Eddy "Citizen" Hauser Read about Ed …
This just in from Archinect: (how one learned community loves and respects their Breuer)
doomed? Unlikely...
We are destroying our culture and historical record to make cardboard replicas of Americana and parking lots? Developer Greg Romes of Lake Pointe Construction plans to demolish the former Avon Center School on Detroit Road to make way for a shopping center. The one-room schoolhouse was built in 1910.
We can't save everything, but where do we draw the line? Why do we have to bulldoze everything? How can we incorporate our past into the future?
From grand to the vernacular
We are destroying our culture and historical record to make cardboard replicas of Americana and parking lots?

Developer Greg Romes of Lake Pointe Construction plans to demolish the former Avon Center School on Detroit Road to make way for a shopping center. The one-room schoolhouse was built in 1910.
Bury our relics?
We can't save everything, but where do we draw the line? Why do we have to bulldoze everything? How can we incorporate our past into the future?