To the County Auditor of the
County of Cuyahoga, Ohio:
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The following article has been forwarded to David Ellison (because of Ellison’s co sponsorship – with Sally Levine - of the Marcel Breuer re-design re-use exhibit at Ingenuity Fest which is linked here) by Berlin architectural journalist Ulf Meyer. The article will appear in NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG (according to Meyer one of Europe’s best papers). Google translator won’t work on the older windows system from which I am now posting. A quick translation from someone would be great!
I Am the ProblemSubmitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 09:10.
I copied this from the July/August issue of SOLAR TODAY the magazine of the American Solar Energy Society -
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The Way of the Cross - Symbolizing Synergistic Strategic Alliances and Cooperative Cross Sectional CollaborationsSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 11:54.
Let's try to elucidate the elusive and concretize the abstraction represented by my Cross System - start by drawing a Cross.
Tax-Junkie Pep-Rally for the Arts... And I guess that I just dont knowSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 09:43.
08/17/2007 - 08:30 08/17/2007 - 10:00 Etc/GMT-4 I just got the email below, from the head of a local arts not-for-profit to remain un-named, to protect the innocent: "Norm -- i just wanted to make sure you knew about the "sales pitch" we are about to get.". I read on to see that tax junkie CPAC - Community Partnership for Arts and Culture - is on the Cuyahoga County junk again, now hustling artists and arts organizations to tax themselves and patrons for the benefit of the dealers. Read on... anyone going to this who can cover for realneo?... Note: " RSVP’s are required!" Now, a little art, in honor of this event and the rush for the MedCon and taxation without sober representation, courtesy of Lou Reed: I dont know just where Im going But Im gonna try for the kingdom, if I can cause it makes me feel like Im a man When I put a spike into my vein And Ill tell ya, things arent quite the same When Im rushing on my run And I feel just like jesus son And I guess that I just dont know Location
Great Lakes Science Center
601 Erieside Ave.
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
Getting back to basics: Sustainability can be about the little things tooSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 10:58.
Having recently completed a survey of the latest and greatest developments in sustainability, which included a review of current legislature in Congress to effect policy thereto, I can't help but think how much in life is about the simple things. The tried and true maxim ' Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' embraces so much of what we need in terms of behavior shifts that would maximize metrics and optimize outcomes.
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Jeffrey Bowen, Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity, Executive Director joins the MTB Roundtable at Midtown BrewsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 11:12.
08/02/2007 - 17:30 08/02/2007 - 19:30 Etc/GMT-4 The dynamic leader of Habitat for Humanity will discuss the REstore program ( at their offices as well as how providing affordable, sustainable housing helps end a cycle of poverty. Many opportunities to contribute in this worthwhile, ongoing project in Greater Cleveland will reveal themselves through this lively discussion. And if we are lucky, we may just get Jeffrey to veer off topic a bit and talk about his other life as a performance poet. Location
2530 Superior Avenue, Suite 600
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps KRUMP DANCING IS COOLSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 13:43.
I have been following a thread on BrewedFreshDaily concerning Michael Polensek’s radical letter – and whether recreation centers might make a difference to our kids Mr. Polensek’s ward has been promising to build a youth rec center for about 17 years but can’t seem to get it done.
To the County Auditor of the
BREUER TOWER REUSE CONCEPTS FROM AROUND THE WORLDSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 19:34.
Following are images of the concepts which were received by Sally Levine and David Ellison for the reuse of the Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower in Cleveland Ohio. I extend my appreciation to the designers for their generous dedication and creativity. I will endeavor to number each of the entries so that comments can be directed to specific designs. I will also try to make legible the text which is important on many. A submission from Italy was especially poignant in its text. Designers, please feel free to log in and amplify your presentations. This is very cool that so much volunteer creativity went into this event. Here's my hoping that all the designers who contributed will reap a referred commission or two from their contributions....
Join The Inner Circle to Put It On The BallotSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 13:06.
07/27/2007 - 12:30 07/27/2007 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 It is official - "Cuyahoga County commissioners voted 2-1 today to raise the sales tax a quarter of a penny to help bring a Medical Mart to Cleveland." Perhaps you'd like time to think about this more, and the opportunity to vote with other citizens on how you are taxed. Other citizens feel the same and have formed a committee to "Put It On The Ballot"- a grass-roots campaign to collect enough signatures to force the 1/4% sales tax increase to be placed on a ballot. This Friday, July 27, there will be an Excellence Roundtable at The Inner Circle where some of the people involved with this campaign will join a discussion on this issue, from all directions. To learn more about the campaign, visit - you'll certainly read more about this initiative on this site and on REALNEO throughout the coming months. 7GEN (developer of REALNEO) is providing this Drupal site for this initiative, and I look forward to learning more about the campaign and all related issues. Location
The Inner Circle Restaurant, at Hough Bakeries
1519 Lakeview Road
East Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
Bloggapalooza and Arts Collinwood featuring at Beachland TavernSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 12:07.
07/28/2007 - 11:00 07/28/2007 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Here's a worthwhile event notice from one of the Founders of Meet The Bloggers, George Nemeth, for their BLOGGAPALOOZA. Now at the Beachland Tavern, mixing with Arts Collinwood, this should be an amazing gathering - need to check this out for sure: Location
Beachland Tavern
15711 Waterloo Rd.
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
DOES LIKE HE WRITESSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/24/2007 - 19:03.
Norm and Evelyn are forging ahead in East Cleveland. Little House on the Prairie has nothing on these guys.
You can find a good letter from Cleveland City Councilman Brian Cummins regarding the quartercent tax hike proposed by Cuyahoga County Commissioners Hagan and Dimora on Brewed Fresh Daily here. (Dead Link) >On 2/17/09 I noticed the link to BFD was dead. Here is the letter in PDF in its entirety graciously supplied by the author and posted to Realneo on 2/18/09 by JB
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Post-Ingenuity Party : Reflections ReconstitutedSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 11:28.
If the world hasn't caught on yet, some of the ideas I presented this weekend as exhibitor during the Ingenuity Festival held here in Downtown Cleveland have caught the distinct attention of our Pope and President, among others.. and though Mr. Bush is now under the duress-caress of a legitimate censure threat he, like so many others has to know a great thing when he sees it. Who doesn't ? The key now is to work collaboratively and cross-sectionally to manifest those ideations and innovations particularly and proactively preventative of Biblically-briefed, Catastrophe-causing and Armageddon-averting measures so we can assure a sustainable future for us all. It is my belief we have five years until a pivotal time in history, and this is indeed a Messianic age - one which is facilitated by what spiritualist Eckhart Tolle and so many others refer to as the frequency holders (Findhorn Retreat).. So perhaps polytheism returns, and we will all be gods ? . And as I jest, in part, I am simultaneously serious - this isn't enigmatically expansive, or bucolic bipolar banter but rather real and rugged rapture we're talking about!
SAVING THE BREUER - RIGHT VS MIGHTSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 12:22.
The IngenuityFest public outreach efforts of Sally Levine and David Ellison are intended to prevent Cuyahoga County from demolishing Cleveland’s Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower. Ms. Levine and Mr. Ellison present a “Right vs Might” poster boy case of passionate public citizens who are “right” going up against “City Hall” “might”. Except in this case it isn’t “City Hall”, but “County Hall”.
last night in front of the Hanna BuildingSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sat, 07/21/2007 - 13:37.
CLAIRE PORTER'S "INTERVIEW"Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 11:19.
Wednesday evening Cleveland State University’s Dance Program brought “Words Alive” to the Drinko Recital Hall at CSU. Performers combined movement with music, or with dialogue.
Anyone have experience with eco-friendly strippers and coatings?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 19:02.
We're about to start prepping and painting lots of plaster walls and protecting lots of wood trim, windows, doors and floors, inside and out. As we are bringing the property to its most natural state possible, removing most paint, varnish, and wallpaper, we are working from very raw materials, and feel that is good. How do we now keep our house as natural as possible, as we finish it up?
REAL PAINT – REAL COMMITMENT – REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:15.
Riverview Baptist Church from Franklin, Ohio (south of Dayton, Oh.) in cooperation with Fresh Coat Cleveland spent a week providing their earnest and good spirited (the job site near E55th and Superior was a upbeat place to be) volunteer labor in Cleveland painting houses.
MR. BILL WAGNER'S PUBLIC SQUARE MEALSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 09:19.
TEAR DOWN THE UGLY ONE - CUYAHOGA COUNTY COMMISSIONER TIM HAGANSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 08:44.
Here's the photo of the Breuer Building which respectfully reflects the Breuer neighboring buildings. Where has the Cleveland Foundation been during the discussion of the removal of the Marcel Breuer Building out of downtown Cleveland, Ohio? The CF hasn't been shy about lobbying for wind energy, for which the Foundation is to be applauded. And the wind energy issue certainly has a political side – the other side from the republican oil and gas industry. Why doesn't the CF jump in on this historic preservation issue?
TEAR DOWN THE UGLY ONE - MARCEL BREUERSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 22:38.
Beauty inside the mind of the beholder? sure, but education from our peers who know the difference helps get us up the ladder of appreciation. Here's a shot from the plebian street...GOT UGLY? Marcel Breuer – do you get it?
EYE OF THE BREUER STORMSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/08/2007 - 09:54.
If local eyes are shut to the value of the Breuer, perhaps this iconic eye of the Building will be recognized by a sophisticated developer as one reason to remove and reassemble the stone and precast concrete elements hung on the steel core of this 1970 structure.
Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable FutureSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 09:50.
07/19/2007 - 17:00 07/22/2007 - 23:00 Etc/GMT-4 Introduction : Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable Future
Here is a refined draft for the A Sustainable Future exhibit to be curated by yours truly at the Nance School of Business July 19-22 along with the other Technology hubs. Sustainability will be the 'glue that binds' in many respects, the various other hubs encompassing the wide array of technologies - from Fuel Cells to Nanotechnology to advanced Bioscience. It is only fitting that Technology be given such prominence this year at the Festival of ART and TECHNOLOGY and the timing is perfect for this to be the true coming out party for an epic festival ! Location
Monte Ahuja Hall , Nance School of Business
Cleveland, OH
United States
See map: Google Maps |
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