Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorRepliessort iconLast CommentPosted
EventUnderstanding Lakewood: Communities and Memes John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/26/2005 - 12:03
Event Innovations in Art and Design: Old ideas that have an opportunity for a new life John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/26/2005 - 11:49
EventAutomotive Design Symposium, "Connect" John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/26/2005 - 11:34
EventGEO Northeast Ohio Clean Energy Network at Lorain John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/26/2005 - 11:12
Blog entryChild Development Sandy Kristin P...019 years 50 weeks ago02/02/2005 - 11:32
Event"The Magical Fan" An afternoon of storytelling John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/25/2005 - 17:39
EventCleveland Institute of Music Faculty Recital John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/25/2005 - 17:23
EventInnerbelt Plan Meeting John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 08:04
EventNortheast Ohio International Business Network (NOIBN) Networking Reception Norm Roulet019 years 50 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 09:22
EventThe Customer Connection, Know Thy Customer: The Ultimate CEO Reality Check John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 13:17
EventFast Tracking Industrial Projects in NEO John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 13:07
EventShould Cleveland Bet on a Casino? John Soellner019 years 50 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 12:55
Blog entryTo develop the brainpower of the next generation... Sandy Kristin P...019 years 51 weeks ago02/24/2005 - 06:46
EventSocial Security and Private Accounts John Soellner019 years 51 weeks ago02/22/2005 - 23:52
EventUrban Paradoxes - Mt. Pleasant as Dynamic Neighborhood John Soellner019 years 51 weeks ago02/22/2005 - 23:10
Book pageOpenCourses makes MIT education free for all Norm Roulet019 years 51 weeks ago02/22/2005 - 01:29
Book page02.16.05 Community of Minds: Mike De Aloia; City of Cleveland "Tech Czar" Bill Vasu019 years 51 weeks ago02/21/2005 - 01:14
Book pageWho owns you? Definitely ChoicePoint! Perhaps Con-Men. Suddenly 1984 looks good. Norm Roulet019 years 51 weeks ago02/21/2005 - 00:00
Blog entryCareer Advice for Young People Ted Takacs019 years 51 weeks ago02/20/2005 - 11:44
Book pageBiofuel economy development Norm Roulet019 years 52 weeks ago11/08/2004 - 16:52
Book page01.25.05 NOTES: Tuesdays@REI: A Biofuels Primer Ted Takacs019 years 52 weeks ago01/26/2005 - 12:30
EventHIPAA & BEYOND: Business Opportunities at the Intersection of Privacy, Technology, & Healthcare Norm Roulet020 years 10 hours ago02/16/2005 - 01:36
Book pagePhysiome is so big and so important that it needs an underlying open source framework Norm Roulet020 years 13 hours ago02/11/2005 - 07:21
Book pageOpen-Source Practices for Biotechnology Norm Roulet020 years 13 hours ago02/11/2005 - 07:25
Event02.14.05 Economics of Early Childhood Development: Session 2: Alignment & Action; Norm Roulet020 years 13 hours ago02/12/2005 - 10:20