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Imagealligator.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 7 weeks ago06/08/2015 - 16:27
Image137 shots in Cleveland - who supervised this murderous fiasco? Jeff Buster09 years 7 weeks ago06/08/2015 - 10:17
ImageLife - makes me smile! Jeff Buster19 years 7 weeks ago06/06/2015 - 21:57
Blog entryHow an undergraduate discovered tubes of plasma in the sky - videos (earth is a machine and or spaceship being fed-feeding Quest-News-Serv...09 years 7 weeks ago06/07/2015 - 02:08
Blog entryWaco makes me proud - USA Hurray! Jeff Buster19 years 7 weeks ago05/18/2015 - 19:09
Blog entryPope Francis To Announce Church Preparing For Alien Contact This Week (their-we are already here billions of years Quest-News-Serv...09 years 8 weeks ago06/05/2015 - 02:03
Imagepope_francis.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 8 weeks ago06/05/2015 - 02:02
Blog entryEconomist Predicts: “The Greatest Stock Market Collapse since the Great Depression” The DOW is About to Plunge to 6,000-3,3000 Quest-News-Serv...09 years 8 weeks ago06/04/2015 - 01:15
ImageBASE madness is fun for some Jeff Buster09 years 8 weeks ago06/02/2015 - 17:08
Imagesolar impulse round the world stops in Japan Jeff Buster09 years 8 weeks ago06/01/2015 - 09:43
Blog entryMAY 2015 CLEVELAND CRITICAL MASS MEETS WELCOME JIMMY DIMORA SQUARE CAMPAIGN Satinder P S Puri09 years 8 weeks ago05/31/2015 - 19:55
Blog entryHIghest HAARP Alert Issued For United States :A large area of the Central/Southern United States has been under a red alert for Quest-News-Serv...09 years 8 weeks ago05/30/2015 - 19:59
ImageGraduation means Jeff Buster19 years 8 weeks ago05/29/2015 - 19:24
ImageWheel bearing grease re-packing by Charlie - every car has 8 Jeff Buster09 years 8 weeks ago05/29/2015 - 20:18
Blog entryPrepare Your Homes & Neighborhoods For The Violence That Is Going To Sweep America (cleveland is protected by a spiritual enity Quest-News-Serv...29 years 9 weeks ago05/27/2015 - 13:17
Blog entryPolice Dog Lucas Rescues Deputy After He's Ambushed By 3 Men (we need many many more police dogs & female human police officers Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/28/2015 - 13:17
Imagepolice_dog_lucas_and_todd.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/28/2015 - 13:14
Blog entryWill a Planetary Alignment Cause a 9.8 Earthquake This Week? (signs point to worst disasters happening any time - command away Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/27/2015 - 15:29
Imageearthquake.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/27/2015 - 15:27
Imagetremont.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/26/2015 - 15:15
Blog entryCleveland, Justice Department to overhaul Cleveland police department under the supervision of a federal monitor Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/26/2015 - 15:09
Imagecleveland-protests2-ap_635x250_1432436300.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/26/2015 - 15:03
ImageShoot to Kill in NYC Jeff Buster09 years 9 weeks ago05/26/2015 - 11:29
Blog entryThe Breathing Trick That Puts You to Sleep in Seconds Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/25/2015 - 23:02
Imagesleep_breathing.jpg Quest-News-Serv...09 years 9 weeks ago05/25/2015 - 23:01