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Social ConsciousnessTOWER CITY CENTER ADVERTIZING WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION ON THE RTA?Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 13:38.
___________________________________________________________________ This post is a response to the RTA public informantion officer, Mr. Masek, and Anonymous (who seems to be responding for Mr. Masek also) here over on Tim Ferris' blog __________________________________________________________________
2007 Cleveland Institute of Art Faculty ShowSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/10/2007 - 13:04.
The Cleveland Institute of Art is extraordinarily important to Northeast Ohio and the world for the great artists and designers educated there, and for the great artists and designers who are the educators, and staff. Each year, the work of the diverse CIA faculty is showcased in an exhibition not to be missed... the reception for 2007 was last Friday, December 7, and a great event, as always... perhaps the last ever in the historic Gund Building Reinberger Gallery space, as the CIA moves in total to Euclid Avenue.
GET UP TOMORROW, AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN - IN CLEVELAND…Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 14:32.
What is it about diners that is so “everyman”, so comfortably commonplace?
CLEVELAND PLUS - CHRISTMAS RATS BITING PEOPLE IN PUBLIC SQUARESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/07/2007 - 12:55.
“We’ve got it all, together” here in Cleveland, Ohio! And I'm not talking about the Nutcracker rats, either!
CITY OF BIG SHOULDERSSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 12/06/2007 - 21:03.
Carl Sandburg wrote “Chicago” in 1916.
Star Neighborhood Development Plan For Gund Building and CIA SiteSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 11:50.
As part of the Star Neighborhood Development planning for the Star Complex and surrounding one mile radius, I have been planning the redevelopment of the current Cleveland Institute of Art Gund Building and land, on East Boulevard in Cleveland, shown below (full size image here).
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Urban dining with kids at best @ Bar Cento, TuesdaysSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 14:03.
12/04/2007 - 16:30 12/04/2007 - 20:30 Etc/GMT-4 Chef Jonathon Sawyer's blog says "!!!Due to the Overwhelming Response!!!"... and I saw that first hand, last week... COOK CHEFIN' w/ Kids @ Bar Cento is now a weekly occassion for families to get together at the very cool Bar Centro, being the left side of the Bier Market, 1948 W. 25th Street, from, for the kids (and adults) to make their own gourmet pizzas... Bar Cento provides a great spread of organic, fresh toppings and has fresh dough spread out to go. We took our son Claes last week and we all had such fun, and made the best pizza in town, so we're going back tonight and will be regulars... scene is today's header of the day, full size here). Location
Bar Centro
1948 W. 25th Street Bier Market
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
Renowned architect Carl Stein explains "rampant environmental recklessness" of plans for BreuerSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/03/2007 - 08:31.
November 28, 2007, renowned architect Carl Stein, FAIA, Principal of elemental architecture, llc, of New York City, shared his valuable understanding about the environment in Northeast Ohio and the world, focusing on the energy of buildings and a specific analysis of the Breuer Cleveland Trust Tower, in downtown Cleveland. This is the only high-rise by revolutionary architect Marcel Breuer, and it is globally appreciated as a masterpiece of modern design and construction... yet it is planned for demolition by Cuyahoga County Commissioners Dimora and Hagan. Stein worked with Breuer for many years, including when Breuer built the Cleveland Trust Tower, and Stein's conclusion is there is no rational excuse for demolishing the Breuer. As Stein states, "just that Breuer and this building are so important is enough reason to preserve the Breuer"... although Stein gives many other reasons!
Activists Start GooglingSubmitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 20:54.
Internet Maps Illustrate Environmental Woes
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BREAKING UP THE DOG HOUSE – TRANSIENCE IN AMERICASubmitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 15:40.
I spent time today cutting up an old dog house - for firewood.
Third and Last of 3 Bauhaus-Breuer events this week: Wednesday, November 28 at 6 pm at Judson Manor —Green building and modernism; are they antithetical? (I'm posting this for Susan Miller who's one of the organizers)
Stopping the insanity at Dewey's Coffee, on Shaker SquareSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 21:41.
Susan Miller had mentioned a strong statement on cell phone use at Dewey's Coffee House, on Shaker Square, in Cleveland, and I happened to be here tonight and saw this posted on their front counter... it is thought provoking, and Dewey's is an excellent place... latest Sunday night free wifi coffee house I know in this part of town (10 PM).
Cleveland+Mean-spiritsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 19:55.
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DISTANT RELATIVES – WE MEET ON THANKSGIVINGSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 18:55.
This morning when I was out with Tucker (the dog) this deer got his attention. Tucker stood still and stared at the deer, and the deer stood still, while slow-motion lifting his front left leg up and down to softly stomp his hoof on the leaves.
FACELESS TRAVELERS AND THE US BORDER PATROLSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 17:17.
The mood in the United States is changing towards people who don’t look like they are from here. For years I have traveled around the US and around the world and, besides being inspected and asked to produce my passport at the physical border crossing between nations, I have only been stopped inside a county once - in the 70’s – by soldados in Patagonia when Argentina was governed by the military right before Peron returned to power.
"That's a hefty tax break..."Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 23:59.
MODERN MASTERS FOR FREE AT CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ARTSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 11/18/2007 - 19:13.
Be sure to visit the Cleveland Museum of Art and see the Modern Master’s. Really, it is way too much to take in during one visit.
Rest in Shame, Forever, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party ChairmanSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/16/2007 - 22:27.
I wanted to enjoy and capture a last glimpse of Fall 2007 so stopped by the second most important battleground in the history of the environmental movement in NEO, after Whiskey Island, being the Shaker Lakes Nature Center, above (see full size here). Were it not for 11 exceptional women from Shaker, including REALNEOan Martha Eakin's mother, a seriously crude, corrupt, foolish Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Chairman, former Cuyahoga County Engineer Albert Porter, would have driven freeways through this exact spot in the Shaker Lakes. The scenario is very much like we have in NEO today, with seriously crude, corrupt, foolish political bosses attempting to do seriously crude, corrupt, foolish things to our region, like demolishing the Breuer, over-bridging and retrenching I-90, and likely the "Opportunity Corridor", which is driving far more than 11 exceptional women to take on the latest generation of seriously crude, corrupt, foolish leaders... and, like the Shaker 11, we are winning.
As soon as we lose the moral basis, we cease to be religiousSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/16/2007 - 00:40.
Rockefeller / MLK Drive is as beautiful a place to enjoy nature - these days, fall colors - as any place on Earth that has been touched by man. As I've been thinking about the Native Americans of this land, and Indians of India and America, and the current hostility in this county of past invaders against all others who want to live here too, I was drawn to the Indian Cultural Garden, today, and it was spectacular (full size image here). I stood there alone, in one of the world's most beautiful places, as commuting suburbanites whizzzed by, and I thought of the last photos I took near here, of the demolition of historic apartment buildings on East Boulevard, that were part of this park's historic fabric and culture, quietly demolished for parking lots, for the whizzzzzing commuters (Full size images: above and below).
To solve many of our social ills, NEO simply needs to give back what we have abandonedSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 22:35.
It is interesting to reflect on "Cleveland" as a "shrinking city", with 100,000s in declining population, 10,000s of abandoned residential, commercial and industrial lots and buildings covering 1,000s of acres of land, and a failing tax base. Simply put, much of Cleveland is free to the taking, and taxpayers will even pay to get taken by their leaders - the land that is being freed up in this latest Savings and Loan "crisis" is worth $ billions and is being given to the friends of politicians for long term speculation and short term enrichment... what is bad for the poor is very good for the rich, who can buy low (can't beat free, with public subsidy). I'd say all this foreclosure hoopla is as fraudulent as was the housing bubble itself, being pure voodoo economic bullshit media spin to steal from the poor and give to the rich - the "Developed Nations" way and a NEO leadership specialty. I'd like to propose a completely different spin on dealing with our shrinking city crises, which is to give back to the Native Americans what we stole from them in the first place, since we destroyed it and supposedly it is now a burden to we settlers in our cowardly New World.
CLEVELAND ( PLUS) EQUATION * POLLUTION + YOUR LUNGS = MITTAL'S FILTER SYSTEMSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 12:10.
11/14/2007 - 18:30 11/14/2007 - 20:00 Etc/GMT-4 Picked up from Mittal Steel & Your Health Join Cleveland area doctors, nurses, and community leaders for a public hearing on the topic Wed 11/14 at 6:30PM at Tri-C’s downtown Metro campus in room CC10. Light refreshments will be served. Come to find out why 375 Cleveland area doctors and nurses have written to Cleveland’s biggest polluter, Mittal Steel, urging pollution prevention. Dr. Kathleen Fagan from University Hospital's Swetland Environmental Health Center will speak at the event paneled by Dr. Anne Wise, Kim Foreman, and Dr. Dan Brustein. For more information or ridesharing contact Liz Ilg with Ohio Citizen Action at 861-5200. http://www.ohiocitizen.orgLocation
Tri C Cleveland campus
room cc10
cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
POST NO BILLS: The County Commissioners are using our tax money in a blatant and hypocritical propaganda campaign intended to sway public opinion after their vote to demolish the Breuer Tower.
Terraforming 101Submitted by Charles Frost on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 21:58.
Giving Climate Change a KickBy Eli Kintisch |
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