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Jeff Buster's blogVISCERAL BUSINESSES - THE GUTS OF OUR ECONOMYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 21:20.
![]() So when I walked by Joe, at the door taking a breather, asked..."you from Boston?" Well, I had visited Boston (and I had spaced that the Indians were up against them just then) - so I thought the guy was able to see into the future. Stable on my feet, I walked into the All State Barber College, and l felt that HERE was the healthy, real economic future. I 90 Bridge from Lorain BridgeSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 09:41.
![]() ![]() This is a banner image in storage for posting at a later date. I am loading the image on the server. ( categories: )
SEPARATE SPORT AND STATESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 15:45.
Regarding the "Red Socks Out to Dry" banner: I realize there are many in the Realneo audience who despise the toothy grinning Indian logo (and see it as a racist caricature). The DDealer came out with an editorial along this line recently - but I couldn't find a link.
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ANN ARBOR PROMULGATES TIERED STORMWATER TAXSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 10/19/2007 - 15:19.
Ann Arbor, Michigan has instituted a smart tiered method of taxing residential and commercial properties for storm water costs – the more impervious surface you have on your property, the more storm water abatement tax you pay. Check it out Here
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CLEVELAND MIRAGESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 23:13.
![]() I walked out on the Lorain Street Bridge with one photo in mind (red socks hanging out to dry - I’ll get that photo blogged tomorrow) - and then up the bridge slope comes a fellow with no legs powering his wheel chair with his arms. The afternoon was warm and the sun intensely bright. I began to get a head ache behind my right eye. Cleveland’s central city rose starkly over a Vermont like grove of golding trees.
BEGGARS IN CLEVELAND?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 12:03.
![]() There's a new sidewalk sign in Public Square (and elsewhere downtown). Another sign that our society is dismantling itself into them and us.
IN-BREEDING AMONG BOARDS - ONE OF CLEVELAND'S ROOT PROBLEMSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 17:01.
Thanks to Crain’s for bringing this into the light. BANKS ARE YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS - BUT THEY DON'T LIVE THERE - CALLAHAN'S CLEVELAND DIARYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 16:25.
Bill Callahan, a private concerned citizen (where’s the County in this expose?), has taken a keen, focused interest in minding the "sub-prime" statistics.
SEARCHING FOR CLEVELAND'S SOULSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 10:20.
![]() About a month ago a hapless judge in Cleveland, under intense pressure from a community posse, sentenced two young men to 2000 hours of community service (no affirmation intended/rebutted re: Planetizen viewpoint) to be served over 5 years.
TUSKEGEE AIRMEN FLY KIDS AT BURKE LAKEFRONT AIRPORT, CLEVELANDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 13:15.
![]() Roy Richardson (left lower photo signing “Young Eagles” certificates), one of the original Tuskegee Airmen, hosted a group of 35 parents and kids at Burke Lakefront Airport on Saturday, October 13, 2007.
FULL SHOPPING CART IN NORTH EAST OHIOSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 10/13/2007 - 12:25.
![]() Saturday AM at the bus stop - probably after a night's work in the neighborhood near CCC.
CAMERAS SHOOT MAYOR JACKSON AND DR. SANDERSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 16:52.
City of Cleveland Mayor Jackson and Cleveland Metropolitan School District Superintendent Eugene Sanders held a “news conference” in the Mayor’s Chambers this afternoon. The security magnetometer at the Mayor’s City Hall second floor office suite doorway sensed metal (my camera?) and buzzed when I went in, but it buzzed for everyone. No one was minding it. Anyway, I’m sure there was not any concealed carry in the City Hall because the yellow sign on the front door of the City Hall said “guns not allowed”. CHICAGO & TORONTO HAVE PALPABLE VITALITY – WHY DOESN'T CLEVELAND?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 10/12/2007 - 11:25.
![]() When you visit downtown Chicago or Toronto you can feel those places are more civically healthy than downtown Cleveland.
PAY TO EAT BREAKFAST WITH FRED THE FIXERSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 15:57.
This is what's wrong with Neo,- (NOTE: 1.1.13 CSU has changed the link - now it goes to a Jackson pc, not eggs with the Fixer - sorry) we keep wearing the painful shoe which has nails which bloody our soles. >Fred foisted the dog Brown stadium on the ratepayers and through Squire Sanders billed the City over half a million to put the City in bond debt for a annually empty facility which will continue to pull Cleveland down financially for decades. ( categories: )
HABITAT BUILDS NEIGHBORHOODSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 09:36.
![]() Jeffrey Bowen, who heads up Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cleveland, Ohio, met with Meet the Bloggers Thursday October 4, 2007. Keep your eye out for the new post.
WENDELL ROBINSON - POWER IN STRAIGHT PRESENTATIONSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 17:16.
I picked this up (George's wonderful caring skill is aggregation, scroll the comments) from George at BFD - Wendell touches on the REAL power of the internet - SINCERE DISCUSSION . You can read Wendell's good bye.. ( categories: )
PUBLIC MEETINGS HELD IN PRIVATE VENUES = NEO BRAIN DRAINSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 14:26.
![]() On September 13, 2007 I attended the GREAT LAKES ENERGY DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE (they re-named the wind-on-the-lake task force) in the Thompson Hine LLP law firm’s office on the 39th floor of the Key Building in downtown Cleveland. ( categories: )
DRIVEWAY SEALER - HERE TODAY, LAKE ERIE TOMORROW, YOUR SINK SOONSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 14:30.
![]() That annual mopping of asphalt sealer all over your driveway or parking lot leaves a question hanging…
As a resident of NEO and of the USA you need to read Mr. Rokakis. I picked this up via Brewed Fresh Daily who got it from Roldo Where do we go from here?
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CAKE IN THE PARKSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 20:56.
Carpe diem is one way to say it, but when I saw the glass pedestal cake plate on the sunny bank of the Lower Shaker Lake I had a feeling “seize the day” was being exercised in the superlative.
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PUBLISH (& DISCUSS) OR PERISH – THE ISRAEL LOBBYSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 10:12.
After the presentation by authors John Mearsheimer (left) and Stephen Walt (right) of the The Israel Lobby at Case’s Ford Auditorium last night, I approached Alice Bach, the tenured Case prof (on the stage between the authors) and complimented her on her perspicacity shown in arranging Mr. Mearsheimer's and Mr. Walt's visit to Cleveland. PUBLIC URINATION – WHY CLEVELAND IS FAILINGSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 14:25.
Let’s say it’s 2:30 in the morning in August in Downtown Cleveland, you are a homeless guy in your fifties named Mr. Baskin, and you are in the grassy walkway area (pictured in daytime above) behind the County Administration Building. And you’ve got to go.
WIRES CONTRE JOURSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 17:46.
![]() We have all seen this phenomena, in the early morning or late afternoon - when the sun is “against the day” - the sun somehow reflects off the wires and makes them shine like illuminated spider’s webs. ( categories: )
CLEVELAND'S GROWTH INDUSTRY - HOME REMOVALSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 09/22/2007 - 13:30.
![]() Tim Ferris wrote recently that his home on the West Side had appreciated about 2% per year over the 25 years he's been in it.
COUNTY WEB SITE ADVERTIZES FOR KENNEDYMART- YOUR TAXES AT WORK!Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 15:33.
![]() I think this is illegal and outrageous and corrupt that our Cuyahoga County web site is actually hosting and promoting a private for profit financial venture - go to the county web site and click on kennedymart and you'll be asked to ID yourself before you get any info. I won't give my info. This is why NEO is headed down...our "Government" is in the pockets of businesses while we are paying our government employees salaries. We are losing our pants twice!
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