pm
We've just formed a new group the "Old South Side Community Coalition." This organization has no affiliation with TWDC and will be catering to the low income, long time and minority residents and renters in the Tremont area.
Our first official meeting will take place on Monday, June 15, 2009, 6:30pm, at the Jefferson Branch Library, 850 Jefferson Avenue. We are encouraging anyone with complaints, neighborhood issues and/or concerns to attend this meeting. We will be meeting on the 3rd Monday every month thereafter.
06 / 16
Start: 4:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
Come see what's in season at the Tremont Farmers' Market!
06 / 17
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Start: 6:00 pm
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

Start: 7:30 pm
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 18
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 19
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
SELVATION Modest exercises in eternal damnation. A liturgical undressing.
Start: 7:00 pm
Start: 06/19/2009 - 19:00
End: 06/20/2009 - 21:00
The Cleveland Shakespeare Festival is dedicated to bringing plays of professional quality to audiences in the Greater Cleveland area as a way of encouraging community through theater. By performing out of doors in numerous locations, we reach audience members that would be less likely to travel to a down town theater or may be uncomfortable in a more traditional theater setting.
Check out the Cleveland Shakespeare Theater in Lincoln Park this summer!!
06 / 20
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
End: 9:00 pm
Start: 06/19/2009 - 19:00
End: 06/20/2009 - 21:00
The Cleveland Shakespeare Festival is dedicated to bringing plays of professional quality to audiences in the Greater Cleveland area as a way of encouraging community through theater. By performing out of doors in numerous locations, we reach audience members that would be less likely to travel to a down town theater or may be uncomfortable in a more traditional theater setting.
Check out the Cleveland Shakespeare Theater in Lincoln Park this summer!!
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm

On June 20th, 2009 at 2pm the Fine Arts Department of the Cleveland Public Library will present James and Sylvia Kalal performing a program entitled "Mediterranean Ports of Call." This program will feature European Baroque and Renaissance music for guitar and lute. The Kalals will perform works by Vivaldi and Bach along with traditional melodies from various European countries.
The recital will be on the 3rd floor lobby of Main Library (323 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 44114).
Please join us for an afternoon of music in the beautiful Main Library. This recital is free and open to all ages. For more information call 216.623.2848.
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
06 / 21
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 4:00 pm
The movie 'Money As Debt' will be screened at the Beachwood Library. Information on this screening is scarcely available anywhere on the web. Find out more about the movie, here. There will likely be a discussion following the screening of this thought provoking movie.
Excerpts from the review of 'Money As Debt' at Populist America>
06 / 22
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 23
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 24
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 25
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 26
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 27
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
Start: 9:00 am
End: 6:00 pm
WARD 14 Be Ready for a Busy Saturday....
2 Events offered to community...
1) Roberto Clemente Park Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 11:15 am to Noon. Mayor Frank Jackson is expected to be there.
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
For my friend Caroline P. Okay, you need to join REALNEO, already!

06 / 28
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 29
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
06 / 30
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
07 / 1
(all day)
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

End: 7:30 pm
Start: 06/17/2009 - 19:30
End: 07/01/2009 - 19:30
07 / 2
End: 7:30 pm
Start: 06/17/2009 - 18:00
End: 07/02/2009 - 19:30
The following workshops have been scheduled to provide information about the ReImagining Cleveland Grant Program:

Start: 7:00 pm
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
07 / 3
(all day)
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 1:00 pm
Did you know the Cleveland Clinic has a concert band? Why not check them out at 12 noon on Friday July 3rd, 2009 here at the library? The band will give a free concert in the Main Library's Eastman Reading Garden.
07 / 4
(all day)
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
07 / 5
(all day)
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
07 / 6
(all day)
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
07 / 7
End: 7:00 pm
Start: 07/02/2009 - 19:00
End: 07/07/2009 - 19:00
Come to a FREE series of workshops from July 2-8. Join fellow veterans at the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory for papermaking, creative writing and bookbinding workshops.
Schedule of events:
July 2nd--Breaking down uniforms and making pulp July 3rd--More pulpmaking
July 4th--Community Potluck Picnic Gallery opening
July 5th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 6th--Papermaking and Creative Writing July 7th--Papermaking and Bookbinding
07 / 8
Start: 2:00 pm
Start: 07/08/2009 - 14:00
End: 07/10/2009 - 23:00
Hi Lovers of Peace & Justice,
Gold Star Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan is coming to town and we have some fun stuff lined up for her, please feel free to come out and show her your support ,
we will have two community pot lucks and two Cleveland area speaking events.
Cindy will be discussing her new book
"The Ten Great Myths of America , The Robber Class Barons and The Case for Revolution "
pdf. |
07 / 9
(all day)
Start: 07/08/2009 - 14:00
End: 07/10/2009 - 23:00
Hi Lovers of Peace & Justice,
Gold Star Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan is coming to town and we have some fun stuff lined up for her, please feel free to come out and show her your support ,
we will have two community pot lucks and two Cleveland area speaking events.
Cindy will be discussing her new book
"The Ten Great Myths of America , The Robber Class Barons and The Case for Revolution "
pdf. |
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:30 pm
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
07 / 10
End: 11:00 pm
Start: 07/08/2009 - 14:00
End: 07/10/2009 - 23:00
Hi Lovers of Peace & Justice,
Gold Star Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan is coming to town and we have some fun stuff lined up for her, please feel free to come out and show her your support ,
we will have two community pot lucks and two Cleveland area speaking events.
Cindy will be discussing her new book
"The Ten Great Myths of America , The Robber Class Barons and The Case for Revolution "
pdf. |
Start: 9:00 am
Start: 07/10/2009 - 09:00
End: 07/11/2009 - 16:00
Aspire Auctions, Inc. presents property from the estate of Muriel S. Butkin, prominent art collector and philanthropist, to be sold for the benefit of the Cleveland Museum of Art. The first lots will be offered in an estate sale to be held Friday July 10th, 9-4, and Saturday July 11, 9-4, at Aspire Auctions, Inc., 12730 Larchmere Blvd. Cleveland OH 44120.
Start: 4:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 20:00

Having attended and enjoyed the last 3 Ingenuity Fests, I encourage all to buy a full week end ticket and make a career out of the fun. Here's the link to the Ingenuity web site.
Start: 4:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 16:00
Start: 5:30 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 17:30
End: 07/11/2009 - 17:00
Start: 9:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
07 / 11
End: 4:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 09:00
End: 07/11/2009 - 16:00
Aspire Auctions, Inc. presents property from the estate of Muriel S. Butkin, prominent art collector and philanthropist, to be sold for the benefit of the Cleveland Museum of Art. The first lots will be offered in an estate sale to be held Friday July 10th, 9-4, and Saturday July 11, 9-4, at Aspire Auctions, Inc., 12730 Larchmere Blvd. Cleveland OH 44120.
(all day)
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 20:00

Having attended and enjoyed the last 3 Ingenuity Fests, I encourage all to buy a full week end ticket and make a career out of the fun. Here's the link to the Ingenuity web site.
(all day)
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 16:00
End: 5:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 17:30
End: 07/11/2009 - 17:00
Start: 9:01 pm
End: 10:00 pm
07 / 12
End: 8:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 20:00

Having attended and enjoyed the last 3 Ingenuity Fests, I encourage all to buy a full week end ticket and make a career out of the fun. Here's the link to the Ingenuity web site.
End: 4:00 pm
Start: 07/10/2009 - 16:00
End: 07/12/2009 - 16:00
07 / 13
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 8:30 pm
Cuyahoga County Public Library