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EconomyFascinating alternative energy entrepreneur in Toronto: founder of Beach Solar LaundromatSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 15:13.
Dozens of best practices to be learned in this posting... From the North Coast of Lake Ontario comes the following story of an entrepreneur for sustainability in Toronto who has found “There is no longer a paradigm conflict, Renewable energy doesn’t have to cost more”. This entrepreneur, Alex Winch, found his strategy for retrofitting a run-down Laundromat to solar has paid off... "He’s kept prices low—lower than his competition—while tripling revenues and charting an annual 10% rate of return on investment." I'm exploring working with Alex and Toronto-based glass and neon artist Alfred Engerer to use solar and perhaps wind to generate the electricity for a major off-the-grid, hand blown neon installation in Toronto, while, in the big picture, Mondial is looking to go public. As you'll read below, "Alex Winch puts his money where his mouth is and, these days, he laughs all the way to the bank." For all the attention leadership of this community puts on renewable energy, what do we really have to show in the community. Perhaps a NEO Solar Laundromat would be the best next step. ( categories:
John Jackson show powerful and exciting - thank you Zygote Press and John's family and friendsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 01:40.
I was thrilled today to see a large collection of the small sculptures, prints, sketches and drawings of John Jackson exhibited at the remarkable Zygote Press, on E. 30th Street and St. Clair. As john Passed away this year, this is an exclusive opportunity not to be missed.
Cleveland Club of Washington, DC, hosts post election analysis at National Press ClubSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/30/2006 - 20:31.
11/14/2006 - 12:15 11/14/2006 - 14:00 Etc/GMT-4 Phillip Williams and I are pleased to have developed and host the social network for the near-50-year-old Cleveland Club of Washington, DC, at, and I just posted their next event, which sounds great... so I thought I'd post it here as well, in case any of you will be in DC Nov. 14th or know Clevelanders there... you/they should contact Brooke Stoddard (info below) to attend. Here's the invitation: Location
National Press Club
529 14th Street, N. W. McClendon Room of the Reliable Source Restaurant, 13th Floor
Washington, DC United States
See map: Google Maps Really interesting string on NEO economic development issues Brewing Fresh Daily nowSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 14:17.
There is an excellent string of postings on Brewed Fresh Daily worth checking out and interacting with here! Enough said.
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ClevelandBikes Letter to ODOT Regarding West Shoreway ProposalSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 19:28.
Below is nonprofit ClevelandBikes' letter to the Ohio Department of Transportation regarding the ODOT plans for the West Shoreway. Individuals wishing to add their views on the plan can visit the ODOT website ( or email project officers (craig [dot] hebebrand [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us, Lora [dot] Hummer [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us).
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Imagine this in University Circle... MoCA has, and NEO will soon see a fantastic realitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 11:50.
Steven Litt shared very exciting news today in the Plain Dealer - the Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) has announced their choice of architect to design their relocated facility in University Circle, and the potential for something spectacular is astounding. The choice is Foreign Office Architects, of London, which Litt calls "one of the hottest young architecture firms in the world", and their portfolio shows some exciting designs from around the world (some examples posted above and below) - it seems the MoCA project will be their most important ever in the USA... they will be working with Cleveland's Westlake Reed Leskosky. Also mentioned in Litt's column, University Circle Incorporated seem to be making progress working with MRN, Ltd. (developers of E. 4th Street), and Zaremba, Inc., for remaining planning of the Triangle area, so a complete development picture for this important zone is coming into focus.
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E-Mail from Barack ObamaSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 22:12.
Last week, my lifelong Republican now Democratic parents told me there is a promising candidate for President in 2008. Barack Obama. They are entusiastic, and even gave me a Time Magazine about Barack. I hadn't had a chance to think too much about this until today, when I got an email from Barack encouraging my support for the Democratic ticket this year. So I went to his website, and saw something very positive about the man... "Since coming to Washington, Senator Obama has made the elimination of childhood lead poisoning one of his top priorities." Add to that, "Senator Obama has been a strong supporter of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration and is a cosponsor of the Great Lakes Environmental Restoration Act (S. 508)" "He is a cosponsor of the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act (S. 1151)"... etc.
Lessons learned from OCAD for CIA and NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 02:08.
While I still “live” in NEO, I now largely work in Toronto, and post most of my insight from there. I believe such global insight sharing offers unique perspectives to NEO not otherwise available and encourage more cross-boundary insight trade. As someone long associated with the Northeast Ohio economy and arts, I can't help but compare what I experience in Toronto (and Canada) with my experiences in Cleveland (and the USA), and I feel lessons learned far and wide, like in Toronto, will help NEO develop a stronger new economy at home. For those far and wide, I encourage you to post your observations here! ( categories:
Happy 2nd B-Day, REALNEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 01:22.
Two weeks ago saw the second birthday of REALNEO. I started REALNEO in October, 2004, to provide “Regional Economic Action Links for North East Ohio” and implement for the region some exciting open source social networking technology. While the outcomes have not been entirely what I expected, and these years have in ways been rough, I've been thrilled to help drive and support some great developments in the community.
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Try the "Just One Thing" approachSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 14:32.
“Even when it comes to a problem as big as global warming, doing Just One Thing can have an enormous, positive impact on our planet. For instance, replacing four light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs will keep a ton of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that causes global warming, out of the air. And if everyone in the U.S. unplugged their electronics, such as TVs, computers, DVD players, and stereos when they're not using them, we'd prevent 18 million tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere. Just One Thing is so easy--and so effective.”
Trick My Vote: Science, Intellectual Courage, and the Battle for America's Soul" topic of a free public lecture by Ken MilerSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 12:48.
10/26/2006 - 11:30 10/26/2006 - 13:00 Etc/GMT-4 Trick My Vote: Science, Intellectual Courage, and the Battle for America's Soul" is the topic of a free public lecture by Ken Miller, biologist at Brown University, expert witness at the Dover, PA "Panda Trial," and author of the book Finding Darwin's God. He will explain why every college student must vote. Program will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, October 26, in Ford Auditorium, Allen Memorial Medical Library. Visit /scholars/Events.htm for more information. Location
CWRU, Ford Auditorium, corner of Euclid and Ford
corner of Euclid and Ford
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Beck Board, Lakewood and their schools propose great vision for arts in the inner-ringSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 07:01.
The Plain Dealer published early details for a wonderful vision that has been developed by the Beck Board of Directors, with the City of Lakewood and the Lakewood schools, that will offer all of NEO a wonderful arts and learning asset for the future. "The Beck Center for the Arts will stay in Lakewood and form a partnership with city schools to create an arts-education academy that would anchor a possible cultural district in Lakewood's west end." "Other potential partners could include colleges and businesses." Sounds like a great opportunity for the CIA, and perhaps Kent State, wo have a valuable presence on the West Side!
Shaping Regina... Brett says that in our culture people tend to find fulfillment through material consumptionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 16:24.
In today's Plain Dealer, columnist Regina Brett posted an editorial acknowledging the decline of PD readership and asking readers to offer suggestions. " How should we change? What do we do to attract young people without alienating the faithful?" I can offer an easy answer: " “When we talk about moving toward sustainability, we need to talk about at least three things,” he says. “Changing the economic structure we’re all working in, changing the culture we live in, and changing our own individual consumption patterns.”
Panel discussion opens Cleveland Institute of Art exhibit showcasing green, affordable housing designsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 13:37.
11/03/2006 - 17:15 11/03/2006 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 An eye-opening exhibition on environmentally friendly design of affordable housing opens with a panel discussion at The Cleveland Institute of Art at 5:15 p.m. on Nov. 3, 2006. The traveling exhibition, HOME House Project: The Future of Affordable Housing, will be on view in the Institute’s Reinberger Galleries from November 3 – December 22, 2006. See images from the exhibition at the Weisman Museum here. Read On: The exhibition began in 2003 with a competition sponsored by the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Designers and architects were challenged to create appealing, affordable single-family house designs using Habitat for Humanity house plans as a starting point. The 440 entries originally submitted by designers from the U.S. and six countries were judged on their design appeal, affordability and use of environmentally sustainable materials, technologies and techniques. Location
Cleveland Institute of Art
11141 East Boulevard Reinberger Galleries
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps What the USEPA does not want to know about PIPSSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 20:47.
Once again the 'agency' makes a move towards increasing the likelyhood of exposure to frankenfoods. Check it:
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Greater Ohio briefs candidatesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 15:16.
Want to know what Greater Ohio has been saying to gubernatorial and legislative candidates this election season? It's in the book - the Greater Ohio's briefing book for candidates, officially titled, "If Sprawl Meant Jobs, Ohio Would Have Full Employment: Policies for Redeveloping a Great State" (also available from Greater Ohio's home page). Ohio State Representative Mike Foley press conference on lead eradication fundingSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 13:26.
10/17/2006 - 11:30 10/17/2006 - 12:30 Etc/GMT-4 Ohio State Representative Mike Foley (D) will be holding a press conference tomorrow, Tuesday October 17 at 11:30 am at the gazebo at Lincoln Park (W. 14th and Starkweather), located in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland’s west side.. Location
Lincoln Park
W. 14th and Starkweather rain or shine
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Akron joins East Cleveland and Toledo in litigating over lead - Cincy and Columbus expected to followSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 11:38.
Thanks to Ed Morrison for forwarding to me an Akron Beacon Journal article about Akron filing a lawsuit against U.S. paint makers over lead hazards in their community. I don't believe the Cleveland Plain Dealer bothered to report on this important development, and the PD certainly didn't do as good a job of reporting on related litigation in East Cleveland and Toledo, a few weeks prior. Wonder why? As defendant Sherwin Williams' spokesman Bob Wells said, "Ohio is the last place we thought cities would bite their own'', and, in the case of mainstream local media, that line of reasoning holds true... they earn money from Sherwin Williams advertising and don't cover the lead issue in Northeast Ohio, even as 1,000s of children in Cuyahoga County are lead poisoned each year and so fail in life, trapping our core population in toxic poverty. With such a realization that our economy is held hostage by large corporate interests, it is time for the community to get serious about this issue... especially as Sherwin Williams and their attorneys act to intimidate our cities and deceive the people and the courts. Read on! ( categories:
Politicians snubbing the City ClubSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 16:58.
Shame on Dennis Kucinich, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Terrence O'Donnell and Barbara Sykes for snubbing the City Club of Cleveland and denying the democratic process.
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Catch the Clash at Plain Dealer BRAIN GAIN eventSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 10/14/2006 - 12:40.
10/25/2006 - 17:30 10/25/2006 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-4 From Denise Polverine's "Young Professionals" blog on, there's an interesting "Brain Gain" event coming up at the Rock Hall. I went to an earlier one of these events and they are interesting... if you plan to go, be certain to RSVP as they are strick about that: Location
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
One Key Plaza (East Ninth Street at Lake Erie)
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories: )
Zero One San Jose to Ingenuity Three in Cleveland - Glocalization for 2007Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/13/2006 - 00:09.
Today, at WVIZ IdeaCenter, Ingenuity Festival founder and director James Levin hosted his peer Steve Dietz, director of a remarkable "sister" arts and technology festival ZeroOne San Jose, along with a group of NEO arts leaders, for intimate planning for the 3rd Ingenuity Festival, which will be held around Playhouse Square and Cleveland State University in 2007. James introduced the discussion by explaining he had been in San Jose last month for ZeroOne and is working with the organizers of that event in his brainstorming for our festival, which is one of the most exceptional of its type in the world. And, based on what was presented and discussed today with Steve Dietz, Ingenuity Festival is about to get much more exceptional... James is looking and partnering very globally and focused on strengthening the integration of "technology" into Ingenuity 2007. This was clearly a strength in the exciting artistic expressions of ZeroOne, as presented in an impressive overview by Dietz. ( categories:
Bob Stark and panelists will discuss a vision for downtown ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 12:25.
10/17/2006 - 16:00 10/17/2006 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 "Make no small plans" is developer Bob Stark's sentiment toward visioning the future of Northeast Ohio with which I agree completely. Next Tuesday, October 17th, the public is invited to a forum at the Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, hosted by Dean Rosentraub, featuring Mr. Stark's development vision for Downtown Cleveland, with a panel discussion featuring Steven Fong, Dean, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Kent State University, and Valerie McCall, Chief of Government Affairs, Office of the Mayor, City of Cleveland. It is exciting to see such a collaborative approach to planning forming around such core stakeholders and the public. The opposite of the command and control process that is giving us the ODOT bridge from hell and so many other bad outcomes in NEO, this public multi-university, public-private exploration has the potential to connect important agendas for consensus building around sophisticated visions of the future of our region, starting with the heart of it all, downtown Cleveland. Location
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs
1717 Euclid Avenue Glickman-Miller Hall, Atrium
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps A Cleveland Solar & Wind Open HouseSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 23:55.
10/21/2006 - 12:00 10/21/2006 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-4 Come to a Cleveland Solar & Wind Open House to inaugurate the first Uni-Solar solar shingle installation in Northeast Ohio. Location1042 Renfield Road
Cleveland Heights, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Lead poisoning a good cause for those who recognize "those who destroy the Earth shall be destroyed by God!"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 20:29.
There were two important shows on WVIZ/PBS public television tonight. First, locally produced Ideas featured a segment on lead poisoning. Second, "Bill Moyers on America: Is God Green?" explored how "Millions of evangelical Christians in America have taken on care for the environment as a moral and Biblical obligation. They believe that as Christians it is their duty to take action against global warming, the loss of species and toxic chemicals in our air, food and water." So, we saw the greatest problem in our local society today... toxic contamination of at least 20% of people's land and lives in Cleveland... followed by the solution, being the 65% of Americans who believe in Christ coming together to battle such toxins. To care about any of these matters without caring about all is to live an incomplete and evil life as, apparently taken from the scriptures, "those who destroy the Earth shall be destroyed by God!" ( categories:
Cleveland to go to the pigs, with artists' helpSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 13:50.
One could safely say, before Cleveland went to the dogs it went to the pigs... but, that is a whole other story. Today, the dogs and pigs I'm talking about relate to the public arts series sponsored by the St. Clair Superior Development Corporation to have local artists paint fiberglass sculptures recognizing the animals of the Chinese zodiac - this year was of the dog... next year is of the pig. Much more interesting than the painted guitars concept, these animal forms offer great creative opportunities for artists and the results of the year of the dog efforts were extraordinary - you may see many of them posted here. So, if you are artistic or know someone who is, check out the following details on designing new pigs for Cleveland... below
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