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Roldo's blogLERNERS MAKE LIST OF WORLD'S RICHESTSubmitted by Roldo on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 17:02.
You may have noticed in the Plain Dealer this morning that the City of Cleveland will refinance $65 million in bonds for Browns Stadium. You also likely noticed that the interest rate will be going up. Taxpayers get ready.
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BETTER TO DUMP CITY FUNDS AT GILBERT'S CASINOSubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 03/09/2010 - 16:51.
I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Cheap. Just send along a big check. We’ll tell you how helpful it was some time in the future.
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C'MON DENNIS, DON'T BE ANOTHER GEORGE VOINOVICHSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 19:36.
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich is being singled out to change his vote on President Barack Obama’s health reform measure. President Obama himself pitched to Kucinich, telling him a form of single-payer option – Kucinich’s desire – is in the reform bill.
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SUBSIDIES CAUSE MORE PROBLEM THAN THEY CURESubmitted by Roldo on Sun, 03/07/2010 - 15:18.
The Plain Dealer reported Sunday about the troubled downtown commercial properties. Empty and emptying buildings. It's a shame.
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COUNTY KEEPS TAKING EXTRA MILLIONS FROM TAXPAYERSSubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 15:16.
The quarter percent sales tax for the medical mart has now cost County taxpayers $87 million. MMPI, Tim Hagan and his Kennedy friends thank you all. Keep it coming, says Tim.
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CLEVELAND'S REAL CORRUPTERSSubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 12:36.
The Cleveland Corporate Corrupters had a big meeting yesterday. They’re already deciding how to spend tens of millions of dollars we don’t have.
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FINALLY, A SENSIBLE VOICE ON NEW COUNTY GOVERNINGSubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 10:03.
Finally, someone talks some sense about the duties of new Cuyahoga County Commissioners under the County reform – candidate Clark Broida. The task of the county government is services, not economic development, he says.
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CRAZY JIM BUNNING CUTS OFF WORKERS, DOCS, SENIORSSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 17:05.
All you need is one crazy Republican to shut down the government these days. And they do it.
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DODGERS MOVE & RATNER ARRIVAL - WHICH WORSE FOR BROOKLYN?Submitted by Roldo on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 16:38.
The departure of the Brooklyn Dodgers was a blow to the people of Brooklyn, N.Y. but the arrival of a Ratner might be more devastating to Brooklyn citizens.
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GUND GRANT TO SCHOOLS - SUCH AN IRONYSubmitted by Roldo on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 12:33.
Think of the irony of it. The Gund Foundation is giving the Cleveland schools $2.5 million of dollars, according to a Page one story today in the Plain Dealer. Isn’t it ironic - or at least amusing - or a dime back on a dollar - that the Gund family took MANY millions FROM the city’s schools.
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ED YOUNG'S DEATH REMINDS US OF OUR POISONOUS POLITICSSubmitted by Roldo on Sat, 02/27/2010 - 12:45.
I’m saddened by the death of former Cleveland school board member Ed Young. His story goes to the heart of why Cleveland is the way it is. With sour and destructive politics. Personally and civically.
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ZANOTTI TOOK GAMBLING TRIPS, ALTERNATIVE PAPER SAYSSubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 02/26/2010 - 11:55.
County refomer Issue 6 leader Marty Zanotti took gambling trips with convicted County corrupter J. Kevin Kelly.
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SILLY SEASON OPENS IN COUNTY REFORM CAMPAIGNSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 21:36.
Okay, the nonsense begins. County reform just took a bad turn with the report in Crain’s Cleveland Business that candidate for County chief executive Matt Dolan wants to cut the County sales tax after backing the quarter percent increase for the Medical Mart deal. ( categories: )
CLEVELAND - AND GOOD NEWS IN A MAGAZINE!Submitted by Roldo on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 14:00.
Hey, a magazine - The Nation - with an article on Cleveland that’s positive and hopeful – about the Evergreen Cooperative Laundry and its promising help for our city. Headlined “The Cleveland Model,” it suggests a possibility for other hard-pressed cities, too. With Cleveland as the model.
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OVERLOOKING THE OBVIOUS WITH BRENT LARKINSubmitted by Roldo on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 11:24.
How pathetic can you get? Brent Larkin today uses quotes from four City Council members to tell us that Cleveland is in serious, serious trouble.
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RICHEST GET RICHER BUT PAY LESS IN FEDERAL TAXSubmitted by Roldo on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 11:49.
It’s no surprise but it’s good to have the real data. The top 400 earners saw their tax rates drop as their income soared. No one gives us this information better than David Cay Johnston. He says that these top income households have “soared to a new record high.”
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ARE WE SAFE WITH ZANOTTI TAKING A REFORM LEAD?Submitted by Roldo on Thu, 02/11/2010 - 14:16.
You may have missed, as I did, an important profile of Martin Zanotti one of the leaders in the Cuyahoga County reform saga. Damian Guevara of the Scene gave us a revealing picture of the guy who has taken a lead in the transition stage for the new county government.
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DOLPH NORTON PLAYED KEY ROLE IN URBAN CONTROLSubmitted by Roldo on Thu, 02/11/2010 - 12:30.
Dolph Norton, whose obituary ran in yesterday’s Plain Dealer, was the “liberal” face of the Cleveland Foundation during the late 1960s when corporate leaders needed to deal with, for them, new and scary urban problems. ( categories: )
Republican Gubernatorial candidate John Kasich holds 45,000 share of stock in company that says “Ohio’s business climate is better than ever.” Oops. ( categories: )
BOYCOTT CHANNEL 3 - WKYC - FOR SLASHING WORKERS PAYSubmitted by Roldo on Mon, 02/08/2010 - 14:46.
Cleveland’s TV station owners are – as are other corporations – taking advantage of the job problems – by slashing the pay of its workers. It’s for no other reason than they can apparently get away with it. ( categories: )
GATEWAY'S $3.2-MILLION BUDGET BARGAIN FOR TEAMS IN 2010Submitted by Roldo on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 17:02.
The Gateway Economic Development Corp., the non-profit entity that operates Progressive Field and Quicken Arena, has set a budget of $3,275,873 for 2010.
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GATEWAY NOW COSTS TAXPAYERS MORE THAN $100 MILLION EXTRASubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 20:50.
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JUMPSTART JUMPING WITH BIG SALARIESSubmitted by Roldo on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:56.
We haven’t heard the next barrage of fireworks from the tiff among the Cleveland Foundation, the Gund Foundation and the Fund for Our Economic Future but I’m wondering how much big salaries have to do with the Cleveland Foundation’s desire for more control.
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REPUBLICANS LIE AND NEWS MEDIA SPREAD ITSubmitted by Roldo on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 15:49.
The Audacity of No.
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"COLLABORATION" - THE AIM, NOT RESULTSubmitted by Roldo on Tue, 02/02/2010 - 16:33.
Let me get this straight. The Cleveland Foundation is now the target of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? You got to be kidding me.
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