All Comments

SubjectCommenterDate Postedsort icon
Funny, but it's thisskepticalthinker08/21/2009 - 08:55
Fraud is fraud, is illegalNorm Roulet08/21/2009 - 08:37
p.s. i remember thisbj08/21/2009 - 06:29
thank you for the thought ward14residentbj08/21/2009 - 05:56
a statistical planning areabj08/21/2009 - 00:26
Debbie, I really don'tward14resident08/21/2009 - 00:18
thank you henrybj08/20/2009 - 23:58
I think it's fantastic!  Ijerleen108/20/2009 - 23:05
Congratulations Henry and TWDCNorm Roulet08/20/2009 - 22:55
ward reductiondwebb08/20/2009 - 22:49
Thank you Debbie.  I took award14resident08/20/2009 - 22:15
 jerleen108/20/2009 - 20:56
 Jeff,TWDC Board Presidentjerleen108/20/2009 - 20:56
water and sewerdwebb08/20/2009 - 19:25
ward 14 questiondwebb08/20/2009 - 19:20
Thanks Real Neo and Realward14resident08/20/2009 - 18:55
Be sure to click through for more operaNorm Roulet08/20/2009 - 18:45
I don't have the answer toward14resident08/20/2009 - 18:44
The Cleveland Portallmcshane08/20/2009 - 18:30
Water and sewer rateslmcshane08/20/2009 - 18:21
cells, bees, medwebb08/20/2009 - 17:28
StateSenate Seatskd033308/20/2009 - 17:25
When convenience killsEternity08/20/2009 - 17:03
the Catania site lists investments in Turkey and IndiaJeff Buster08/20/2009 - 16:51
Colony Collapse Disorder - bees and cell phone signals Jeff Buster08/20/2009 - 16:39
Clark-Fulton Ward 14lmcshane08/20/2009 - 16:37
Fat meat is greasy, saying No doesn't change that.Eternity08/20/2009 - 16:32
No.skepticalthinker08/20/2009 - 15:40
A dog house, maybe. ARoldo08/20/2009 - 15:34
Catania Investments - different Sam?Jeff Buster08/20/2009 - 15:32
You mean my "peabrain" dubjerleen108/20/2009 - 15:02
Where the future is brighter...?Norm Roulet08/20/2009 - 14:43
bj please don't leaveward14resident08/20/2009 - 14:32
Thank you.  It wasn't sojerleen108/20/2009 - 14:23
Yes, there are greaterward14resident08/20/2009 - 14:22
As I said jb, if you want tojerleen108/20/2009 - 14:20
communitybj08/20/2009 - 14:04
Cause neighbors to fightward14resident08/20/2009 - 13:47
Our Communityskd033308/20/2009 - 13:04
Imcshane,I have been in myward14resident08/20/2009 - 12:43
One important thing I forgotjerleen108/20/2009 - 12:35
coast guard station a la Jeff JacobsSusan Miller08/20/2009 - 12:32
attacks or notbj08/20/2009 - 12:15
All just a big game, to those controlling the boardNorm Roulet08/20/2009 - 11:55
Thank you so much dbra.  Ijerleen108/20/2009 - 10:50
Guy, I do not believe I saidjerleen108/20/2009 - 10:38
READlmcshane08/20/2009 - 10:37
Here is the press releaseRoldo08/20/2009 - 10:28
thanks Jeff!dbra08/20/2009 - 10:22
The down grade is related toOengus08/20/2009 - 09:52