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EventsFriday July 6, 2007
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
Yes, we will have a happy hour at the Inner Circle today, starting around 4 until 7 or so - with Edwin mixing in some tropical tunes to cool the day. Please stop by if you have time and learn the latest developments with Star Neighborhood Development, the Inner Circle, and in the neighborhood... we may have our WiFi hot sopt up by then, if I can figure everything out.. Hopefully, we'll have closed on our house by then, too, and we may welcome you to come by and check it out and offer renovation advice... we'll have an open-house whether we close or not - if you are thinking of moving any time soon you should check this out.
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm
My wife and I are big fans of NEO artist Gina DeSantis - I started buying her functional ceramic pieces when she first showed at Buzz (we love her rice bowls designed with chopsticks in mind). When Buzz closed, we hunted Gina down to continue buying her work. So, when she announced Level Three Gallery it was such good news... be sure to check Level Three Gallery and Gina's work (above) out at their upcoming show, described below...
Saturday July 7, 2007
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
I received this today from the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op: I'm doing an unprecedented thing for me, and sending this to everyone I Some of you are not in Cleveland, but look at this invitation anyway, You've been invited to attend Audubon Party for the Planet. Go to I hope you'll do something fun and meaningful for the planet this Jim Sheehan
Sunday July 8, 2007
Monday July 9, 2007
Tuesday July 10, 2007
Wednesday July 11, 2007
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 4:00 pm
7GEN is pleased to provide a Drupal virtual community for the historic Cleveland Club of Washington, D. C., and they have used the technology very well - visit their clean, effective site here. If you frequent D.C., or have friends or family there with a "keen interest in Cleveland", connect with club President Brooke Stoddard at their online presence here. Their next event is this private tour of the U.S. Capitol, July 11, 2007, which will be exceptional.
Thursday July 12, 2007
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
2007 Midtown Brews Series: Midtown Brews connects innovative thinkers with global perspectives on our regional economy. Join us for our next conversation...Thursday, July 5
Friday July 13, 2007
Tuesday July 17, 2007
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm
Concerned Citizens Organized Against Lead (CCOAL) will be holding a Community Lead Poisoning Prevention Class on Tuesday, July 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 at Trinity Lutheran Church (2038 West 29th Street in the Pregnancy Center Building) as one of our OLAW events. Registration for the class is still open and we encourage all to get their clients to call in and register. Participants receive refreshments, a Lead Dust Hazard Control Kit, a chance at a $25 raffle, a chance at a vacuum raffle, and free childcare.
Thursday July 19, 2007
Start: 2:00 pm
Start: 07/19/2007 - 14:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 18:30
The Dew Action Sports TourFrom Sandy Mitchell,
Start: 5:00 pm
Start: 07/19/2007 - 17:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 23:00
Introduction : Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable Future
Here is a refined draft for the A Sustainable Future exhibit to be curated by yours truly at the Nance School of Business July 19-22 along with the other Technology hubs. Sustainability will be the 'glue that binds' in many respects, the various other hubs encompassing the wide array of technologies - from Fuel Cells to Nanotechnology to advanced Bioscience. It is only fitting that Technology be given such prominence this year at the Festival of ART and TECHNOLOGY and the timing is perfect for this to be the true coming out party for an epic festival !
Friday July 20, 2007
(all day)
Start: 07/19/2007 - 14:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 18:30
The Dew Action Sports TourFrom Sandy Mitchell,
(all day)
Start: 07/19/2007 - 17:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 23:00
Introduction : Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable Future
Here is a refined draft for the A Sustainable Future exhibit to be curated by yours truly at the Nance School of Business July 19-22 along with the other Technology hubs. Sustainability will be the 'glue that binds' in many respects, the various other hubs encompassing the wide array of technologies - from Fuel Cells to Nanotechnology to advanced Bioscience. It is only fitting that Technology be given such prominence this year at the Festival of ART and TECHNOLOGY and the timing is perfect for this to be the true coming out party for an epic festival !
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:00 pm
![]() The Fine Art & Antiques Auction preview began on Wednesday and continues through Saturday (11-8 Wed. - Fri. & 11-6 Sat.) but Friday night should be especially fun. From 5:30 - 8 there will a special reception and exhibition of photography by Cleveland artist Ruggero Fatica. Gray's Auctioneers promises to be the new hip place in town to see art, buy art and see and be seen.
Saturday July 21, 2007
(all day)
Start: 07/19/2007 - 14:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 18:30
The Dew Action Sports TourFrom Sandy Mitchell,
(all day)
Start: 07/19/2007 - 17:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 23:00
Introduction : Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable Future
Here is a refined draft for the A Sustainable Future exhibit to be curated by yours truly at the Nance School of Business July 19-22 along with the other Technology hubs. Sustainability will be the 'glue that binds' in many respects, the various other hubs encompassing the wide array of technologies - from Fuel Cells to Nanotechnology to advanced Bioscience. It is only fitting that Technology be given such prominence this year at the Festival of ART and TECHNOLOGY and the timing is perfect for this to be the true coming out party for an epic festival !
Start: 10:23 pm
Start: 07/21/2007 - 22:23
End: 07/25/2007 - 22:23
![]() Andy Warhol, Dollar Sign, 1981, © AWF “Andy Warhol” Summer Intensive:
Sunday July 22, 2007
End: 6:30 pm
Start: 07/19/2007 - 14:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 18:30
The Dew Action Sports TourFrom Sandy Mitchell,
End: 11:00 pm
Start: 07/19/2007 - 17:00
End: 07/22/2007 - 23:00
Introduction : Ingenuity Fest 2007 : A Sustainable Future
Here is a refined draft for the A Sustainable Future exhibit to be curated by yours truly at the Nance School of Business July 19-22 along with the other Technology hubs. Sustainability will be the 'glue that binds' in many respects, the various other hubs encompassing the wide array of technologies - from Fuel Cells to Nanotechnology to advanced Bioscience. It is only fitting that Technology be given such prominence this year at the Festival of ART and TECHNOLOGY and the timing is perfect for this to be the true coming out party for an epic festival !
(all day)
Start: 07/21/2007 - 22:23
End: 07/25/2007 - 22:23
![]() Andy Warhol, Dollar Sign, 1981, © AWF “Andy Warhol” Summer Intensive:
Monday July 23, 2007
(all day)
Start: 07/21/2007 - 22:23
End: 07/25/2007 - 22:23
![]() Andy Warhol, Dollar Sign, 1981, © AWF “Andy Warhol” Summer Intensive:
Tuesday July 24, 2007
(all day)
Start: 07/21/2007 - 22:23
End: 07/25/2007 - 22:23
![]() Andy Warhol, Dollar Sign, 1981, © AWF “Andy Warhol” Summer Intensive:
Wednesday July 25, 2007
End: 10:23 pm
Start: 07/21/2007 - 22:23
End: 07/25/2007 - 22:23
![]() Andy Warhol, Dollar Sign, 1981, © AWF “Andy Warhol” Summer Intensive:
Thursday July 26, 2007
Start: 4:30 pm
End: 8:00 pm
My friend Katrina will be guest bartending with Thomas Barbric' the regular bartender at Light Bistro (formerly Parker's) on Thursday, June 26th from 4:30 - 8:00 (Happy Hour) all tips will go to the Cleveland Animal Protective League. There will be complimentary Tapas as well as a few other appetizers for $5.
Start: 7:30 pm
End: 9:30 pm
Friday July 27, 2007
Start: 12:30 pm
End: 6:00 pm
It is official - "Cuyahoga County commissioners voted 2-1 today to raise the sales tax a quarter of a penny to help bring a Medical Mart to Cleveland." Perhaps you'd like time to think about this more, and the opportunity to vote with other citizens on how you are taxed. Other citizens feel the same and have formed a committee to "Put It On The Ballot"- a grass-roots campaign to collect enough signatures to force the 1/4% sales tax increase to be placed on a ballot. This Friday, July 27, there will be an Excellence Roundtable at The Inner Circle where some of the people involved with this campaign will join a discussion on this issue, from all directions. To learn more about the campaign, visit - you'll certainly read more about this initiative on this site and on REALNEO throughout the coming months. 7GEN (developer of REALNEO) is providing this Drupal site for this initiative, and I look forward to learning more about the campaign and all related issues.
Saturday July 28, 2007
Start: 11:00 am
End: 7:00 pm
Here's a worthwhile event notice from one of the Founders of Meet The Bloggers, George Nemeth, for their BLOGGAPALOOZA. Now at the Beachland Tavern, mixing with Arts Collinwood, this should be an amazing gathering - need to check this out for sure:
Thursday August 2, 2007
Start: 5:30 pm
End: 7:30 pm
The dynamic leader of Habitat for Humanity will discuss the REstore program ( at their offices as well as how providing affordable, sustainable housing helps end a cycle of poverty. Many opportunities to contribute in this worthwhile, ongoing project in Greater Cleveland will reveal themselves through this lively discussion. And if we are lucky, we may just get Jeffrey to veer off topic a bit and talk about his other life as a performance poet.
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
The West Creek Preservation Committee, in partnership with the Cleveland Metroparks and the consulting firm Floyd Browne Group, will be hosting a final set of public meetings this August regarding the potential development of the West Creek Greenway and Trail System, which would link Cleveland Metroparks West Creek Reservation to the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail, Cuyahoga Valley National Park and other parks and points of interest.
Friday August 3, 2007
Start: 12:30 pm
End: 6:00 pm
Please join The Inner Circle for a light Hot Sauce Williams buffet, open house of the old Hough Bakeries Complex, and discussions about ongoing developments in the surrounding area we call the Star Neighborhood (the location was formerly the Star Bakeries). Please feel free to stop by for lunch, at 1 PM, or later to learn about what will be one of the most innovative community development initiatives in this region since the development of Cleveland's first suburb, East Cleveland..
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