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BOARD OF EDUCATION SLAMMED AT MAR. 26, 2013 MEETING FOR SENSELESS DESTRUCTION OF HISTORIC JOHN MARSHALL HIGH AND FOR POISONING THE ENVIRONMENT! BOARD OF EDUCATION WAS SLAMMED AT THE MARCH 26, 2013 MEETING FOR THE SENSELESS DESTRUCTION OF HISTORIC 81-YEAR OLD JOHN MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL – A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND FOR POLLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT BY THE DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR – A CRIME AGAINST THE COMMUNITY – ALL FACILITATED BY A 100% CORRUPT SYSTEM LED BY MAYOR JACKSON AND COUNCILMAN SWEENEY – CORRUPT POLS (POLITICIANS) – AND THEIR CRONIES – A CORRUPT AND VISIONLESS SCHOOL DISTRICT -- AND PERPETUATED BY AN EQUALLY CORRUPT MEDIA. Comments made on behalf of Petitioners at the CMSD Board of Education, To: Denise W. Link, Chair, CMSD Board of Education Copy to: Eric S. Gordon, CEO, CMSD (Cleveland Metropolitan School District) Subject: A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY: THE ILLEGITIMATE, SENSELESS, DESTRUCTION OF HISTORIC 81-YEAR OLD JOHN MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL FACILITATED BY A 100% CORRUPT SYSTEM IN CLEVELAND, OHIO; AND A CRIME AGAINST THE COMMUNITY: THE POISONING OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS! Good Evening! My name is Satinder P. S. Puri. I take great pride in the award given to Riverside School – led by our outstanding Principal Charles C. Byrd and a staff of excellent and dedicated teachers. This is my 8th year teaching as a community volunteer which I consider a singular honor. While the Board must be commended for saving the historic Board building – no Board member came forward to SAVE historic John Marshall High school. The Board discussed the historic Board building for over an hour. I hope you will understand why I went on a three-week long hunger strike and walked the equivalent of over 2,000 miles – all over Cleveland – to SAVE historic John Marshall – the topic of preserving historic structures means a lot to some of us. Now to the topic at hand: A 100% corrupt system in Cleveland, Ohio – has facilitated two crimes: A crime against humanity -- the illegitimate, senseless, destruction of historic 81-year old John Marshall High School located in Cleveland, Ohio –-- which has destroyed our link to the past and, A crime against the community – the poisoning of the environment – for present and future generations (4), (5), (6), (7). City Hall meted out gross injustice (1) -- through sustained & collusive inaction, and vote rigging – to over 2,400 petitioners who wanted to SAVE JOHN MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL. Mayor Jackson has stated – “I have never lied to you” but cannot answer questions pertaining to his honesty in the $50 million John Marshall High School Construction Project. Mayor “I have never lied to you” Jackson used Philadelphia lawyers and legal gobbledygook to withhold public documents questioning his honesty. Mayor Jackson has said he loves kids – our kids – but has destroyed their swimming pool, auditorium, and underground running tracks. Councilman Sweeney rigged the votes to demolish our architectural gem. Our councilman believes – a high school without an auditorium, swimming pool, and underground running tracks – “is a state-of-the-art school – a crown jewel of the student’s academic experience”. Well, then, the new jazzed up warehouse, when complete, should be named the MARTIN J. SWEENEY HIGH SCHOOL (8). The Chief Architect of the City of Cleveland (with the title of Manager of Architecture) – a corrupt official -- who should be protecting and preserving our landmarks – voted to demolish our architectural gem. A corrupt and visionless School District that aspires to be the premier district in the United States and teaches our children ethics and fair play – played downright dirty with the petitioners. In addition to destroying our heritage, the School District permitted the Demolition Contractor to poison our environment. The air is so polluted, ladies and gentlemen, I have to wear a gas mask when I visit the ruins of John Marshall High, and I don’t see any of the contractor’s workers wearing them. Ohio EPA has declined to test the air and assure the community that there will be no ill effects on the residents – both short-term and long-term. The school (John Marshall High) had literally tons of asbestos which the Demolition Contractor claims to have removed safely and whose removal Ohio EPA claims to have inspected. Unfortunately, both were dud visits and Ohio EPA inspected NOTHING! During the first inspection (on 07-26-12) – according to the Ohio EPA report – “no one on site, building was secured.” During the second inspection (on 08-08-12) – again, according to the Ohio EPA report – there was “no activity”, “no work started”. Two dud visits and Ohio EPA claims that literally tons of asbestos was safely removed. Next, the Demolition Contractor started demolishing the building. For over three months, Ohio EPA had no idea that the Demolition Contractor was having an open house polluting the environment because the Demolition Contractor did not file the necessary papers with Ohio EPA. Only when I made a written complaint (on January 22, 2013) – did Ohio EPA get the Demolition Contractor to file the necessary papers – and of course – no fine was imposed. Violations have been documented in e-mails and over 2-dozen photographs showing the polluted air and violations --and still Ohio EPA has refused to test the air and provide us with an assurance that there will be no short-term and long-term ill health effects on the community – an excellent example of how citizens without power or wealth are treated by a government agency supposedly dedicated to protecting our environment -- but actually is working to protect the interests of the irresponsible Demolition Contractor and permitting poisoning of the environment -- a crime against the community. The Plain Dealer – Ohio’s largest newspaper – a corrupt newspaper (3), (4) -- talks about honesty, trustworthiness, accountability, clarity, and transparency in public officials – but did not investigate irregularities in the $50 million John Marshall High School Construction Project despite multiple reminders sent to Mr. Terrance C. Z. Egger – President and Publisher. Cleveland’s four TV stations – ABC (5), CBS (19), NBC (3), and Fox (8) – all corrupt (4) – also did not investigate irregularities in the $50 million John Marshall High School Construction Project despite multiple reminders. They also provided zero coverage of the 21-day long hunger strike – a cry for justice – even though the hunger strike was covered multiple times by a TV network in India – 8,000 miles away. And, Mr. Carl Monday (4) – veteran Channel 19 Action News Investigative Reporter – who is always boasting to watch his channel to learn about what’s really happening behind closed doors also did not investigate the irregularities. After the 3-week long hunger strike (4) -- I saw a Cleveland with a 100% corrupt system where the sewer flows all the way down from City Hall and engulfs all of Mayor Jackson and Councilman Sweeney’s cronies, aides, and abettors who wallow in the muck. The hunger strike was a cry for justice (4) which to this day has not been served. JOHN MARSHALL DESTROYED! INVESTIGATE CITY HALL! INVESTIGATE CITY HALL! Submitted on behalf of over 2,400 petitioners by: Satinder P. S. Puri Retired Structural Engineer, and Community Volunteer at Riverside School Follow the campaign on: On three YouTube videos at: ; (Use the links shown above or do a google search on the three YouTube videos: Also see posts in my blog at REALNEO. FOOTNOTES: (1): Seventeen earlier appearances at Board of Education meetings were on: August 23, 2011, September 27, 2011, October 25, 2011, November 22, 2011, January 24, 2012, February 28, 2012, March 27, 2012, April 17, 2012, May 22, 2012, June 26, 2912, July 31, 2012, August 21, 2012, September 25, 2012, October 23, 2012, November 20, 2012, December 11, 2012, and February 26, 2013. A copy of written comments was submitted at each meeting for the record for inclusion in the Board’s minutes. See Reference Documents dated August 23, 2011, September 27, 2011, October 25, 2011, November 22, 2011, January 24, 2012, February 28, 2012, March 27, 2012, April 17, 2012, May 22, 2012, June 26, 2012, July 31, 2012, August 21, 2012, September 25, 2012, October 23, 2012, November 20, 2012, December 11, 2012, and February 26, 2013. (2): Please include the full written comments from this meeting as well as copies of written comments made at all the prior Board meetings as part of the minutes and not as two or three line summaries which are incorrect reflections of the full comments. We are dealing with an over 50 million dollar project and the public has a right to know what is included in the comments submitted on behalf of the petitioners. (3): 60-page document sent to Mayor Jackson dated November 8, 2012 via e-mail and certified mail. The document contained a request for written responses pertaining to questions on the $50 million John Marshall High School Construction Project from: Mayor Frank G. Jackson; Councilman and City Council President Martin J. Sweeney; (4): Satinder P. S. Puri’s blog at REALNEO: (5): Correspondence with Ohio EPA: My e-mails dated January 22, 25, and 30, 2013; certified letter dated January 30, 2013, and e-mails dated January 31, 2013, February 5, 2013, February 13, 2013, February 14, 2013, February 18, 2013, March 11, 2013, and March 15, 2013. (6): PHOTO (NOT INCLUDED) SHOWING: SNOW-CAPPED RUINS OF JOHN MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL, IN CLEVELAND, OHIO -- AN 81-YEAR OLD TEMPLE OF LEARNING -- AS VIEWED ON A COLD SPRING AFTERNOON! Please note the flag is flying at full and not half-staff over the ruins of John Marshall because the perpetrators of the senseless destruction of John Marshall High are all in festive mood at the successful completion of their crime against humanity. The perpetrators include: corrupt politicians -- Mayor Jackson & Councilman Sweeney, the corrupt and visionless School District, and their multitude of cronies including -- the President of the JMH AA (Ken Tischler -- advocated for demolition at the January 12, 2012 Cleveland Landmarks Commission meeting by submitting a letter which was delivered by one of Sweeney’s cronies) and some other trustees who advocated for demolition by never signing the petition to renovate (including the administrator of Facebook -- Judy Gilson) and never took part in any of the countless demonstrations which included the walking of over 2,000 miles all over Cleveland to SAVE JMH -- including many in front of JMH School, City Hall, Board of Education, TV stations, Public Square etc; nor took part in the 9-mile march to City Hall, nor participated in any of the four mayoral public meetings, never spoke at any of the 16 Board of Education meetings, etc. May the names of all those who participated in the senseless destruction of historic John Marshall High forever live in infamy! (7): PHOTO (NOT INCLUDED) SHOWING: A CRIME AGAINST THE COMMUNITY – DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR WORKING OVERTIME ON A SUNDAY (02-10-13) AFTERNOON AND SPEWING POLLUTANTS ON HOUSES ALONG VIOLA AVENUE! OHIO EPA IS REFUSING TO TEST THE AIR! ANOTHER PHOTO (NOT INCLUDED) SHOWING DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR POLLUTING THE ENVIRONMENT – A CRIME AGAINST THE COMMUNITY AS OBSERVED ON 02-19-13! (8): SLIDE SHOWING THE SUGGESTED NAME FOR THE NEW SCHOOL – A JAZZED UP WAREHOUSE – THE MARTIN J. SWEENEY HIGH SCHOOL – WITHOUT AUDITORIUM, SWIMMING POOL, AND UNDERGROUND RUNNING TRACKS! ANOTHER SLIDE SHOWING A SIGN BOARD STATING: SITE FOR MARTIN J. SWEENEY HIGH SCHOOL!
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