First Monday: analysis of the mainstream media representation of hackers, hacking, hacktivism, and cyberterrorism
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 03/06/2005 - 16:12.
The media's portrayal of hacking, hackers, and hacktivism
before and after September 11 - The intensified
national debate on the security of cyberspace after September 11,
2001 negatively influenced online political activism, which is now
forced to defend itself against being labeled as a form of
cyberterrorism. Many of these socially or politically progressive
activities remain unknown to the public, or if reported, they are
presented in a negative light in the mass media. These conclusions
are based on a analysis of of hackers, hacking, hacktivism, and
cyberterrorism in five major U.S. newspapers over a one-year
See The media's portrayal of hacking, hackers, and hacktivism
before and after September 11