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lmcshane's blogCuyahoga County -Cleveland ...and the hits keep on comingSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 18:00.
I just received notice that my water bill will skyrocket even more with the additional stormwater fee attached. In addition, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District announced today they will also be putting their levy on the November ballot (with expectation of heavier turn out) ( categories: )
Cleveland MemorySubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 09:37.
In a few short weeks - visitors will be pouring into Cleveland. Are we ready to tell our story? What do people "read" about us in the sights and sounds of our city? If you can help tell the story - contact Destination Cleveland. Try to be an ambassador. We're certainly not perfect, but it is time for all of us to step up and show some pride.
Big WIN-WIN for the Rokakis-Frangos Land Bank!Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 07:32.
Recipe for success?? Dump an East Cleveland Land Bank property on an unsuspecting 501c3 director with promise of economic return!! Dupe the poor guy, who doesn't have the wherewithal to do anything with the property!!
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Catholic Diocese wants in on $- Cummins only too happy to obligeSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 05/10/2016 - 07:52.
Like Cleveland Housing Network - the Catholic Diocese now wants in on the money game! The altar boys Brian Cummins and Tony Brancatelli are only too happy to accommodate - more money in the coffers for them! ( categories: )
YMCA Redux - Land Bank collusion with Cleveland Housing Network - media won't touch #CORRUPTIONSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 05/01/2016 - 16:34.
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Crucifixion TimeSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 03/26/2016 - 08:23.
Over in Ohio City, Mary Rose Oakar throws stones at Marques Manus to prevent him for being on the board of Ohio City. Marques is a community activist trying to make up for his past. Does Ohio City Inc. really think that Marques stands in the way of Dan Budish? ( categories: )
#WhichBrianCumminsSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 03/22/2016 - 08:45.
This week our current councilman changed party affiliation, again. In 2010, he switched from Democrat to Green Party:
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CLE is most distressed city in the nation by DESIGNSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 02/28/2016 - 09:05.
I don't know how long major urban centers can play the HUD Funding Game - but it is killing us. This continued practice only leads to greater income and educational disparity. (Senior projects denoted with * - I can see the benefit and use of federal monies for these projects)
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The Stories not being told by NEOMGSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 02/21/2016 - 16:52.
Just a few points glossed over by the NEOMG and affiliates like WKYC - DYK - Metrohealth has 2 new board members? Yep. And, no one questions the rationale of putting Mitch Schneider and Tony Minor on the board of Metrohealth? TWO major red flags - ( categories: )
The Bagman Buddy System at City Hall - check in with John ZayacSubmitted by lmcshane on Fri, 12/11/2015 - 08:40.
I am not the first person to see the connection between former council person John Zayac (Jackson council era) , his consultant firm The Project Group and lucrative contracts at City Hall. Leila Atassi ran a great story in 2014 - and like all things in Northeast Ohio - it was promptly forgotten:
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Lily Miller and Sarah Karp deserve national attention for their Civic JournalismSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 07:51.
Recently, a blogger/citizen reporter Sarah Karp in Chicago brought down Barbara Byrd-Bennet by asking the obvious questions- you can watch the video here:
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Does anyone care??? Dirty Dozen and more...Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 11/28/2015 - 12:12.
The media is strangely very quiet on the state of Cuyahoga County finances. And, for weeks, they have been mining the archive at REALNEO (certainly more reliable than, say, the archive or the County's website). ( categories: )
Intermodal PITTSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 10:01.
Revisited Pittsburgh this past weekend - to try out the idea of a daytrip via Greyhound (Sadly, the Megabus doesn't cover PITT anymore). I will explore option of bike aboard this spring via Amtrak. ( categories: )
Dream Neighborhood Nightmare...Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 11/05/2015 - 06:36.
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Spa Time in Austin Vs. CLESubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 18:42.
Austin, TX, is definitely NOT car-free or carefree. But, it does have sun at the time of year that Cleveland OH's UV rays begin to wane. So, I took the opportunity to stay with family and crash by the pool for a few days. ( categories: )
Living History - Oakar vs. Cimperman in Ohio CitySubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 09/27/2015 - 09:41.
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Sacred Cows Make Fine Burgers -The Protection RacketSubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 09/24/2015 - 07:23.
There have been several favored political stooges in the history of Northeast Ohio. Surely, Russo and Dimora stand out - and, they operated with an understanding that they, too, were above exposure. Mike White had his bagman, Nate Gray, who took the fall for him. But, why does the media in Northeast Ohio protect Jim Rokakis and Gus Frangos (Gus is Lou's brother and partner and heads the "Land Bank")??? ( categories: )
The Protection RacketSubmitted by lmcshane on Thu, 09/24/2015 - 07:21.
There have been several favored political stooges in the history of Northeast Ohio. Surely, Russo and Dimora stand out - and, they operated with an understanding that they, too, were above exposure. Mike White had his bagman Nate Gray, who took the fall for him. But, why does the media in Northeast Ohio protect Rokakis and Frangos???
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Bogged down in NEO by colossal STUPIDITY - $15 million for this!Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 09/16/2015 - 07:56.
The Metroparks were recently briefed on the latest plans for extending the "towpath" trail north to Canal Basin Park (and ultimately Whiskey Island and Lake Erie). Take a look for yourself at the colossal stupidity:
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MigrationSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 09:58.
The nights are cooler. We will soon be sleeping longer. Leaves change color and our minds turn inward to the landscape of imaginary worlds. The Migration exhibit at the Cleveland Public Library's Eastman Reading Garden is perfect place to visit before the long winter. To remind children, that birds do return in the spring. And, that friendly lions are forever roaming in the pages of a book. ( categories: )
Plan A, then B, then C - Lakefront Metropark, Air Show and a swim... sort ofSubmitted by lmcshane on Tue, 09/08/2015 - 09:19.
The one day I don't bring my camera and I miss photo shoots galore - DAMN. Saturday in Believeland - CLE was surreal and beautiful. I needed a swim. Plan A: had been to swim outside at the City of Brooklyn pool ($9.00 non-resident). The facility was open, but not the outdoor pool. Since I was on the granny bike, on to Plan B. ( categories: )
It's the TAX BASE, Stupid!Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 08/30/2015 - 05:41.
The Aug. 16 front page story, "Abandoned homes dot the area," may have contained as much hot air as the housing bubble.
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Cimperman under investigation by Ohio Ethics CommissionSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/26/2015 - 21:14.
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