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EnvironmentOrganic Juice Sails Ahead ;-)Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 18:53.
A snippet from Palm Beach Post on organic juice sales. Though I consume it in tandem with organic milk, organic juice availability just has not kept pace. Looks like they finally are waking up in the Orange belt. Tropica (worlds largest juice guru) only got into the game this Feb. See how behind the ball the big boys can be. Looks like it wont be much longer now. I wonder what is next?
"Citizen Hauser" After-Party a Great Celebration of the Value of Film Industry in NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 11:16.
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Worm Proliferation Front - R2V Video CutsSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Sun, 03/18/2007 - 20:43.
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rural school windSubmitted by Susan Miller on Sun, 03/18/2007 - 09:04.
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Is There GOLD In That There Lake????Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 20:39.
Is There GOLD In That There Lake????
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Monet of the Day: "Customhouse, Varengeville" 1882 - the significance of placeSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 03/15/2007 - 12:41.
What is your visual and emotional impression of Cleveland and our Lake Erie shore?
ROLDO has been talking sense to power for years in NEO. Here he is, with his indefatigable energy, keeping at it here, on CoolCleveland with his views on tax abatements. Roldo, I hear you!
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Crain's Reports "Port study completion docked until summer" - whose study is this?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 03/12/2007 - 15:58.
In what is more of a PR blurb than news article, Crain's Business today reported that "Port study completion docked until summer". As I recall, there had been plans for Cuyahoga County to fund a port study, for $100,000, and the Port was planning their own study, so I am curious which this is. More important, I wonder why the new director would choose to delay gaining professional, independent insight to help him "evaluate the port and its operations"... I'll be interested in Ed Hauser's take on this, which I'll post here shortly. Worm Proliferation Front & Buckeye Sustainability Institute - The Worm ConnectionSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 21:50.
![]() First let me start off by saying that worms are one of the keys to hands sustainability education. Capable of imparting lessons about landfills, organic waste landfill diversion, benificial reuse, food chains, composting, recycling, global warming etc etc etc, worms are an underutilized and cost effective resource for education.
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"Cinco De Mayo Migration" at Dike 14 Nature PreserveSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 23:19.
05/05/2007 - 07:30 05/05/2007 - 11:00 Etc/GMT-5 A unique opportunity to explore a piece of Cleveland’s lakefront - As part of an ongoing process to promote an appreciation and stewardship for Cleveland’s ecological systems and natural resources, the Dike 14 Environmental Education Collaborative will sponsor the:Cinco de Mayo Migration at Gordon State Park area of Cleveland Lakefront State Park (E. 72 St. and N. Marginal). Last hike begins at 11:00 AM and ends at noon. Location
Gordon State Park area
E. 72 St. and N. Marginal Cleveland Lakefront State Park
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps take some E waste stats & redefine what you knowSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 03/08/2007 - 19:59.
![]() A growing share of municipal waste contains electronic or electric products. E-waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams and makes up approximately 4 per cent of municipal waste in the European Union. In the US, between 14 and 20 million PC’s become obsolete every year. The picture is similar all over the world and e-waste is increasing steadily. ( categories: )
Cleveland Innerbelt Conceptual Alternatives Study and Request for a "Peer Review" of the Innerbelt BridgeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 23:37.
Go "Citizen" Ed Hauser. Doing good to do good, so all may do well! Here is his latest mapping of the landscape of redevelopment of NEO as abstracted by the powers who be to do well for themselves and their friends. Reply requested! I agree with Ed's conclusion: Four Key Ideas to Transform (East) Cleveland and NEOSubmitted by Sudhir Kade on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 21:44.
Looking forward to presenting innovative solutions for the future of development. I'm so there. Let's present the following in mind-blowing, art-form fashion: This is the vision for : A Sustainable Future - my exhibit to be first presented at Ingenuity Festival this July 19-22. Don't miss it! These also happen to be four ideas to spark regional economic evolution. Here are some key ideas to change the world - starting with East Cleveland and NEO...
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LAWN THERMOGRAPH - CRITICAL TO FLOOD CONTROLSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 20:33.
What's going on - this lawn looks like it has measles – how come there are some areas where the snow has melted, and other areas where the snow hasn’t melted? I took this shot yesterday AM. Salt has nothing to do with the melted areas...
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"Citizen Hauser" at Cleveland Film FestivalSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 13:11.
03/18/2007 - 14:00 03/18/2007 - 16:00 Etc/GMT-5
Let's make this a victory party! Location
Tower City Center Theater
230 West Huron Road
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Congratulations Citizen Hauser: Whiskey Island Land Uses Resolved After Nine Years!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 00:54.
Whiskey Island Land Uses - Resolved After Nine Years!
Internationally one of the biggest drivers for 'clean tech' projects is carbon credits.Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 21:41.
![]() Carbon credits are certificates awarded to countries that are successful in reducing the emissions that cause global warming. For trading purposes, one credit is considered equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide emission reduced. Such a credit can be sold in the international market at a prevailing market rate ( categories: )
Al Gore: Our Next StepSubmitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 08:15.
Al Gore: Our Next Step
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Lead In Gasoline, Phased out?Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 22:27.
During my search for all visual data Pb related online yesterday I also found this great visual. These lead court cases our turing out to be one of the best if not zee best lesson in producer responsability. EU laws are shaping / driving product take back. These requirments are driving manufacturing to design for deconstruction and increasing the attention paid to inclusion of less hazardous components. Back in the stone ages we used asbestos, lead based paint, and dont forget anti-fouling paint for boat bottoms. Being on the hook for multi-billion dollar clean ups is going to turn some of these coating manufacturers up side down. Perhaps thats what you get when you have the motto 'cover the earth' blaaah. ( categories: )
In Honor of the 3 Billion Dollar Pb Victory In Rhode Island Today!Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 19:51.
First off I cant believe I beat Norm to the Pb punch. I consider it an honor. So in honor of the Rhode Island retrial getting tossed out I bring you data regarding a global Pb victory. The phase out of Pb in gas, almost globally. I love visuals... ( categories: )
“Sex Workers’ Art Show”Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 15:10.
02/26/2007 - 20:00 02/26/2007 - 22:30 Etc/GMT-5 Spectrum – the Undergraduate Gay-Straight Alliance of Case Western Reserve University – and Case’s University Programming Board are pleased to bring the “Sex Workers’ Art Show” to Case on February 26, 2007. Location
Amasa Stone Chapel, Case Western Reserve University
10940 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Lake Erie Pollution Observations From a 4 year old - Brown City Dead Lake Vol. 1Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 21:49.
I just uploaded the latest in a series of ultra-low-rez pollution centric "shock and awe" videos. Surf into Buckeye Sustainability Institute's blog, see the aerial photo of Sims Park, and watch the video of the pollution spewing out of an outfall there, a dead fish, and my 4 year old daughters observations.
Who Says That Solar Panels Have To Be Ugly???Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 20:24.
Who Says That Solar Panels Have To Be Ugly??? I was asked to post a photo of my house in Cleveland Heights where I put up some solar panels (solar shingles) last summer:
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Nuke Waste - The Data You Have Been Missing!Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 11:35.
![]() First a grrRRr for the autoformatting shuffleboard.
I like to think a picture is worth a thousand words. And with all this discussions of green wind power, I felt like we could benefit from a reminder of the downsides of some alternitives. Coal gets plenty of bad press with all those particulate emissions but how about nukes?
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SPRAWL ANTIDOTE - TRANSIT ORIENTED DESIGN AT LEVIN COLLEGE, CSUSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 00:35.
The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority on Thursday, February 22, 2007 sponsored a free presentation and discussion at the Maxine Levin College of Urban Affairs at CSU. This presentation is another accomplishment in the Levin College’s public engagement efforts. While Case used to benefit from the PR of such fora at the Weatherhead Regional Economics Institute (REI), the termination of the REI programs by Case has CSU now benefiting from the hundreds of citizens attending the Levin College presentations.
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