Saturday November 13, 2004
Start: 9:30 am
Understanding the New China
Start Date: 11/13/2004 One
Day Event
Monday November 15, 2004
Start: 6:30 am
Making Change: Strategic Frameworks for our Global Economy
Start: 11:00 am
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting proposals for
grants for projects which design, demonstrate, or disseminate
environmental education practices, methods, or techniques.
Environmental education, as defined in the EPA, increases public
awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provides the
skills to make informed decisions and take responsible actions. It is
based on objective and scientifically sound information. It does not
advocate a particular viewpoint or course of action. It teaches
individuals how to weigh various sides of an issue through critical
thinking and it enhances their own problem-solving and decision making
skills. All proposals must satisfy the definition of "environmental
education" specified above and also address one of the following
educational priorities: Capacity building, education reform, community
issues, health, teaching skills, and career development. Grant amounts
vary. Applications are due November 15, 2004. For more information
Tuesday November 16, 2004
Start: 6:30 am
CrainTech Breakfast:
"How NOT to be a Target of Opportunity- Information
Security and You"
Start: 7:00 am
Meet the Champions
Come hear the Civic Innovation Lab's newest
champions share their exciting initiatives and how they will contribute
to economic development in Greater Cleveland! Learn why these champions
received mentorship and funding!
The champions are: * Erin Johnson, Founder, BackTalk Magazine * Terry Travis, President, * Randy McShepard, Tim Goler and Marc Batson, co-Founders, Policy Bridge
This event is FREE, but you MUST REGISTER! Send an email with "Register" in the subject line to info [at] civicinnovationlab [dot] org. Please include your name and company.
Start: 10:30 am
"LIVEWire Forums," Tuesday, 11-16-04, 11:30AM-1:00PM, Peter
B. Lewis Building, Room 103. REI hosted regional
networking forums to connect students with each other and business.
 Speaker: Amin Varghai, CSU Student Chapter,
Northeast Ohio Software Association (NEOSA) talking about what's up for
students in the technology industry in NEO and what we need to be paying
attention to. Pizza and soda provided. Read more:
Start: 11:00 am
Update on US Export Controls
Start Date: 11/16/2004 One
Day Event
Start: 3:00 pm
"International Student Networks: Doors to a Global Marketplace"
Sponsored by: The Center for Regional Economic Issues (REI)
Wednesday November 17, 2004
Start: 6:30 am
Leadership Breakfast Series
Featured Speaker: Sandra
Pianalto, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Start: 7:00 am
China Breakfast Seminar: Cultural, Logistical, and Legal
Considerations when Conducting Business in China
Start Date: 11/17/2004 One
Day Event
Start: 7:30 am
our Successes
17, 2004 8:30am - 4:00pm Intercontinental Hotel & Conference Center
Start: 3:00 pm
November 17
The Impact of Social Compact on Urban Retailing, 4-6 p.m. at the
former Joseph Beth Bookstore at Shaker Square. Social
Start: 4:30 pm
of Minds," Regional Business
& Technology Networking Event, Wednesday, 11-17-04,
5:30PM - 8:00PM, George Dively Building, Case.
Be alert! Listen and exchange insights with speaker Len Steinbach, CIO, The
Cleveland Museum of Art. CMA connects culture, community with
telecommunications technology bridging the gap between business, exhibition, the
internet and new media technologies. Videos & display interactives. Join
us. Meet cool thought leaders in University Circle & learn about changes
affecting technology and business. Co-sponsored by Thompson Hine and
REI. This event is free but you must register online
in order to attend at:
Thursday November 18, 2004
Start: 10:30 am
State of the Cities City Forum Luncheon Meeting
Sponsored by: Cuyahoga Valley Chamber of Commerce. Corporate Sponsor: Independence Excavating
Start: 2:30 pm
JumpStart T-Group Event
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2004
Start: 3:30 pm
Event: Growth Capital
Corp. 22nd Annual Meeting and Networking Reception
Date: 11/18/2004 -
Start: 6:00 pm
Thursday, November 18th at 7pm - STELARC is
an Australian-based performance artist whose work explores and extends
the concept of the body and its relationship with technology through
human-machine interface incorporating medical imaging, prosthetics,
robotics, VR systems and the Internet. The interest is in alternative,
intimate and involuntary experiences, Ohio Bell Auditorium. More info
at See image.
Friday November 19, 2004
Start: 6:30 am
RFID in the Supply Chain @
The Martin Center, 105 Fir Hill, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325
Start: 8:00 am
Event: CAAO
Entrepreneurial Empowerment Circle Meeting
Date: 11/19/2004 -
Start: 10:00 am
Creative Industries Symposium," 11-12-04. Speakers
Start: 11:00 am
Ethiopian Ambassador Fitigu Tadesse
Sponsored by: The City Club of Cleveland Description: In partnership with The Hunger Project.
Saturday November 20, 2004
Start: 4:00 am
Support locally-owned Cleveland Heights businesses by participating in America Unchained, a nationwide campaign on November 20th when shoppers are asked to do their shopping at locally-owned independent merchants and restaurants.
Start: 5:30 am
The First Annual Cleveland Institute of Art Design Summit FREE AND OPEN TO
What I Learned From School
Start: 7:30 am
Saturday MBA Open House
Sponsored by: The Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve Univeristy
Friday November 26, 2004
Start: 1:00 pm
Title of the Exhibit: Lough Dough Holiday Show
Media: Various
Greg Alberti, Joe Ayala, Kris Barnes, Ray Brown, Gina DeSantis, Bridget Ginley,
Andrew Kaletta, Brian Kelly, Jim MacNamara, Bythe Pavone, Molly Pokorny, Scott Radke,
Damon Reeves, Grant Smeker, Colin Toke, Tracy Weinhold, Katy Wentzel, & More
Saturday November 27, 2004
Start: 7:00 am
On November 27 from 12:00pm - 8:00pm at 1300 gallery
Tuesday November 30, 2004
Start: 10:30 am
Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing
November 30, 2004
Start: 10:55 am
"The Budding Ohio Wind Industry: Where
Do We Stand in the Nation?"
Start: 11:00 am
Event: The Entrepreneurial Academy Program
Date: 11/30/2004 - 11/30/2004
Start: 2:55 pm
Fund for Our Economic Future to hold
regional minority forum
The Fund for Our Economic Future will hold its first regional Minority Forum,
featuring presentations about regional economic development initiatives with
direct relevance to minority populations, on Tuesday, Nov. 30 from 4-6:30 p.m.
at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Independence. The session also
will feature Dr. john a. powell, executive director, Kirwan Institute for Race
and Ethnicity in the Americas at the Ohio State University Moritz Law School,
as keynote speaker. The Fund is a multiyear collaboration of organized
philanthropy in Northeast Ohio formed to encourage and advance a highly focused
regional economic development agenda leading to long-term economic
transformation. To attend the forum, RVSP to Maggie McGrath at mmcgrath [at] clevefdn [dot] org.
Wednesday December 1, 2004
Start: 11:00 am
Wednesday, 01 December, 2004
Special Forum: Dr. Stephen B. Thomas, director, Center for
Minority Health, University of Pittsburgh
Start: 3:00 pm
City Club of Cleveland invites you to join us at The Holiday Annual Meeting
and Open House
Wednesday, December 1, 2004 from 4
to 8 pm.
Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and holiday libations. Attend
the Open House and receive a special discount to become a member of The City
Club of Cleveland.Â
Thursday December 2, 2004
Start: 6:30 am
Thursday, 02 December, 2004
CrainTech Breakfast,
Start: 9:03 am
Mark your calendar to attend the Cleveland Area BaaN User Group meeting. Reconnect with other BaaN users and enjoy presentations from representatives of SSA Global, e-Ventus Corporation and RMCis.
Start: 4:30 pm
Passport Professionals event
Sponsor: The British-American Chamber of Commerce and The
Hermit Club
Friday December 3, 2004
Start: 11:00 am
Friday Forum: Leo Girard
Sponsor: The City Club of Cleveland
Start: 1:00 pm
Student Holiday Art Sale December 3rd, 6-9pm; December 4th, 10am-9pm; December 5th, 1-5pm, Gund Bldg., Room 111, 11141 East Blvd
Saturday December 4, 2004
Start: 9:00 am
Student Holiday Art Sale December 3rd, 6-9pm; December 4th, 10am-9pm; December 5th, 1-5pm, Gund Bldg., Room 111, 11141 East Blvd
Start: 10:00 am
1300 will be hosting the Bazaar Bizarre next Saturday Dec. 4th. Bazaar Bizarre: 4 December, 3:00-9:00 p.m. Bazaar
Bizarre is not your typical craft fair. Two dozen DIY artisans
Sunday December 5, 2004
Start: 12:00 pm
Student Holiday Art Sale December 3rd, 6-9pm; December 4th, 10am-9pm; December 5th, 1-5pm, Gund Bldg., Room 111, 11141 East Blvd
Monday December 6, 2004
Start: 11:00 am
A Downtown Casino: Salvation or a Roll of the Dice?
Sponsor: The City Club of Cleveland
Start: 1:00 pm
Monday, December
6, 2004 6:00PM - 8:30PM Keithley Instruments,
Inc. 28775 Aurora Road, Solon
Start: 5:00 pm
DEC. 6, 2004
6:00 PM - Ohio Theatre at Playhouse Square
Liz Murray
From Homeless to Harvard
Tuesday December 7, 2004
Start: 9:00 am
REI has scheduled a REALNEO orientation session from 2 - 4 PM for anyone interested in becoming more familiar with our Regional Economy Action Links for North East Ohio. We'll walk through basic site administration, like setting up a user account and adding content, and setting up a Drupal site from scratch. We'll discuss how to best use this transformational technology to transform the NEO economy. This is of course free and open to the public - when you sign in with the security desk at the PBL building (the Gehry) the guard will tell you how to find the session... room 401
Immediately following is Tuesday@REI: "Unique
Value: Cleveland & Northeast Ohio,"
Guest Moderator Charles D. Weller, Cleveland Author, Lawyer
and Health Care Entrepreneur. Chuck is Editor and Contributor of the new book
(Released 12/04) "Unique Value:
Competition Based On Innovation Creating Unique
Any questions, please email norm [at] icearth [dot] com
Start: 3:00 pm
platform for civic engagement and collaboration
12.7.04 "Unique
Value: Cleveland & Northeast Ohio,"
Guest Moderator Charles D. Weller, Cleveland Author, Lawyer
and Health Care Entrepreneur. Chuck is Editor and Contributor of the new book
(to be released 12/04) "Unique Value:
Competition Based On Innovation Creating Unique
Antitrust, the Economy, Healthcare, Education and Beyond" with chapters by
Michael Porter, Peter Staudhammer and Scott Stern.
Thursday December 9, 2004
Start: 7:00 am
Dialogues on Leadership - Thomas Mulready - Editor, Cool Cleveland
New Leaders - Members Only - learn about joining here
creator of the Cool e-mail newsletter, which goes out
weekly to tens of thousands of people around the country, Thomas
Mulready has lead the development of a multi-media network dedicated to
economic development and the promotion of arts, culture and technology.
He is a writer, a multi-media performance artist, and director and
founder of Performance Art Festival+Archives, the largest festival of
performance art in the world.
Friday December 10, 2004
Start: 7:00 am
After the Death of Yasser Arafat, What’s
Next for Israel and Palestine?
Start: 12:30 pm
Feel free to join the Friendship Foundation of American-Vietnamese (Hoi Ban Huu Viet-MY), this Friday evening, Dec. 10th, as we welcome Ambassador Ton Nu Thi Ninh and her high level delegation from Vietnam.
Start: 1:00 pm
Interior Design Annual Senior Thesis
Show 2004: CIA Interior Design
Department: Elisabeth Betzen, Dana Bohack, Patrick Finegan, Joshua
Green, Samantha Hydrew, Otelia Jurca, Susanne Mueller, Joseph Stanley
Start: 1:00 pm
Hotel Bruce in the OC: Come and celebrate as Hotel
Bruce releases Issue No. 3, the all-Ohio City issue, on December
10th - 6 - 9 PM. Enjoy wine, cheese and refreshments; take in an exhibit of local
Sunday December 12, 2004
Tuesday December 14, 2004
Start: 9:00 am
REI has scheduled a REALNEO orientation session from 2 - 4 PM for
anyone interested in becoming more familiar with our Regional Economy
Action Links for North East Ohio. We'll walk through basic site
administration, like setting up a user account and adding content, and
setting up a Drupal site from scratch. We'll discuss how to best use
this transformational technology to transform the NEO economy. This is
of course free and open to the public - when you sign in with the
security desk at the PBL building (the Gehry) the guard will tell you
how to find the session... room 401
Start: 11:00 am
Topic for
tomorrow, December 14th: "Sustainable Transportation: An Important Driver of Economic Development"
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Civic entrepreneur Herb Crowther, and representatives and
entrepreneurs from private companies, port authorities and other transportation
oriented economic development organizations come together during a 90
minute interactive discussion about freight-related sustainable
transportation opportunities. Shifting freight transport to rail and water can
improve freight mobility and reduce transportation costs while using cleaner
transportation modes. The purpose of the conversation is to raise the
community's consciousness of how much activity related to sustainable
transportation and freight mobility is already going on in Northeast Ohio, and
brainstorm strategies for leveraging collaboration and integrating
transportation initiatives to drive job creation and economic development.
