NEO Communities


Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 01:07.

I love the insults by the overeducated to the lowly Clevelanders and welfare people..... It's amusing to hear their hardworking slights to those who get assistance..but they neglect to mention that there are over 10,000 not for profits in Cleveland and Cleveland Heights alone; let alone the totals for Cuyahoga County!!!! That's so amazing to hear them slam dunk the needy! This is my response to some blogs....related to the story about Continental Airlines...It'll probably get deleted...but that's life in Cuyahoga County and Cleveland, OH!!!! CONTINENTAL WANTS TO SEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPROVE IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS LOCALLY....OR THEY ARE PULLING OUT OF CLEVELAND...SO, PLEASE START YOUR BUSINESSES NOW TO MAKE THEM HAPPY AND HELP SAVE THE JOBS OF MANY MORE AIRLINE EMPLOYEES LOCALLY....

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"Medical Marijuana: Prop 203′s Passage Means a New Billion-Dollar Industry for Arizona."

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 14:31.


The New York Times published more disturbing news for citizens living in states that have political leadership too incompetent, corrupt  and/or ignorant to legalize marijuana and other cannabis industries, like HEMP... living in a nation ruled at the federal level by political leadership too incompetent, corrupt  and/or ignorant to legalize marijuana and other cannabis industries, like HEMP..."It is being called the green rush. With more states moving to legalize medical marijuana, the business of growing and dispensing it is booming, even as much of the rest of the economy struggles."

“That’s just where his head is right now,” Ms. Frutchy said.... it's about the pot!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 00:37.


I missed an important and telling article in the New York Times, September 29, 2010, about Cleveland home-town billionaire Peter B. Lewis, Chairman of Progressive Insurance  - Many Big Donors to Democrats Cut Support - which analyzes why "Democratic donors like George Soros, the bête noire of the right, and his fellow billionaire Peter B. Lewis, who each gave more than $20 million to Democratic-oriented groups in the 2004 election, appear to be holding back so far"... showing many of the world's most powerful people think, feel and act the same way I do about our failed leadership in America and their failure to address the failure of their racist, unethical, immoral "War On Drugs".


Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 11/25/2010 - 00:04.

Today, a person of means asked me what my child wanted for Christmas? The question actually perplexed me... As I stood there thinking about how blessed we were and how our lives were not centered around "materialistic" things to large degrees; I felt bad that the idea of "CHRISTMAS GIFTS" was so far from my state of mind and survival that I did not have a clue "EXACTLY" what my child wanted on her list for Christmas...

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Can you understand this in Ward 14?

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Tue, 11/23/2010 - 02:09.











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QOD: What would NEO be like if all lawyers here each did their 50 hours of pro bono work a year, and never sheltered corruption?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/21/2010 - 23:59.

In 2007 there were 1,143,358  Lawyers in the United States, which had a population of 303 million people, representing 265 people per lawyer in America. That would indicate that the 16 counties of Northeast Ohio (Ashland, Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Richland, Stark, Summit, Trumbull and Wayne counties), with a population of 4.5 million people, have approximately 17,000 lawyers.

Thus, Northeast Ohio's 17,000 lawyers should be providing at least 850,000 hours of pro bono work to this community... let's round that up to 1 million hours.

Zakee A Rashid - Matters of Opinion: "Why are we spending 10 billion dollars a year to stop people from smoking weed?"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 13:42.

Find more videos like this on Shaw High Online

I was pleased to see posted on East Cleveland's core home-town social network, Shaw High Online, an excellent opinion editorial - Matters Of Opinion: Vol 7 Decriminalize Marijuana - by Zakee A Rashid. The tagline reads: "Why are we spending 10 billion dollars a year to stop people from smoking weed?"

Rashid goes on to reference a wide range of facts about the economics and injustice of the prosecution of citizens for marijuana that all Americans must take into account. In Ohio, recent polls indicate 73% of voters support legalization of medical marijuana "MMJ", showing opposition to legalizing MMJ (now legal in 15 states, including McCain's Arizona) is a losing political ticket. Making President Obama a major loser... especially as the harm caused by unjust marijuana prosecution in America predominantly harms African Americans, who rallied to elect Obama president.

REALNEO: Transition Advisory Group Recommendations for the New Cuyahoga County Charter Government Leadership

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 00:36.

They have had many Transition Advisory Group Meetings over the last year or so. They have had forums for candidates and input from lots of angles. Recommendations from the public have been given. Yet, have you had your say in the future of our county? 

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"A Perfect Storm For A Hemp Farm Bill, And It's Time..." - Hemp Industries Association President Steve Levine, 11/08/2010

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 04:46.

Hemp Industries Association (HIA) President Steve Levine - speaking to membership at the 2010 Annual HIA Convention, November 08, 2010, in San Francisco - discusses his expectation that California will pass and enact into law a Hemp Farm Bill in 2011 - "Definitely in 2012 it (hemp) will be grown in California" - "there is talk there may be some hemp grown in 2011". Steve indicates developments are positive for a 2011 version of Ron Paul's Federal Hemp Farm Bill to pass congress and become Federal law in 2011, making it legal to farm hemp nationwide in 2012 - "as hempsters, we did not lose one of our sponsors for the bill - all 25 were re-elected". This is one of the most important economic development forecasts for America of the 21st Century, to-date.

In 7th Year, REALNEO.US Surpasses 500K Annual Unique Visitor and 1 Million Annual Page Visit Levels

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 03:15.

Google Analytics Traffic Data for for October 19 - November 18, 2010 (31 days)

Based on Google Analytics of traffic, we are now at a level that exceeds 500,000 unique visitors and 1,000,000 page visits per year, and both metrics have been growing steadily for as long as we have tracked our web traffic metrics... so expect to exceed 1 million hits per year forever hereafter. By how much we exceed these metrics, with what growth rate for the future, is up to our members and community who create the content here that now attracts over 1,000,000 reads a year.


Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 03:08.

How do we preserve the legacy comprehensively? 

How do you feel about starting a "BUILDING FUND" for a REALNEO LIBRARY and CAFE that will be a central location for all "ED's" to leave their historical evidence for the duration? 

Can REALNEO add a "DONATE" icon that is strictly for such a plan? 

I have a starter location idea... if anyone is interested.


Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 11/19/2010 - 02:01.

While there are rights to recourse towards CIVIL TORT CLAIMS and remedies under the RICO Laws for CIVIL CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT OPTIONS of Recourse....what lawyer do you know that will actually put their career on the line---SUING CUYAHOGA COUNTY GOVERNMENT in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT by the CITIZENS of CUYAHOGA COUNTY??? 

At the end of the day, the taxpayers would be getting paid back from their own payments into the's almost comical!

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"I have recommended Cuyahoga County convene and sponsor overarching Greater Cleveland Food and Information Advisory Councils"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 18:02.

It is interesting to see published in Crain's Cleveland Business today Study advocates creation of NEO Food Authority to aid in localizing region's food supply that reports "A comprehensive study that examines the state and potential of Northeast Ohio's food economy calls for the creation of a NEO Food Authority that would facilitate a 25% shift in localizing the region's culinary and agriculture systems." That's the leading recommendation I made in my Preamble: Real Co-op for Open Food, Information and Community Development 2009, which I developed with one of the authors of the study Crain's references today, Brad Masi, about two years ago.

To optimize value in these critical sectors, I have recommended Cuyahoga County convene and sponsor overarching Greater Cleveland Food and Information Advisory Councils, like and associated with the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council, and county leaders should take active roles leading the councils and in planning these multi-billion-dollar sectors of our economy and society... we must not entrust the leadership, innovation, financial engineering and decision-making control to under-engaged government and over-engaged foundations, academe, industry and non-profits.

Planning these sectors should not happen behind closed doors in any ways at all, as has been the case in the past.

Crain's is reporting on "Economist Michael Shuman, who is part of the local and national consulting team that has conducted the Northeast Ohio Local Food Assessment, presented the study's findings Tuesday, Nov. 16, to a sold-out meeting at the City Club of Cleveland." Apparently, a bunch of Foundation-paid consultants have finished planning local foods behind closed doors.

The report is found at the NEO Food Web portal - you must register for access, which seems open to the public, and Drupal.... see Summary of NEO Local Food Assessment and Plan after you have set up an account... or just click the following link for a 354 KB .PDF of the "summary" report (the only report posted)... Summary of The 25% Shift- Northeast Ohio Local Food Assessment and Plan.

DAYTON -- Hundreds gathered in Courthouse Square to sing the praises of medicinal marijuana...

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 15:04.

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) - Dozens gathered at the courthouse steps in downtown Dayton on Saturday, to push for laws to legalize medical marijuana.

There was an important public health and social justice activist gathering in Ohio, this past weekend - groups supportive of legalizing medical marijuana in Ohio gathered at Courthouse Square, located at the corner of Third and Main Streets in the heart of downtown Dayton in support of H.B. 478, Ohio’s Medical Compassion Act that will allow for the medicinal use of cannabis.

Superior Demolition and Excavating Demo'ing Cuyahoga County WITHOUT State of Ohio CERTIFICATION....CANCELLED in 2007.

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 11/14/2010 - 20:08.
SUPERIOR DEMOLITION AND EXCAVATING....Another Baumann Enterprise cancelled in 2007

How can Superior Demolition and Excavating Inc. be authorized to do business with Cuyahoga County or the City of Cleveland for Demo jobs when they have had their business certification revoked with the Ohio Secretary of State since January 2007???? 

The truck in the photo shows: SUPERIOR DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING INC., with the address of 4480 Bradley Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44109... 

Below is a little research on yet another of William Baumann's companies.... 


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3278 West 34th Street

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 11/13/2010 - 20:01.
3278 or 3276 West 34th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44109

The other day, while on West 34th, this home was notably vacant, vandalized and transparent as you could see straight through the entire house and its framework.

It was assumed that this apparently vacant and abandoned property was on the list slated to be condemned and demolished along with the others...but today when I drove down the street, there were several crews steadily unloading new windows and doors and installing them on this job with gas powered generators being used for tools.

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MISSING CAT near West 112th & Franklin

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 18:54.
Angelina's Kitten...

Angelina's new cat that I rewarded her with for her beautiful report cards...has mysteriously disappeared. We have searched high and low, asked neighbors, and looked around our neighborhood for days without avail. Anyone who may have seen this kitten can call us at (216) 254-9285. It's name is "Black & Whitey", compliments of Angelina.

Thanks a million! She is so sad that her kitten has disappeared.

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 15:11.

 Northeast Ohio is inundated with hundreds of organizations that are planning our lives away with their 2020 Visions of the City of Cleveland... It's amazing to watch them all work in different directions and to recognize that very few have begun to work "TOGETHER" is yet another defunct part of living in Cleveland, Ohio. 

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 16:59.
Housing Violation for 3526 Seymour Avenue Posted on 3283 West 34th Street

As a young child, my parents owned 4 different homes on West 34th Street between Sackett and Meyer Avenues. I shall forever have fond memories of growing up on West 34th Street, knowing all the families on that street, and having the luxury of sustaining relationships with the families I grew up with from then until now.....

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As I prepare to head from Cleveland to San Francisco for the largest sustainability event in the world - The Green Festival

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 08:06.

As I prepare to head from Cleveland to San Francisco for the largest sustainability event in the world - The Green Festival - I'm packing some of my favorite bright green products from Northeast Ohio, including a Hemp n' Berry Bar from Plant Kingdom, of Akron, for the road. Bought at VERY OHIO PROUD bright green coffee roasters and retailers Phoenix Coffee, this healthy organic treat proudly boasts it is OHIO PROUD - and I'm proud of that.

Dear President Obama, I guarantee one ingredient in this Ohio Proud product is not from Ohio, or even America-proud - the first ingredient listed on the label - "Sheeled Hempseed (certified organic)". Ask your wife about "H" "E" "M" "P"...

THE MONEY BUSINESS - The art museum's new boss gets a crash-course in American arts funding - CleveScene

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 00:11.

It's a toss up to me between my two favorite assets in Cleveland - The Cleveland Orchestra or the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) - so I am always interested in unique perspectives on those worlds. The CMA is especially interesting right now as they near completion of a massive expansion, that is going very well, and they bring a new Director on board - from the Canadian Museum of Art - David Franklin.

In this week's Scene Magazine, Michael Gill offers the most informative and interesting perspectives on recent CMA developments I've seen, with THE MONEY BUSINESS - The art museum's new boss gets a crash-course in American arts funding.

I've had a good feeling about Franklin from all I've read, and this adds to my enthusiasm. He seems like a personable family man who will integrate with and celebrate with the community rather than hover above, as is so often the case with people in such lofty places - we'll be seeing much human interest in this family in the community, and expect people will appreciate the additions to the community - and neighborhoods of Shaker, where the Franklins have settled.

Of interest in Gill's informative reporting are some financials on the museum and it's operations, including - "Its largest and most dependable source of public funding — the cigarette tax — is just a $1.5 million fragment of the museum's $30 million overall budget". As the museum is one of the greatest in the world and one of few that are FREE - YES FREE - I'd say this is one public expenditure worth spending... although I strongly oppose this sin tax. I'd prefer to offer them some SALES TAX, de la MedCon.

I want to thank and acknowledge the tens of thousands of you who volunteered with the Sierra Club and local campaigns

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 23:38.

Sierra Club Post Election 

Last night's election gives way to a Republican Majority in the House of Representatives while Democrats will retain control of the Senate.

This split control of Congress will be a challenge, but we have no intention of ceding America's future to Big Oil.

Do you?

We've worked too hard to turn back now.

I want to thank and acknowledge the tens of thousands of you who volunteered with the Sierra Club and local campaigns across the country. While there were some painful losses, your presence in campaigns across the country bolstered our champions and helped drive our agenda forward.

The question is, which side will the new House Republican Majority choose? Will they bow to the Big Oil and Coal interests who expect a return on their $247 million investment in the elections? Or will they listen to what Americans want: clean energy jobs that will lift our economy up.

I will be covering for realNEO the 17th Annual Hemp Industry Association (HIA) Conference in San Francisco

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/03/2010 - 11:44.
11/08/2010 - 08:00
11/08/2010 - 18:00


I'm pleased to report I will be covering for realNEO the 17th Annual Hemp Industry Association (HIA) Conference in San Francisco, California - November 8, 2010.

Please see the enclosed press release for details and contact me at norm [at] realneo [dot] us if you have any specific issues or questions you would like me to explore for this community. I look forward to sharing with the world the important work of this association, representing a near-half-billion-dollar industry that is just taking off in America and worldwide.

Hemp Industries Association to Meet in San Francisco November 8th for Annual Convention

17th Annual Convention to follow San Francisco Green Festival – Rare Historical
Documents on Hemp Research by USDA will be on Display

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The 17th annual convention of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) will be held on November 8th at the Holiday Inn Civic Center in San Francisco, CA. The HIA represents a fast growing and environmentally sustainable industry that is creating new jobs, with an estimated $400 million in sales in 2009, despite a federal policy that outlaws hemp farming. Business leaders of the North American hemp industry will meet in San Francisco to map out plans for bringing back hemp farming in the United States, to present updates on industry developments, and to share new data about expanding markets.