dance video of the day - blazin' get off your chair dance
Submitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 02/09/2008 - 11:31.
Article 19 just sent me a wallop of good dance video. Thanks Neil!
Let's begin here with Hofesh Schecter

Hofesh Shechter 'Uprising'
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 12:37 PM CST
There is very little in the way of press information for 'Uprising' and after you watch the show you realise there doesn't really need to be any.
Liked that and want to see more of his work?
Here's Cult from 2006. Enjoy!
I loved this. Thank you for sharing. I sent a link to Joan and she said it helped to reverse some recent exposure to bad choreography that she has had . . . :)
You're welcome dance watchers
I need Jeff Schuler to help me organize the dance videos into a book page here so more dance watchers can find them without having to wade through all the other politically charged content here on realneo. Let's face it, it is best to keep your outrageously smart ideas from people who may not "want to become invloved".
I'd also like to see Evelyn get back to "Art of the Day" and have it in book form for our art savvy audience. I loved the posts of public art that asked us to say where the art was and who the artist was.
MillerBuster Report could do a book called "Where in the Watershed" with pictures of the various streams, creeks, brooks and rivers. Oh, the book ideas are endless!
You know, dance or art searchers can watch a dance video or view a great photo of some public art and then (ohmigod!) click on some "recent comment"on the sidebar and get a taste of some outrageously smart comment like this one from ZM, but not if they don't want to...
I hope this display of videos will help to reverse what I would term the long term exposure to bad choreography (and or just some sad excuse for "puttin' on a show) that infects the NEO dance scene. Glad you and Joan liked it. Let's have a review and let's have Joan sign on here and comment on dance in NEO. Maybe the two of you could point out some opportunities for us to go in person to a theater to see dance where we might not walk away feeling irritated and cheated. I can count on one hand the times that has happened for me in the past 8 years.
For those who don't know this, Jenita is not only a bright star of thinking and writing and learning, but she is also a beautiful mover.
Let's have those recommened dance opps, Jenita and some lessons in book organizing, Jeff. Welcome again to the REALNEO and thanks for posting.