River Day on Whiskey Island
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 16:37.
 Saturday May, 15, 2009 was rainy with a fairly cool breeze off Lake Erie.
Ed Hauser ran River Day ceremonies on Whiskey Island over the last few years. This year Ed wasn't there but a group who knew Ed walked in the rain to a little knoll to discuss the pedestrian bridge over the CSX tracks which Ed had worked to implement.
It appears that the pedestrian bridge is in the works with the County.
Kinda put a lump in my throat.
when I saw this header
I got a lump in my throat, too. I miss Ed, but I know he would be pleased to know that Paul (Alseanas - County Planning Director) and staff are pushing forward on his behalf and with his vision.