Brooklyn Centre is official
Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 15:49.
We have a web site! Stay tuned.
The beautiful girl below is a talented musical student, athlete, artist and writer in Brooklyn Centre--click on the photo for more information about Joyful Noise.

Summer 2011--

Join us
And not to detract from the Bauhaus discussion at Judson, but if you happen to be nearby, please join us:
Hi everyone:
For anyone who hasn't met me personally, I live in Ward 16 and finally got a chance to organize my first block club meeting! Hurray! Thanks to Mary Ann Janazzo and Darren Hamm for being my mentors from Ward 15 - I am excited to do my part and help bring Old Brooklyn together as one.
If you know anyone who lives in Ward 16, can you pass my info along? My meeting will be held on November 28 at Cafe Miami, a great little restaurant on State Road. Here are the details, plus there is a flier attached:
When: Wed., November 28
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Café Miami, 4517 State Road (near Cypress and Saratoga Avenues)
Feel free to attend and let our group know the wonderful things you're all doing in Ward 15. Any support would be appreciated!
Thank you,
Maria Dimengo
Why don't they Drupal it?
I'd be interested to work with them to Drupal that (newest version, of course). We're doing some other hyper-local sites so this would fit right in. Float the idea and let me know.
Disrupt IT
Ward 14 candidates BCCA meeting
As if your campaign schedule did not have enough events--after the debates at the City Club, consider this meeting for an understanding of the locals--I will be there to learn more about plans for the Wirth House. See the agenda:
Dear BCCA Members:
Please find the agenda below for this month's BCCA meeting. Please note if time allows it would be nice to take advantage of the nice weather and take a short neighborhood walk.
Monthly Meeting Agenda • August 27, 2009 • 6:30 - 8:00pm
Brooklyn Memorial United Methodist Church
2607 Archwood Avenue
I. Welcome
II. Organizational Business
• Brooklyn Centre Beacon - fall/winter issue ideas
• HOPE Housing updates - Deb Zeleny
• Partnership with Guardian Angels
• Proposed Candidates' Night - Thursday, October 22
III. Treasurer’s Report
IV. Project Updates / Announcements
• The Centre at BMUMC
• Gift Boutique - Saturday, December 5, 2009 - Estabrook Rec
• Brooklyn Centre Naturalists
V. Community Updates
• Wirth House updates
• 3323 Denison Avenue
• 4107 Denison Avenue
VI. New Business / Announcements
VII. Neighborhood Walk
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 24, 2009 - 6:30pm
We look forward to seeing you all Thursday!
It's a great start
I can not begin to offer advice, I am just grateful. I can give you the names of the site organizers and, of course, you are always welcome to call Council Representative Brian Cummins. We all know that our HISTORY (or herstory, if you are fanatical) is what makes this community unique. Now, if only a somewhat arrogant arts organization would make the same realization and work with us, instead of against us. Brian, you control the cards.
3,000+ hits and not one bare butt
Hey Laura - I revisited the old arthouse article and saw it has over 3,000 hits - may not be as many as naked backsides but not bad for naked truths. Show that to Brian in explaining why certain technologies are better than others.
Disrupt IT
Thanks Maria!
Thanks Maria for turning me on to the art of Larry's Cafe Miami! Feel the warmth people.

Café Miami
4517 State Road
Ask Larry to show you his artwork!!!!
learn more about Larry on MTB
We did an interview with Larry Fields at The Cafe Miami a while back. Get to know him better at--
Note the Cleveland jazz club linkages Larry has had when you listen. This is an interesting guy.
I am lifting this from Tim
A long time ago we who live in the city came to the realization that the only way people could afford to keep living in far-flung places like Hudson and Avon--places that make little economic sense--was by cannibalizing our urban heritage. We saw it with the shopping centers, and now we see a twisted manifestation of it with the foreclosure feeding frenzy, and the unfairness of the foreclosure process, and the pocket-listing nature of the reselling process, and the churning of serial foreclosures.
Humane cultures practice food laws out of respect for the other species that become our dinner. However, the one unspoken rule for any species is: Don't eat family.
At BrewedFreshDaily, George Nemeth calls it for what it is-- cannibalism.
And Mansfield Frazier calls a payday loan for what it is--racism.
Two articles of note on the growing scale of this cannibalism.
From the New York Times : US Credit Crisis adds gloom to Norway
From the Wall Street Journal : Clinton Urges Freeze on Foreclosures
SOL facelift
Tim Ferris' gave the blog spot a nice green glow for spring. Check it out.
greenglows and virgin mothers
I think I once heard one of Joe Bob Briggs' Meskins refer to me as a greenglow, as in "Hey, Greenglow, you wanna meet my mother? She's a virgin."
This one lapse from good taste aside, thanks for reminding me to pay attention to the BCCA site--I think I need to link it to SOL.
Six Cleveland Projects win Historic Tax Credits
Can an arts organization see how this could benefit Brooklyn Centre and the arts organization?
On the national level, the Community Restoration and Revitalization Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, would piggyback a 20-40% federal subsidy onto the state tax credit. Combined these could be tremendous financial incentives for people to invest in Cleveland's historic neighborhoods. But, the act has been stalled in Congress. After next year, a new administration could lend its support, unlike the current one, and it would then stand a very good chance of being enacted. The people of Cleveland should be aware of the benefits involved for our city if this national program is enacted.
Mamma mia
Gentile's has a website.
And, if you haven't discovered India Cafe, yet (no website)...It's on the border of Parma/Cleveland on Ridge Rd. Just a block south of Pearl Rd., on the left. So non-descript as a place to eat-in. Most nights, it's just the docs from Metro, which is why I have to keep pestering the owner to move to...Brooklyn Centre!
Languages spoken here
To English, Spanish, Arabic, Yoruba, Ibo, French, Cantonese, Ukrainian, Russian, Swahili, Hindi, Serbian, German, I can add Armenian. How many languages spoken in your neighborhood?
Shovel ready?
It could be $30.6 million for railroad grading work in Berea and $9.8 million in Olmsted Township; $11 million for a Cleveland Towpath Trail; road rehabilitation costing $10.3 million for St. Clair Avenue; $6.3 million for Clark Avenue; and $2.9 million for Denison Avenue.
Reported possible uses for economic stimulus in NEO. Emphasis added...Denison...gosh...some people knew about this a long time ago...and now we all know...why it is important to demolish and provide parcels to consolidate for commercial development...a little transparency would be nice to know...
From the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Blog
19 December 2008
Many suggestions for federal infrastructure stimulus dollars
NOACA has drawn up a list of 65 "shovel ready" infrastructure projects that would use $197 million of the anticipated federal economic stimulus package. However, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette pointed out that Cleveland is among the cities that have not submitted a list of projects to the United States Conference of Mayors.* Other area cities, like North Royalton, have participated. The National Parks Conservation Association has also prepared a list of recommended investments, which includes a project in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park
**This must be one of those important steps...and no one told Cleveland?
Brooklyn Centre update
Dear BCCA Members,
The Brooklyn Centre Community Association (BCCA) is proud to announce the hiring of our new Ward 15 Housing Specialist, Debra Zeleny. Ms. Zeleny brings with her over 18 years of professional experience as well extensive knowledge and expertise in code enforcement and field research. Many residents of Old Brooklyn and Brooklyn Centre may be familiar with Debra due to her attendance at community meetings, participation in neighborhood functions, or from her previous work as a housing code enforcer at the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation. She has been publicly recognized by Cleveland City Council and others for community leadership, dedication and outstanding service. Ms. Zeleny was selected out of a pool of 16 candidates whose applications came in from a three-state area. We warmly welcome her to our team and encourage everyone to extend congratulations to Ms. Zeleny when possible.
About Greater Brooklyn H.O.P.E.
Whether our dialogue is around foreclosure prevention or historic preservation, the livelihood of our communities is greatly dependent upon our homes, both inside and out. As part of a means to find community-based solutions to housing-related issues, Councilman Brian Cummins has initiated the Greater Brooklyn Housing Opportunity and Preservation Enterprise (H.O.P..E.). As a joint effort between the BCCA, the Southwest Citizens' Area Council and others, the HOPE project will identify and assist with processes of enforcement of City of Cleveland building and housing codes; home acquisition, rehabilitation and re-use of vacant housing units; and strengthening the awareness and access to programs for historic rehabilitation and preservation of properties.
Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday season!
(Posters comment and note to BCCAand Ward 15 council rep: This information was sent out via email. I highly doubt it will appear in the Old Brooklyn News, so a community newsletter mailed out to each household should be in order--BTW-thanks for the news, which is hopefully, good news).
Art House News
Brooklyn Centre is feeling better these days. Thanks to the new crew at Art House.
Denison School
Here is a picture of the old Denison School, which once stood across the street from Wirth House now Art House in Brooklyn Centre.
Mash up
Cleveland SGS reminesces about Haab Bakery. I wish we could get a bakery/cafe at 3775 Pearl Rd. in the old greenhouse across from ALDI's. Check out the videos at this site and support them by buying a t-shirt. Good work boys (and some girls?).
View Larger Map
Bodega needed here
See photo above...scroll to the top...see young talent in the neighborhood...INVEST here.
Featured link
I went on a little food tour today and realized that this is within cycling distance of my house--Lake Erie Creamery!
Who knew???
Stories from a smaller town
There goes the neighborhood
Oretha and Marcus (see above) are moving to Iowa. Their talents and ingenuity and their beautiful children are leaving Brooklyn Centre. I am very sad.
Love him or hate him, Officer Jim Simone
Gets national recognition for bravery in today's Parade magazine. It can't hurt Cleveland--thank you Officer Simone, who stops by the library and is a visible presence in my Brooklyn Centre neighborhood. I have to him.