
RiverDay 2006 Events - May 20th

Submitted by Ed Hauser on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 09:36.
05/20/2006 - 10:00
05/20/2006 - 16:00

RiverDay 2006 Events

The Friends of the Crooked River has announced an exciting line-up of events for the 16th Annual RiverDay celebration to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2006. First held in 1991, RiverDay is a day long festival of activities celebrating the Cuyahoga River and its watershed. Join the celebration of the Cuyahoga River. This year's theme is “Bringing Down the Barriers- Opening the River, Hearts and Minds.”


Cuyahoga River Watershed OH
United States

RiverDay 2006 Events - Saturday, May 20th

Submitted by Ed Hauser on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 09:16.

Cuyahoga River seen from Whiskey Island

The Friends of the Crooked River has announced an exciting line-up of events for the 16th Annual RiverDay celebration to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2006.  First held in 1991, RiverDay is a day long festival of activities celebrating the Cuyahoga River and its watershed.  Join the celebration of the Cuyahoga River.  This year's theme is “Bringing Down the Barriers- Opening the River, Hearts and Minds.”

? of the Day: What is the future of the Cleveland Playhouse?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 06:59.

I commented, in a posting about an event at the Cleveland Playhouse, "I hate going to anything at the Cleveland Playhouse/MOCA complex - my last choice of venue for anything in NEO - which makes me sad, since I like good theater and they have the only significant Philip Johnson building in town".

Thank You to the RealNeo Network

Submitted by William on Sat, 05/13/2006 - 11:46.

I want to thank all in the RealNeo Network that helped promote the CAAO Online Silent Executive Auction.  You helped us raise the most money since we started this program two years ago.

Even though there were bidders participating in the auction from all areas of Ohio, the winning bidders in the auction are from 13 cities in Northeast Ohio.  Keep a look out for the 2007 CAAO Online Silent Executive Auction.  CAAO has already started recruiting executives for 2007.

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The Coit Road Farmers Market Spring Celebration

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Fri, 05/12/2006 - 09:54.
05/13/2006 - 08:00
05/13/2006 - 13:00


The Coit Road Farmers Market
15000 Woodworth (between E. 152nd and Coit)
East Cleveland, Ohio 44112
(216) 249-5455
Map at


The Coit Road Farmers Market
15000 Woodworth (between E. 152nd and Coit)
East Cleveland, OH
United States

CAAO to host Voices & Choices Community Conversation

Submitted by William on Tue, 05/09/2006 - 23:51.
05/19/2006 - 18:00

The Fund for Our Economic Future, an unprecedented collaboration among organized philanthropy of northeast Ohio to promote regional economic development, needs your help with its bold and exciting initiative, Voices & Choices.  Voices & Choices is the most extensive public engagement process ever undertaken in this country.  We will involve thousands of people across the region to create an agenda of economic development transformation. 


Cleveland Midtown Innovation Center
4415 Euclid Ave., Suite 201
Cleveland, OH
United States

Local IT Guru Interviews CAAO's Executive Director

Submitted by William on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 19:48.

Local IT Guru Dan Hanson interviewed Connie Atkins, Executive Director of CAAO.  To check out the pod cast go to


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Don't forget to place your bid in the CAAO Online Executive Auction

Submitted by William on Sun, 05/07/2006 - 16:25.
05/12/2006 - 18:00
05/12/2006 - 23:00

Hello all,


You still have time to participate in Northeast Ohio's most innovative business matchmaker event.  There are some great opportunities still available.  To see the catalog of executives participating go to


Online Cleveland, OH
United States

Emerging collaborations with Team NEO

Submitted by Ed Morrison on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 17:24.

One of the major challenges in Northeast Ohio is a lack of collaboration and alignment.

This dynamic is slowly changing, however. Here's some evidence of the shift. Team NEO, the region's's economic development organization, has formed a partnership with two major port authorities. The agreement establishes a structure to share prospects opportunities in a cooperative way.

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JazzFest huge success for East Cleveland and Greg Reese!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 11:05.

Greg Reese Auditorium

Saturday and Sunday, April 29 & 30, 2006, the Tri-C JazzFest took the spectacular stage at the East Cleveland Public Library, custom built for jazz by world-class library leader Greg Reese, for two major FREE concerts that drew full house crowds to a community few know and so most don't appreciate. After this weekend, many more people understand East Cleveland is the coolest city in NEO.

Prelude2Cinema becomes a Branded Entertainment Company

Submitted by prelude2cinema on Sat, 04/29/2006 - 12:32.

Digital Movie Company Prelude2Cinema has become a Branded Entertainment Company

To explore what that means, we first have to look at what is branded entertainment.

First, it looks like product placement, but it is not. It is the integration of a brand into a creative production. The integration must be done in a way that promotes the product, but also allows the creative production to entertain. This is a new field, but yet it has its roots in the beginning of movies and television.

Black Males Locked Out of Jobs

Submitted by William on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 14:58.

Hello all,

I just came across to the below disturbing report.  I would be interested in seeing your comments on this topic. 

Black Males Locked Out of Jobs
White ex-cons as likely to find work than black men with no criminal record

By Brenda Porter 

April 27, 2006 -- A study from a team of Princeton University sociology professors revealed that race and criminal history continue to play a role in gaining employment.

As part of the study, which began in February 2004, 13 applicants went on nearly 3,500 job interviews with 1,470 private companies. All jobs were entry level.
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Save the Broadway Mills buiding from ODOT

Submitted by Martha Eakin on Wed, 04/26/2006 - 09:03.

On Thursday April 13 Ed Hauser, with support from the Gilotta family, made a presentation before the Cleveland Landmarks Commission, nominating the old Broadway Mills building, now homebase to Gilotta Fuels, for landmark status.  Hauser nominated both the building, built in 1894, and the remaining portion of the old central viaduct at the building’s base.  Motivated by a communication from ODOT, sent at 5:33p.m. on the evening before the hearing, a majority of  Landmark Commission members voted to table the nomination until ODOT could make a presentation at the Commission’s next meeting. That’s right, the Commission that is supposed to protect Cleveland’s landmarks decided not to even begin consideration of potential landmark status because of ODOT’s request.

NEO Car Shopper -- the Rav4

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 23:35.

It has been a long time since I have blogged about car shopping, but I have n't forgotten that I need a new car. The squeeling bearing, rusted out muffler and check engine light on my car remind me of that every time I drive anywhere.

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University Circle Incorporated growing function, context and identity

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/23/2006 - 22:20.



For so many reasons, University Circle and its institutions and the surrounding neighborhood are core to what I value in NEO, and I look forward to seeing all that continually expand in significance to me, the region and world. But, University Circle is a small geographic domain, which must be optimized for 21 organizational stakeholders, and their 1,000,000s of stakeholders, including everyone associated with Case, University Hospitals, the VA, CIA, Cleveland Museum(s), Institute of Music, Orchestra, etc., and all others in the community.

In visioning for a better region and future here, consider a broader interpretation of University Circle from the small cultural, healthcare and university center of Cleveland to the center of the entire University Community of NEO.


Eleisha Eagle show at Pheonix Lakewood is "NEO-Knows" Sunday treat

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 04/23/2006 - 13:15.

NEO Knows Pheonix is a great "coffee house", and the Lakewood Pheonix is unique and special, and often features live music. April 23, they featured a really terrific singer from Tennessee - now living in LA - Eleisha Eagle, whose  booming voice, authentic character, and original songs and compositions were a real treat for folks hanging out and drawn in by the perfect gift.

Sure, stuff like this happens all the time - everywhere - great local business owners go out of their way to bring culture to their communities - artists travel the world to share their talent - and fortunate folks participating in the beautiful world come across these treats all the time, if receptive, but that doesn't make finding such joys and the places where found any less special. Thus, I thank, compliment and celebrate Pheonix Coffee Lakewood and Eleisha Eagle - if you missed her today, check her out at


Let's make successful aging in place a NEO innovation priority

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/22/2006 - 08:34.

The NY Times featured an interesting editorial on "Aging in Place", published 04/22/06, raises many issues to address in NEO right now. The editorial is promoting "reverse mortgages" to allow older homeowners to tap into the equity in their homes to pay for their living costs, ideally until the end. It is very sad the end costs to live and die now eclipse the lifetime wealth and accrued assets of most Americans, who will hope at best to die without major financial hardships - increasingly, dying at home. There are many reasons for these irreversible trends, from the disproportionately aging population (also causing SS crisis) and exploding healthcare expectations and costs to overall longer lifespans.

help raise NEO's profile with a quick online effort...

Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 07:30.

I'm going to try one more time, since my previous call for help only yielded two responses (thanks, you two!), and since there is some recently posted information on what is coming down the pipeline out of Seattle in terms of developing local sites based on 43places.
Here's what to do:  create a free account on 43things, add this goal to your list of 43 things to do, and make an entry under that goal with "Cleveland" in the title. That will get us on the list of the first 15 cities to receive local sites in the next iteration of 43places.


Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 21:23.

Please keep everyone injured in your hearts and prayers.  Let us learn from our mistakes....and keep in mind it could have been worse.  The river could have caught on fire.


Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 14:54.

Turbine home


Now it is pretty easy – and sort of sporting fun -  to be critical of what we think are other people’s hair brained schemes and plans, but  every now and then, to balance out one’s cynicism, one needs to come up with a radical plan to supply a target for every other sporting cynic.   This is the dynamic that creates the basis for stimulating conversation.  And it is how bold ideas get shaken out.

So one of the past posts on this blog  concerned architect Gehry and the extent to which his designs were or were not “moral”.  While I was sniping at Gehry and his clients for the extremely high cost of the Gehry buildings, I hadn’t proffered any alternative designs which were visually interesting and novel, and which might be able to expand the “shelter” envelope more than Gehry’s twisting and turning the facades of office and school buildings. 


Here goes: 

Case Book Sale

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 13:05.
06/03/2006 - 10:00
06/06/2006 - 13:00

Used books are the best, so don't miss the best used book sale in Cleveland!

60th Anniversary Case Book Sale 2006, sponsored by The Association for Continuiing Education

Saturday, June 3rd 10 am -12 noon Preview ($20 Fee), 12 noon - 6 pm Free admission Begins


Adelbert Gym, South Campus of Case Western Reserve university
2128 Adelbert Road
Cleveland, OH
United States

Dr. Gregory Eastwood, Interim President Introduces Himself to the Case Community

Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 12:40.

On Monday April 17th at 4 p.m. in Strosacker Auditorium Dr. Gregory Eastwood, Interim President, introduced himself to the Case Community (students, faculty and staff). The event was also broadcast live via webcast. I tried to listen to the webcast, which was frustrating due technology problems  (I am not sure if it was on my end or Case's). I listened again the next day thanks to the archived copy -- much more satisfying result. If you missed out please check the link.

Special Savings for Fundraiser May 4th for Digital Media Industry

Submitted by prelude2cinema on Sun, 04/16/2006 - 21:37.
05/04/2006 - 17:00
05/04/2006 - 19:00

As Spider-Man 3 swings into town, Film Czar Alex P. Michaels is currently developing a new industry that will consistently produce movies and TV series here. To celebrate the creation of this new industry, the Film Czar and his company Prelude2Cinema are holding special event fundraisers at the Velvet Dog on April 27th and Massimo da Milano on May 4th.


Massimo da Milano
1400 West 25th Street
Cleveland, OH
United States

PORT AUTHORITY AWOL - Vote No on Tax Levy increase Issue 108

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 04/10/2006 - 12:37.

Cleveland cuyahoga county port authority stiff leg derrick obsolete vote no on tax issue levy 108

This is a repost of a 2006 report.  The stiff leg derrick is still in place today.   Large and heavy steel and equipment is still being made overseas - and not in NEO.    Think about it:  the Port is a JOB LOSER because just about nothing is exported!  

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