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Oldroser's blogJP Morgan Chase credit card mess, people bank owed money to classified as owing,Submitted by Oldroser on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 13:06.
Whistleblower harassed, comments below show one jury found AGAINST bank recently, a class action lawyer gives his address. ( categories: )
Is nothing made in US free from GMO?Submitted by Oldroser on Wed, 02/20/2013 - 00:00.
If this article is to be believed, very little. Unfortunately, it probably is at least mostly correct. Luckily they don't have it here, as far as I can tell, in fact much that isn't listed as organic is still really organic per local articlles, and I cook and bake mostly from scratch. I bake much too large a batch for me and share with my neighbors. A young Texas systems engineer neighbor says he can tell.
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The fantastically beautiful Jacaranda treeSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 15:41.
At the Central Park the other day, I was struck by the beauty of one of the many trees in blow (roses are blooming also.) When I asked, I was told that it was the Jacaranda tree and more will be in bloom Holy Week. Not having had my camera with me, I found this image of it online. Please click on the link to see it. ( categories: )
Flowers everywhereSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 02/11/2013 - 00:13.
I wish I had had my camera the other day. I saw white flowers intermingled with the other colors cascading over a wall when Brody and I walked to the next little town. Almost all the walls are like this. This is on the road to Guatemala City, Typical street, see the cobblestones. ( categories: )
Antigua, Guatemala almost always a blue, blue skySubmitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/10/2013 - 23:55.
No Seasonal Affective Disorder here. I really enjoy seeing the blue, blue sky here.
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Cartoon of my wonderful neighbors and ISubmitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/10/2013 - 23:45.
After helping me translate with the carpenter who built the bench and ordering more, we walked a good ways and encountered a street artist doing cartoons. So I ordered one of the three of us and had it framed. Brenda says she is not that short. It really doesn't show Angel's curls well. But it sure shows I have the Hinkle jowls!
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I've also been shopping for furniture.Submitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/03/2013 - 02:28.
Although my apartment is furnished, I still need some furniture. I can't afford the furniture in many shops, "antiques". But I was walking down the street the other day and saw beautiful furniture inside. ( categories: )
I sort of overdid my shoppingSubmitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/03/2013 - 02:07.
The other day I went to El Carmen, where people go to offer their hand crafted goods for sale, giving more opportunity to spread out than at the main, huge market. It was getting dark and closing time, so the vendors really bargained with me, offering even bigger discounts if I would buy one more piece. ( categories: )
Vet says "Everyone here loves your dog!"Submitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/03/2013 - 01:31.
I arranged for a vet to come to my home, pick up my dog, groom him and bring him back. The cost was the equivalent of about $30. When he return Brody, he told me that everyone there loved my dog. Brody gets walked three times a day and has lost weight and regained his waist. He runs up to everyone, begging for attention and petting. The guards at the entrance of this gated community will call him over and pick him up to pet him.
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Horrific flu map, below article about amantadine helping those with traumatic brain injurySubmitted by Oldroser on Sun, 02/03/2013 - 01:15.
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My rental in Antigua, GuatemalaSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 00:16.
People are very friendly, health care 1/3 the price of here, US trained, speak English. In fact they have "medical tourism." This is my front door.
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Citi refused to accept mortgage payments, scheduled auction BUTSubmitted by Oldroser on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 23:08.
The woman's activist son had been helping others fight to keep their homes, possibly the bank was retaliating, the auction was scheduled even though she'd been told an executive would work with her, but the community rallied behind her; and lo and behold, they changed their mind. Even worked out new payment arrangement so she pays less.
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Would we do this? Greeks face hunger, help prisoners w. no foodSubmitted by Oldroser on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 17:48.
All indications suggest that basic services in Greece have begun to break down, with reports from several Greek prisons and military installations indicating that prisoners are malnourished and starving. Food shortages caused by austerity related spending cuts and truck stoppages are also reportedly reducing daily rations for soldiers stationed in the area of Corinth, Greece. We may very well be seeing the cracks in a society on the verge of complete meltdown. ( categories: )
June 6, 2012 ODOT meetingSubmitted by Oldroser on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:59.
Only 13 people were at the June 6 meeting at Sokolowski's. Georgeanne Franko wasn't there, Councilman Cimperman wasn't there, nor was Craig Hebebrand, Project Director for the first bridge. Jason Wise, Project Director for the second bridge was there. Kristin, Cory, the two P.R. ladies, myself and Jason Wise make six. ( categories: )
Iranian ship saves American lives, their freighter attacked by piratesSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:36.
SF Gate, home of the San Francisco Chronicle, May 23, 2012: The Iranian Navy is said to have rescued the U.S.-flagged US-flagged Maersk Texas, which was beseigned by several pirate ships in the GUlf of Oman, coming to its rescue after hearing its distress signal. The pirates fled as soon as they saw the warship appear. The Maersk's corporate offices, however, denied it, saying the Iranian Navy was the first to respond after sending the distress signal but weren't helped by them, instead Iran's navy provided guidance to the crew of the Maersk Texas by radio. ( categories: )
Important upcoming ODOT meetings! NOT listed in TWDC NewsletterSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 06/05/2012 - 00:31.
I had been told in a email that at the meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, June 6, at Sokolowski’s (no time given, but they have been starting at 5:30 p.m.) ODOT and their design consultant would meet with the local community to discuss streetscape options along 14th Street and Abbey Avenue. One idea under consideration is the use of excess right-of-way (excess???, are they giving up on the parking lot, which shows future parking taking even more space as per last meeting that discussed this) as a community garden or urban orchard.
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The ODOT saga continuesSubmitted by Oldroser on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 19:58.
I haven't been updating this because I was spending a great deal of time researching environmental justice, one of the main goals of transportation. It requires providing timely and meaningful opportunities for participation and comment by representatives of potentially affected low income and minority communities and to address disproportionately high and adverse effects, including mitigation measures and consideration of alternatives that would avoid or reduce the disproportionately high and adverse effects.
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Chrome users can install "shut up" which will disable commentsSubmitted by Oldroser on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 19:32.
Read all about it at:
Seems to be "freeware."
CNET also shows you how to use string and an eyebolt to creat a "stringpod" when you don't have a tripod but need one. See it here
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Impact one person can have to inspire others to resist evilSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 23:57.
Very interesting article on the impact a virtuous person who stands up to evil can have on others.
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Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra Holiday Concert at Zion UCC Sunday 12-11-11Submitted by Oldroser on Tue, 11/29/2011 - 21:30.
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The Energizer Bunny of the rose world--Uncle JoeSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 03:35.
I grow a dark red 1972 hybrid tea rose, bred by the Kern Rose Nursery that was in Mentor. I does not produce a lot of blooms, and those it does produce seldom open fully to show their golden stamens. Of course with 75-80 petals of good substance to open, it is no wonder. This bud I photographed October 1.
And six days later on October 7. And three days later on October 10. ( categories: )
Owner of new Tremont beauty shop gives Oldroser a gorgeous roseSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 02:10.
A new beauty shop has opened in Tremont, at W. 10th & Literary. I was walking my dogs along the Literary side of its building where there is a large yard with three gorgeous red rose bushes bearing buds. I was trying to decide which was the most beautiful when the owner, Kelly, came out and asked if I would like a rose. Well, yes! And so Oldroser, who has given away over forty rose bouquets this year, was herself given a fantastically beautiful rose.
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What is the W. 25th Trailhead? And where?Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 10/07/2011 - 21:27.
Cleveland puts tight seal on West Shoreway bike path deletion. Posted in: Marc Lefkowitz's blog at Green City Blue Lake (
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Only $8, $10 at door for WONDERFULL, ALL you can eat German buffetSubmitted by Oldroser on Fri, 10/07/2011 - 06:58.
I know a gentleman who attends a different church, which features a huge festival with lots of food, and whose wife is an accomplished pastry maker. He has helped at Zion, greatly admires Pastor Joyce and speaking of their food, rolls his eyes, looks heavenward and says, "Elaine is a WONDERFUL cook!" So seize the opportunity to fill up at a fantastically low price. All You Can Eat German Buffet
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Medal of Honor winner Dakota Meyer, from Kentucky,Submitted by Oldroser on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 22:12.
Ambushed in a small village in Afghanistan, Cpl. Meyer watched as members of his unit were pinned down ahead of him. On the radio he heard their repeated pleas for artillery or an air strike that could save them. After about 45 minutes, when neither artillery rounds nor helicopters arrived, Meyer radioed his superiors for permission to try to rescue them in a gun-mounted armored vehicle. The answer was no.
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