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Oldroser's blogSenator Portman appointed to Super Committee, asking for Ohioans' input, let him knowSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 21:53.
At a Social Security forum today, the impact the deficit would have on Social Security and Medicare was discussed. The outlook is not good. They are considering raising the age you qualify, cutting payments by 3% as you get older, just when needs are higher, so that if you live long, you could have a 12% cut. ( categories: )
Guy Templeton Black named "Community Hero 2010", Jerleen Justus complimented by clevelandcitizenechoesonline.comSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 00:09.
I hadn't read about this honor given to one of our own, but ran across it and thought I'd bring it to your attention in case you missed it too. I had never read Unfortunately, he seems to have quit writing, I don't find anything current. In another area he made refernce to another of Jerleen's articles in the Plain Press and praised her writing, saying: ( categories: )
YAKITY YAK I talk backSubmitted by Oldroser on Sun, 08/07/2011 - 11:05.
When I listen to the "oldies but goodies" I often have to make comments.
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Next summer, Abbey will be one lane only, one way only. Here are the directiions .Submitted by Oldroser on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 21:13.
This was discussed at the last O.D.O.T. Q&A meeting. I was a bit late and asked O.D.O.T. for the details in writing and a map. Here they are: ( categories: )
Dates of upcoming O.D.O.T. Question & Answer meetingsSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 01:57.
Since I had only one day notice of the meeting, I complained and found that other people had had earlier notices and Sammy Catania had provided Henry Senyak with a list of dates. I suggested they be put in the newsletter. Well, the date it has to go to the printer doesn't allow for that. Well, print the whole list! Fortunately, the helpful Public Information Officer sent me the list, and here it is! I hope in the future to not be the only one raising questions/from the board.
ANOTHER CHANCE TO ASK O.D.O.T. QUESTIONSSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 20:32.
TWDC sent out another announcement about the ODOT updates, which are to be held monthly. This one gives very little time since the meeting is TOMORROW. Since they are to be held every month, it looks like it will always be on a Wednesday and at Sokolowski's. Tonight is only an hour, not two hours as it was last time. Text of the message follows. ( categories: )
INNERBELT SAGA Post 7Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 07/08/2011 - 22:23.
my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left. My bouquets are legendary…but trumped by Becker’s donutsSubmitted by Oldroser on Wed, 07/06/2011 - 23:43.
I have been busy with my rose gardenSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 07/05/2011 - 02:32.
My mini wire-haired dachshunds and my roses are my great joys. So I can safely work in the garden, there are conduit pipes and fence posts stuck here and there with wire cable connecting them for me to grab onto if I start to fall.
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No need to ask questions about rugosas, I have new informationSubmitted by Oldroser on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 06:16.
I got an email from Jocelynn Clemings, Public Information Officer, about a letter that had been sent out saying that the proposed improvements to the eastbound section of I-90 from I-490 north and eastward to E 14th may necessitate right-of-way from my property and work crews may need to enter my property over the next several weeks to do survey and other work. It mentioned Jason Wise, ODOT's Project Manager, at 216-584-2144. INNERBELT SAGA Post 6Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 04:35.
INNERBELT SAGA W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left. Post 6 of a series. Seen at Scene: Tremont mentioned in Letters to the EditorSubmitted by Oldroser on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 16:47.
This is what the letter said and its heading: "Time Out for Pessimism There is a lot of work being done to update old city laws, which should be commended ["Open Season," May 11, 2011]. But the crux of the situation in Tremont is simply: If the bars and nightclub owners could not or would not obey the old laws, what makes anybody think that they will obey new laws? Tremont Sounder" No comments yet. A very good question, don't you think?
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YOUR CHANCE TO ASK O.D.O.T. QUESTIONS at Open House June 22Submitted by Oldroser on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 14:53.
I got a postcard in the mail and the Tremont West Events and Updates dated June 14 also lists what Project Manager Craig Hebebrand characterized in an email to me as an Open House. INNERBELT SAGA Post 5Submitted by Oldroser on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 03:45.
INNERBELT SAGA W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left. Post 5 of a series. INNERBELT SAGA Post 4Submitted by Oldroser on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 13:16.
W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left. Post 4 of a series. INNERBELT SAGA Post 3Submitted by Oldroser on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 03:09.
INNERBELT SAGA W. 14th going toward Abbey, my rowhouse on other side of fence at right, exit ramp from I-90 West on left.
INNERBELT SAGA Post 2 of a seriesSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 21:41.
![]() ![]() INNERBELT SAGA Post 1 of a seriesSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 07:19.
INNERBELT SAGA Post No. 1 of a series I had a vision for vegetative screening for the short stretch along W. 14th, from Fairfield down to Abbey, Only eight residences are there, and there are none on the other side of the bridge. I wrote the North of Literary block club, which is supposed to represent residents of this area, I thought. No answer. I wrote Chris Garland of the TWDC. Same stoney silence. I then wrote Mr. Mark Carpenter of ODOT and got a reply! June is busting out all over, and it's still May!Submitted by Oldroser on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 00:09.
Historically, my roses have bloomed the first two weeks in June or the last week in May and the first week of June. Last year, however, they were finished with the first flush of bloom on May 31. It looks like this year will be the same. All the roses have big buds, pink is starting to show on one. Global warming?
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I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaplySubmitted by Oldroser on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 01:10.
I MEANT to post a recipe to make your own laundry soap powder very cheaply using a fantastic Mexican laundry soap bar so gentle it can be used on baby clothing and you can use it to bathe with yourself. My sister saw a glowing writeup in the LOUISVILLE COURIER, bought an extra bar for me at Big Lots for all of 88 cents and mailed it to me.
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Do a Good Deed, Get Exercise, Earn Free Rose/cuttings or a Measly $10 HrSubmitted by Oldroser on Tue, 04/19/2011 - 02:57.
My dear RealNEO family, I haven't posted in a long time or even "lurked" due to new health issues as well as my normal fatigue, balance and speech troubles due to my brain lesion, fibromyalgia, frequent migraines and the backlog of things to do that built up as a result. Now I need some help, roses don't wait. If you can help me with anything, send me an email via this site And whether you can help or not, remember, everyone is always invited to come see the roses bloom.
THIS IS HOW YOU START TO FIX CONGRESSSubmitted by Oldroser on Thu, 10/28/2010 - 21:27.
A dear friend just sent this to me and asked me to send it on to 20 people and ask them to send it on to 20 others, etc. I was struck by its common sense and the fact that we agree with each other, not always the case after many years have passed, I am sorry to say. So, if you agree, email this to 20 people; and, if you disagree, forgetaboutit: ( categories: )
Has anyone besides me noticed this about Sammy's meltdown in the YouTube assault videoSubmitted by Oldroser on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 21:45.
When he is dropping the F bombs, he sounds like a zombie or a bad high school actor. The words are monotone, spaced equally apart: You-----F word-----idiot.-----I-----am-----going----- But when he is on the phone to Henry, his voice is quite different: Henry!ItsSamy!!!AndI.
Rose therapy - spot the green, chance no. 2Submitted by Oldroser on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 20:34.
Here's another chance for you to try to spot all the greens!
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Time for a little rose therapy - spot the greenSubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 20:27.
Both of the roses in this bouquet have tinges of green. It is a little hard to see in the larger rose. Look at the bottom of the rose with the side view.
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