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Cleveland Jazz History and Photography Exhibition - - East Cleveland Public Library - 14101 Euclid - Sun. 6-10 4:pmSubmitted by KMaCK on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 13:00.
06/10/2007 - 16:00 06/10/2007 - 17:30 Etc/GMT-4 Don't know if any one else saw the main article in yesterdays Arts & KLife section of the PD, but this looks great. A free panel discussion on Cleveland Jazz History and the opening of a photographic exhibition of same at the East Cleveland library. 83 year-old Frank Kuchirchuk photographed and/or collected photographs of famous jazz luminaries that appeared in the early 1950's at a club called Lindsay's Sky Bar near East 105th and Euclid. Sandusky Register reporter Tom Jackson has helped Mr. Kuchirchuk (Frank) find a home for his collection, which will be with the East Cleveland Public Library. This coming Sundays event will be an opening of these photographs along with a supporting conversation about jazz in Cleveland. I can hear the stories of my parents about the hey day of "The 5" when it use to be called the Gold Coast for African Americans. If you can, please go to the PD article for more details. KMaCK The Arts - Photogrpahy, Jazz (Sorry; I've never posted one of these on this site before, so hope I got it right. Norm, please feel free to clean this up.) Location
East Cleveland Main Public Library
14101 Euclid Ave.
East Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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Thanks for posting about East Cleveland Jazz Event
My mom just showed me the write up about this and I was going to post this and will attend - that is such a great library and this is a terrific program. So I'll see you there.
BTW - posting looks great - keep them coming
Disrupt IT
Where is Cleveland's jazz scene?
Are there some excellent hole in the wall places to catch an act? In the eighties, I lived in University Circle and occasionally saw a glimmer of the old jazz crowd at places like Club Isabella, the Boarding House, Club Illusion, the Brandywine, That Place on Belleflower, even the Euclid Tavern, sometimes, and I am forgetting some of the other places before my time (the Brick?). My friend Caroline hung out for a time with Winston Willis and I know he took her to some mighty strange places. It seemed like there was an after hours scene, but I was too afraid to venture. Is Nighttown the only gig in town? House of Swing...didn't/doesn't really count--too far away from the strip.
Jazz - Catch as catch can
Ironically - I just walked in the door from being at Nightown this evening. (Brain Auger - not actually jazz, but BIG fun).
Seems jazz is sort of catch as catch can. When Daniel Windham was still at the Music Settlement, he tried having a concert series that included one or two jazz sessions. But alas. As a resident of East Cleveland, I'm ashamed to admit not having checked the place out - but there is a place on Euclid, close to Roselyn (which is itself, just west south west of Superior) and across the street from Jordan Dental, and Cummins and Davis Funeral Home that on weekends has a big sign out saying Jazz. I've never been, but I think it might be part of a kind of arts and Bed & Breakfast complex that is right there. Some one told me it was called Snicker Fritz.
It might be worth it to keep track of the local and regional musicians that perform as part of Tri-C JazzFest to see where they might be doing local gigs.
And I'm talking real jazz, not that "smooth jazz" Teflon pabulum stuff ! YECH.
Must see exhibit FACES of JAZZ
Joe Mosbrook will be at the exhibit today Sunday June 10. It is time to revise this listing from 2000. I hope I can catch the tail end today. Do you know George Parker? Does he still run a bed and breakfast in East Cleveland?
catching the tail end at EC Library
I am not sure how this will work today, but you might want to know that the lines for a jazz event (they are free) form an hour in advance for a concert event and when the seats are filled they lock the doors. My husband and I arrived at 10 of 4 for a concert to add ourselves to the large group of others who had not made it in time fo the event. You may want to call ahead before you make the trek. Since this will be an exhibit as well, they may remain open, but then again... I tried to find something about this on their website but got error messages at the time of this posting. Here's the number 216-541-4128.
If you do come to the Library, you're a hop skip and a jump from Forest Hills Park; lovely place to watch the sun settle toward the horizon.
Thanks for the tip
Thanks for the tip !
George Parker - East Cleveland Bed and Breakfast
I don't know him, have never been, but someone handed me a flyer about Parker's Guesthouse (1820 Rosaline - EC), so I take it he is the still running it. There is also a brick house that has been converted to a arts center right there on the corner of Rosalind and Euclid. That I believe is his endevour as well. On Euclid right next door, one (or is it 2) houses over, is the place I mentioned seeing but never being in, that frequently has a sign out front saying Jazz on the weekends.
... Just found the flyer. E. E. P. Creative Arts Complex at 13240 Euclid is the place I mentioned above smack on the corner of Rosilind and Euclid. The flyer says ... "This is where the Snickerfritz cultural workshop for the arts is housed. ... Ed Parker, the founder of the EEP Creative Arts Complex, has dedicated the last 19 years to transforming a vacant deteriorating mansion into the attractive majestic edifice for some of Cleveland's unique and profound expressions of the arts."
Correction Ed Parker
Thank you KMack. Caught the tail end of the presentation at East Cleveland Public Library and Gregory Reese Arts Center. Got a signed copy of Joe Mosbrook's book. And (Susan) caught some of the sunshine in Forest Hills Park.
Balcony vs ground Floor
Forgive me, lmcshane, your first name is ???
Were you one of the people that won in the book raffle? I was up in the balcony.
I got there too late
Sounds like a great group made it to this presentation... I was just too late. I take it there is an ongoing exhibition... how was the event? Full house?
Disrupt IT
No on-going exhibition
The house was full but no on-going exhibiton. Susan, I believe explained all of that.
Breaking the rules
I am sorry KMack--I should have said I walked in as everyone was walking out. I did catch Joe Mosbrook and got a signed copy of his book Cleveland Jazz History and was able to peak in at the auditorium, which is phenomenal. A friend who attended the presentation told me that the exhibit was a slide show presentation, so (for others) don't expect a running exhibit of photos. The photos are being archived at the library, because the Northeast Jazz Society, with no influx of young blood, had to close their doors. One of the members told me they tried to get the Rock Hall to at least market Joe Mosbrook's book, but they were snubbed. Western Reserve Historical Library does carry the book. My copy smells of tobacco, because I suspect Joe Mosbrook likes his tobacco. Jazz likes tobacco, too, and gin, rum, whisky...Jazz breaks the rules. I have great respect for Joe Mosbrook, because I saw him at the downtown library compiling photos and newspaper clipping--doing real research--over the course of several years. We are lucky to have something to hold in our hands as a result of his work. We can not let jazz die in Cleveland. Where are the CIM students, the CIA students, CSU students jamming?? I know that they need to break the rules to feel alive. How about the Inner Circle? I will be there this Friday for Eliesha Nelson's concert. See you there KMack!
Won't be in town Friday
I will be out of town this weekend. Catching a plane that takes off at 5:30 AM Friday mornign. Next weekend I hope.
In the meantime, how about finding out about local jazz musicians and maybe get a set up and going at Inner Circle maybe once a month. Don't want to take anything from Snikerfritz, etc. right there in EC. Folks are struggling. But maybe it's a way to get pay customers to come to Inner Circle. And maybe "we" need to commit to attending Snikerfritz once in a while also.
Yes we must support Snickerfritz
Thanks for raising awareness of Snickerfritz - here is their website - "we" should show their support - time to get their events on our calenders.
Disrupt IT
I'm glad you brought this up - I've wanted to visit Snickerfritz for a long time. I will stop by and let you know what I discover about the arts center and the B&B
Disrupt IT
Catch Summer Jazz
Cleveland can catch some jazz this summer at the Cleveland Public Library