dance video of the day - Dear Hip Hop,
Submitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 09:54.

Irven Lewis provides the movement score, performed by the lithe and punchy Natalie James to let us hear the poignant words of Bridget Gray.
This piece kicks ass! Gray speaks her letter of parting beginning "Dear Hip Hop," and delivers the "and here's why" I'm leaving you. Its a powerful "Dear John" performed with a movement canvas that makes us sit up and listen. OOOWWW! She says just what I say when I flip off hip hop and better than I ever could.
See it here at Article 19 and thanks to Neil Nisbet for his considerable talent in capturing it.
Learn more about Irven Lewis here. Let's see this sort of NOW dancing in Cleveland, eh? In the meantime, enjoy Irven Lewis.
Contact: Irven Lewis 13a Elrington Road, London E8 3BJ Tel: 020-7923-0453 repped by Hatstand Circus
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