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Blog entryMASSIVE UNDERWATER ENTRANCE DISCOVERED OFF THE CALIFORNIA COAST - Holy Grail of UFO/USO researchers looking for it last 40 years Quest-News-Serv...010 years 9 weeks ago05/23/2014 - 01:03
Blog entryDemolishing Structurally Sound Buildings - Just for the HELL of it - Destroying History for a Library Parking Lot Gone Fishin610 years 10 weeks ago07/04/2013 - 20:40
Blog entryAlien Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains - 90% of the official history of wo-mankind - other species - is false-counterfeit Quest-News-Serv...010 years 10 weeks ago05/19/2014 - 21:47
Blog entryDeadly Toxin Alert 80% of Americans Are Now Infected With A Common Parasite That Causes Death & Are Unaware - video photos Quest-News-Serv...010 years 10 weeks ago05/19/2014 - 20:13
Blog entryHooper's Farm on MLK Day 2010 lmcshane710 years 10 weeks ago01/18/2010 - 15:20
ImageDoNotFeed lmcshane110 years 10 weeks ago05/17/2014 - 17:43
Blog entryPetitions to Remove FCC Chair And Restore Net Neutrality Entered Quest-News-Serv...010 years 10 weeks ago05/17/2014 - 15:15
Blog entryState liquor agents raid Friday artist Loren Naji ohio city gallery confiscate beer & wine heros Henry Senyak & joe threatened Quest-News-Serv...310 years 10 weeks ago05/03/2014 - 16:25
Imagemeteor.jpeg Quest-News-Serv...010 years 10 weeks ago05/17/2014 - 01:58
Blog entryBrilliant Fireball Streaks Over Southeastern US - never before Camelopardalid meteor shower overnight on May 23 & 24 (war worlds Quest-News-Serv...010 years 10 weeks ago05/17/2014 - 01:43
Blog entryEMERGENCY DISASTER CENTERS NETWORK FOR TREMONT ETC. - (tremont west development corp. didn't include in my bio sent to members Quest-News-Serv...110 years 10 weeks ago05/11/2014 - 17:33
Blog entryTREMONT GENTRIFICATION PROTEST TO LATE - BUT NOT FOR DUCK ISLAND GENTRIFICATION - 2 videos - part 1 & 2 (INDIAN GENTRIFICATION Quest-News-Serv...110 years 11 weeks ago05/14/2014 - 01:53
Blog entryWhy women who DON'T sunbathe are TWICE as likely to die early than women who do (men all species also Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/13/2014 - 17:05
Blog entry31 Best Cat Photos of All Time Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/13/2014 - 03:04
Blog entryVenezuela Turning Thousands of Abandoned Cars into Houses (americans living-sleeping in cars because shadow side corrupt system Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/12/2014 - 18:11
Imageslepping_living_in_car.jpg Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/12/2014 - 18:08
Imagemissing_dog_husky_tremont.jpg Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/11/2014 - 16:18
Blog entryAttn Tremont: Do you know this dog? Quest-News-Serv...010 years 11 weeks ago05/11/2014 - 16:12
ImageTulip lmcshane010 years 11 weeks ago05/11/2014 - 09:57
Blog entryThe AMP Contract is The Wrong Deal for Cleveland Kevin Cronin110 years 11 weeks ago02/24/2008 - 20:07
Blog entryVOTE NO ON SIN TAX CAMPAIGN ON ELECTION DAY: MAY 6, 2014! Satinder P S Puri110 years 12 weeks ago05/06/2014 - 22:47
Blog entryTWO YOUTUBE VIDEOS FROM THE VOTE NO ON SIN TAX CAMPAIGN, CLEVELAND, OHIO Satinder P S Puri110 years 12 weeks ago05/06/2014 - 08:46
Imageart_crowd_illegal.jpg Quest-News-Serv...010 years 12 weeks ago05/05/2014 - 16:47
Blog entryCommander Sulzer's emails numerous complaints - Naji permitt in 2013 - fire & safety hazard - cited no permitt for art gallery Quest-News-Serv...010 years 12 weeks ago05/05/2014 - 16:44
Imageart_crowd_illegal.jpg Quest-News-Serv...010 years 12 weeks ago05/05/2014 - 15:58