Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:15.

Riverview Baptist Church from Franklin, Ohio (south of Dayton, Oh.) in cooperation with Fresh Coat Cleveland spent a week providing their earnest and good spirited (the job site near E55th and Superior was a upbeat place to be) volunteer labor in Cleveland painting houses.
Hat’s off to the Baptist Church organizations who make the paint fly!
Thoughts on Fresh Paint Program
Jeff, I've shared many a thought regarding the Fresh Coat program with several East Clevelanders already, and some of us agree wholeheartedly that this program could have potential, helping to enhance the image of so many neighborrhoods and raising property values. One of the challenges several of us who discussed this at Tish's birthday BBQ at the Inner Circle is the established and entrenched sense of hopelessness (learned helplessness and hopelessness) that has dug deep roots in this collaborative community.
I propose a program that marries the beatific base of churches and faith communities comprising this three square mile mecca - and facilitates the simple slogan 'Come to Church, and We'll Paint your House'. The paint, after all, is free through Fresh Coat. What a collaborative way to help the aged and infirm seniors; this program is intended to help get that help more readily. This should also have a trickle down effect and help the community reconnect to the church base to which I alluded already.
What say, eh? Lemaud Williams indicated he'd be happy to help store paint at the Inner Circle, and I'll help acquire it from the civic sources relevant. Who else is in? Maybe we could be the first TRULY sustainable paint producer locally - and employ many in the process toward economic development.
Sherwin Williams eat your heart out
... we could compete from here and put the inadequate lead abatement efforts to date on a new course!