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CIADemonstrating leadership of Cleveland Plain Dealer, Clinic and Cleveland are unintelligent, compromised and bad for our healthSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 16:53.
FURTHER demonstrating the leadership of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland Clinic and Cleveland are unintelligent, compromised and bad for people's health... read how they define hazards to public health without addressing air pollution and lead poisoning, still again. The best line in this article is "What Dr. Eric Bieber, chief medical officer at UH, likes about resolution is that it will make it easier for people to do what's right." Yes, that would seem easier to someone who just had his coal power plant shut-the-F-down. That sure as hell wasn't easy on citizens! Why must all the wrong people live long, healthy lives while we poor victims die of the toxins of their rich? I pray for divine intervention in the lives of these evil leaders here... as clearly they drink too much Tea and huff too many lead and coal fumes to think clearly themselves... especially if they put Cimperman in charge of OUR PUBLIC HEALTH! Can you say take me to the Mayo Clinic please! If there are any concilpeople with brains still functioning in Cleveland (Cummins), please bring up the obvious in the Council hearings on our leadership's stupidity - IT'S THE LEAD POISONING AND AIR POLLUTION STUPIDS - or face the consequences!
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Dear Very Reverend Lind and supporters of Trinity Cathedral: Praying for your health, happiness and wisdomSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 15:14.
As I informed the Very Reverend Lind, of Trinity Cathedral, I am posting this outreach for the help of her good people to move Cleveland Thermal and so Cleveland beyond coal. Please reach out to these friends of the community with your words of support for a cleaner, safer, healthier, more prosperous Cleveland and NEO for all, beyond coal.
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Cimperman for Congress 2008 - Top Donors - featuring Charles Evans from Dominion Cleveland Thermal for $2,000Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 13:52.
Cimperman for Congress 2008 - Top Donors - featuring Charles Evans from Dominion Cleveland Thermal for $2,000 - I assume the DiSanto, Frederick D. of Ancora Advisors LLC listed here for $2,300 is the same Ancora of Grenwich, Connecticut that bought Cleveland Thermal from Dominion in 2004:
Look at all the other corrupting industrial and developer scum on Cimpermans buy-list who have been screwing Cleveland... wonder what each one wanted in return for their $1,000s... lucky Cimperman lost by a mile. Time to rid Cleveland of the power of all these self-serving, citizen-killing parasites forever!
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Cleveland Thermal Energy and The Plain Dealer Publishing Company... I know the Pieces Fit!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 12:12.
An ambient film of real NEO people walking, shot from outside the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper headquarters, featuring late afternoon activity in the newsroom as seen from Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, realNEO... "Schism" by TOOL is playing in the background, accompanied by the sounds of realNEO.. I've often wondered why the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been so disrespectful and harmful to me - I believe the following documents will explain - The Cleveland Plain Dealer is a Cleveland Thermal customer and so Cleveland Environmental Justice criminal - I know the Pieces Fit!
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Dear Sierra Club President: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and Begin Organizing!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 10:47.
Dear Sierra Club President and Nachy Kanfer - Campuses Beyond Coal: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and begin organizing against their primary energy provider, the astoundingly deadly, coal-polluting, private-investor-owned Cleveland Thermal coal furnace in the Cleveland Flats! Cleveland State University (CSU) is the largest customer of Cleveland Thermal, and so must take a lead in moving this community beyond coal. I don't imagine President Obama realized this sad situation, prior to his recent visit to Cleveland to meet with small business leaders and government representative at CSU about "jump-starting" our local economy, killed by pollution. I'm sure if he knew he was supporting environmental injustice here, in that way, he would have chosen a more socially-just venue to promote. Cleveland State University is not included in your "Campuses Beyond Coal" campaign, and should be added and activated immediately - Cleveland Thermal is one of the largest polluters in America - we must bring this to light and move them beyond coal to protect Clevelanders. From realNEO:
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EPA Establishes Clean Air Act Standards for Boilers and Incinerators - What is the Impact in Northeast Ohio? Who Knows?!?!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 13:28.
There has been considerable conflict in industry and government - and Federal courts - over the emissions from large boilers and incinerators in America, and so Northeast Ohio, leading to new Clean Air Act standards for boilers and certain incinerators announced by the EPA today. As all America now acts to implement these new standards, it will be interesting to see what branches of government in Northeast Ohio monitor or even are aware of all the boilers and incinerators in this region - their current emissions and control technologies - which are out of compliance with the new standards - what they need to do to comply - what costs are involved to comply with the new act - what reductions in pollution will result, where - who will see reductions in their ambient and point source pollution - what benefits to public health will result - and how that will improve the value of property in this area. The public should be provided with this information immediately so we may make long term plans about where we live and what property we choose to own. Battles over such rules are at the root of all evil in industry and America today - the heart of the tea party efforts to corrupt government by the Koch Brothers and their billionaire murderers and fans and followers in industries like coal and oil - The Fossil Boys - and the harm they have caused activists for clean energy, clean social networks like realNEO, the American people, and global climate. Thank you Federal EPA for your good fight for the health of Americans. And you thought the tea party was actually about ending gays, abortion and unions! It was always all about the right to pollute and kill Americans! Time to end the party and fix America, everyone!
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1,000,000s of lives will be bettered in very few years - and I appreciated your help accomplishing thisSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 22:56.
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2011 realNEO Annual Report - Who really reads it anymore? Update on site statisticsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 04:40.
As I've reported over the past year, while sharing realNEO site statistics with members - most recently, in November, marking our 7th year - realNEO traffic demonstrates very consistent month-to-month and year-to-year growth for visitors, visits and pages viewed. Where there are dips, like each Christmas holiday season, there is year-to-year growth - we've always had strong, consistent, steady performance as illustrated above, since December 2008 (the first month we had reliable Google analytics).
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Can realNEO be improved, or even saved? (you do not have to log in to vote)Submitted by westward on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 14:06.
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Furniture, Paintings & Decorative Arts AuctionSubmitted by sharragin on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 20:31.
01/25/2011 - 13:00 01/25/2011 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-4
CLEVELAND – Gray’s Auctioneers kicks off 2011 with an eclectic Furniture, Paintings and Decorative Arts Auction on Jan. 25. This auction features paintings and drawings from the 17th century to the 20th century, furniture from Charles II to Mid-Century Modern, antique rugs, and many delightful decorative lots including a collection of Chinese and Japanese bronzes and porcelains. Location
Gray's Auctioneers Llc
10717 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102United States
See map: Google Maps Op-Art master Julian Stanczak designed an amazing and dizzying plan for the aesthetic bettering of an ordinary parking garageSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/08/2010 - 04:00.
I never miss a chance to see the work of - and celebrate - Cleveland-based artist Julian Stanczak... a father of Op Art and one of the great artists of all time. So, during a tour of downtown Cincinnati (VERY NICE) last week, I was thrilled to unexpectedly be walked right past Stanczak's landmark 2008 work "Additional", on the Fifth Third bank and parking complex at Fountain Square. My host in Cincinnati seemed pleasantly surprised I was familiar with a work of public art in his Queen City, as I proudly exclaimed "Wow, there's the Stanczak mural... he's from Cleveland" and ran off to take pictures to share with realNEO. If the art-superstar status of Julian Stanczak was ever to be challenged - for his life-work or his late-career accomplishments, as he remains productive in his 80s - Julian's most recent and important mural-scale public art masterpiece enforces his position at the top of the "art world" forever.
Oriental Rugs, Runners & Carpets AuctionSubmitted by grays on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 13:26.
12/02/2010 - 13:00 12/02/2010 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 The Oriental Rugs, Runners & Carpets Auction will take place here at Gray's Auctioneers on December 2nd, at 1pm. You may view the items up for auction at or you may come to Gray's on Detroit Ave. from 10-5 pm, starting Monday November 29th. ( categories: )
In 7th Year, REALNEO.US Surpasses 500K Annual Unique Visitor and 1 Million Annual Page Visit LevelsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 03:15.
Based on Google Analytics of traffic, we are now at a level that exceeds 500,000 unique visitors and 1,000,000 page visits per year, and both metrics have been growing steadily for as long as we have tracked our web traffic metrics... so expect to exceed 1 million hits per year forever hereafter. By how much we exceed these metrics, with what growth rate for the future, is up to our members and community who create the content here that now attracts over 1,000,000 reads a year.
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Sandusky Cultural Cultural Center OpeningSubmitted by Michael Pillar on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 11:12.
10/24/2010 - 13:00 10/24/2010 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-4 1-4 PM Sunday, October 24, 2010 Spinosa returns to NEO
The Senate scrapped the leading bill to curb carbon emissions following opposition from Republicans and coal-state DemocratsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 08:11.
I've learned first-hand how people become environmentalists. They realize they are being polluted, get mad as hell, and do something about it... NIMBY... Not In My Back Yard! Learning the harm of lead poisoning in my back yard made me an environmentalist against lead poisoning in my community and worldwide. Learning the harm of pollution from the Arcelor/Mittal Cleveland Works steel mills in my back yard made me an environmentalist against steel production pollution in my community and worldwide. Learning the harm of pollution from Medical Center Company coal burning in my back yard made me an environmentalist against coal burning in my community and worldwide. Which has me exploring how big is my back yard... how big is my community?
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Reason why Case Western Reserve University would not pay its property taxes for this parcel, going back to 2007?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 21:52.
Can anyone think of a reason why Case Western Reserve University would not pay its property taxes for this parcel, going back to 2007 - I believe it is the Triangle property, at the corner of Mayfield and Euclid, which is considered one of the most important development locations in the Midwest, which has received lots of charitable and community support for redevelopment as MOCA, the CIA expansion site and some other plans by Ari Maron. For the time being, there is nearly $300,000 owed the citizens in taxes, interest and penalties going back to 2007. Why do I have a feeling this is a case of government-enabled intentional tax-evasion in process. Sort of like writing off power plants and parking lots as charitable endeavors.
"whether it's caused by future carbon legislation or action by the EPA, the migration away from coal has begun"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 01:08.
There is an insightful article in the September 13, 2010, Wall Street Journal - Turning Away From Coal - which points out "Power companies are increasingly switching to natural gas to fuel their electricity plants, driven by low prices and forecasts of vast supplies for years to come. While the trend started in the late 1990s, the momentum is accelerating and comes at the expense of coal. Some utilities are closing coal-fired plants; others are converting them to run on gas." Futher, "The switch is occurring globally and is getting a push from regulators who want to limit emissions that contribute to climate change, haze and health problems such as respiratory illness." This is excellent news for citizens of Northeast Ohio, who are victims of pollution from burning coal in many local and upwind coal powerplants that cause serious health consequences here - one in particular that citizens are fighting now is operated by the Medical Center Company, in the heart of University Circle, Cleveland, Ohio. Regarding such small coal-fired powerplants, The Journal reports: "Most big coal-burning utilities have invested billions of dollars to install pollution-control equipment on their largest coal-fired plants. But they are replacing or idling smaller coal plants for which such expenditures can't be justified."
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realNEO Word of the Day: Scheme - [skeem] - Unfavorable overtones (selfish, devious) began to creep in early 18c.Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/21/2010 - 10:28.
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How real are the FBI and leaders of NEO about dismantling the Pyramid schemes that make this the most corrupt place in America?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 23:41.
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We need NEW LEADERS committed to a 0-waste 0-harm P2 2020 vision - willing to stand up to the big polluters and SHUT THEM DOWN!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 11:04.
Greenversations, the official blog of the EPA, has some excellent postings and is worth following - I subscribe to that and all the EPA email updates as they are excellent - dozens a week. Today, Greenversations highlights The Pollution Prevention Act Turns 20, suggesting "If companies, communities and consumers make a concerted effort at eliminating wastes at the source, then perhaps the theme of P2 Week in 2020 can be the arrival of the zero-waste society, one where greenhouse gas emissions, toxic exposures in the home and workplace, waste disposal in landfills and underground wells, and nutrient dumping in our nation’s waters are all a rapidly fading memory." It is the responsibility of the citizens to make that happen through our actions, VOTING and choices today. In Northeast Ohio, with an EXCESSIVE SHARE of toxic release point sources, and pathetic EPA performance, we need NEW elected officials committed to a 0-waste 0-harm P2 2020 vision - willing to stand up to the big polluters and shut them down - shut down Mittal for real.
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A detailed look at climate sensitivity - Debunking the dangerous anti-science fantasy of the 'lukewarmers'Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 20:44.
From Climate Progress - A detailed look at climate sensitivity - Debunking the dangerous anti-science fantasy of the 'lukewarmers' The amount of warming we are going to subject our children and countless future generations to depends primarily on three factors:
Given that the anti-science, pro-pollution forces seem to be succeeding in their fight to keep us on our current emissions path, it’s no surprise that multiple recent analyses conclude that we face a temperature rise that is far, far beyond dangerous:
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The fall of a few mafioso politicos is far from the end of the house-cleaning needed in Northeast Ohio and OhioSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 07:00.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer pimped the Opportunity Corridor into existence and has greatly disrupted our economy over that - the St. Louis-sourced publisher Terry Egger is the leader of the Opportunity Corridor whorehouse and bulldozing committee - flightless queen-bee-designee Terri Hamilton Brown exists for the Opportunity Corridor - ex-Con made Concilman Jeff Johnson pimps for it - RPM Prince Randell McShepard and Most-Made-Handmaid-to-the-Rich Ronayne Pimp for it - Gund top-gun Abbott Pimps for it - flabbergasting Cleveland Foundation flops Richards and Kuri pimp for it - and the usual suspects that profit from it pimp for it... Cleveland Clinic, all organizations UCI and all local universities, some churches and non-profits, the CDCs and their sponsors, the architects and contractors and their trolls, the unions... the web of crooks who have fucked up everything in this region for decades, and are the enablers of all the corruption now being dismantled with County and city government here, by the FBI. The state, county and city levels of government have failed and are being dismantled here, along with the entire statewide mafioso Democratic party regime and their networks of funders, contractors and colluders. So when the incompetent, sell-out, paid-to-pimp Cleveland Plain Dealer proclaims in their latest pimping for the Opportunity Corridor that "The project is a top priority of elected, business and neighborhood leaders", I'd like to know EXACTLY who are the elected, business and neighborhood leaders that are not corrupt and benefiting financially from the Opportunity Corridor and are willing to step forward today, with the degree of corruption at all levels of leadership here, and say the Opportunity Corridor is the top priority for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio today. I want to know, before the next election, which candidates for any offices are pimping that the Opportunity Corridor is the Top Priority of the region.
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Air pollution may shorten lives in real NEO by 14+ years - reducing power plant pollution will have almost immediate benefitsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 03:32.
The chart above shows citizens of Northeast Ohio have the worst level of mortality from coal fired power plants in America - based on an online risk assessment tool accompanying the September 2010 Clean Air Taskforce study The Toll From Coal - An Updated Assessment of Death and Disease from America’s Dirtiest Energy Source. As the introduction states: "Among all industrial sources of air pollution, none poses greater risks to human health and the environment than coal-fired power plants – perhaps most consequential of all from a public health standpoint – fine particle pollution."
The hopeful news for Northeast Ohio in this science is:
The worst news is, considering the greatest harm to human health comes from fine particle pollution, and Northeast Ohio has many more sources of fine particle pollution than just the 500 major coal power plants considered in the data of this study (think Mittal), it is an understatement to say the air pollution situation in Northeast Ohio is far worse than it appears in this Clean Air Taskforce report, and there Ohio is ranked the second-worst America gets... and the Cleveland-area is the 8th most toxic metropolitan area in the county...
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Word of the Day: Mortality - [mawr-tal-i-tee]Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 03:15.
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Aspire Auctions September Art & Antique AuctionSubmitted by Aspire on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 14:57.
09/17/2010 - 10:00 09/25/2010 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 Cleveland-based Aspire Auctions, based in Cleveland, Ohio, ushers in the fall with a September 2010 auction. Opening for online bidding on Friday the 17th at 10 am, this dazzling array of nearly 1700 lots includes paintings, furniture, jewelry, antiquities, decorative arts and much more. Location
The Bloch Building/Aspire Auctions
2310 Superior Ave. East entrance and parking on 23rd street
Cleveland, OH 44114United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
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