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04.29.05: CSU Hosts National Science Foundation Regional ConferenceSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 04/18/2005 - 16:58.
04/29/2005 - 07:00 NSF DAY at CSU On April 29, 2005, the National Science Foundation will be at Cleveland Representatives from five of the NSF directorates (Biological Sciences; Date: April 29, 2005 Time: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Place: CSU Convocation Center - Fourth Floor (located Registration Fee $25.00 (paid by check or credit card at the door on the Includes: Continental breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Coffee Please Note: Your registration form must be faxed to The National Science Foundation, as Attached to this message please find two attachments: NSF Day Details If you have questions, please contact: (See attached file: NSF Day AGENDA cms.doc)(See attached file: NSF Day at Christine Sell, Pre-Awards Manager Fax: 216-687-9382 (See attached file: NSF Day AGENDA cms.doc)(See attached file: NSF Day at CSU - Registration Form.pdf) Christine Sell, Pre-Awards Manager Cleveland State University Office of Sponsored Programs and Research 2121 Euclid Avenue # KB 1150 Cleveland, Ohio 44115 216-687-3625 216-687-9382 (Fax) c [dot] sell [at] csuohio [dot] edu\">c [dot] sell [at] csuohio [dot] edu ",0] ); //-->
CSU Convocation Center - Fourth Floor
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