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You are Invited to Enjoy the Pleasures of Living in Cleveland, Ohio as a World Class Community Development Experiment Continues!

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 20:52.
Question of the day: Who owns this building???

Perhaps when you are done understanding this nightmare of a "GOVERNMENT BASED ECONOMY"...you can help implement real Economic Development while protecting the rights of our public at large! 

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 04:15.
W.105th & Madison Avenue

 Thanks to all the dedicated pawns in this industry who have ever looked down their nose at another human being for whatever reason!


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Canada sees staggering mildness as planet’s high-pressure record is “obliterated”.... baby, it ain't cold outside!

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 13:59.

Temperature anomalies in North America, 12.10-1.11

Joe Romm reports extremely bad climate news on Climate Progress. Sit down, take a breath (drink... hit...), and read on.... baby, it ain't cold outside! Canada sees staggering mildness as planet’s high-pressure record is “obliterated” - Climate Progress - January 23, 2011

Surface temperature anomalies for the period 17 December 2010 to 15 January 2011 show impressive warmth across the Canadian Arctic….

The largest anomalies here exceed 21°C (37.8°F) above average, which are very large values to be sustained for an entire month.

The disinformers and many in the media love to focus on where it is cold in the winter.  It has been cool where many people live.  Brr!

Unfortunately for homo sapiens, it’s been staggeringly warm where the ice is.  I’ll do a post on Greenland shortly, but the NSF-sponsored researchers at UCAR/NCAR  have posted some staggering data on just how warm it has been in northern Canada:


Submitted by jerleen1 on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 12:18.

julian rogers.JPGPD fileCuyahoga County Council member Julian Rogers says he will resign from the trustees board at the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority.

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Question of the DAY? Do land bank properties drop off Auditor Site?

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/01/2011 - 08:26.
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Cleveland is Iced - Realneo is Hot!

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 12/31/2010 - 18:58.

Cleveland light house on Cuyahoga in lake erie ice image jeff buster 12.30.10

How many tons of ice are on the building?  This is the condition that sinks ships.   How about wind turbines about 3 miles off of Cleveland?  Cleveland is iced.  Corrupt too.  Happy New Year!

Where else is there a web site with moonlight over sage brush in headlights and a lighthouse encrusted in ice on the home page?

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Why can’t President Obama fix this park picnic table?

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 12/25/2010 - 14:51.

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HUSH money-bribe or donation?

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 12/25/2010 - 12:27.

Question of the day--how does ~$23,000+ from developers (see inset article) in 2008, go to $ -162.00, to $6,800--when all of this time Mr. Rokakis has not had to run for a political office???

Oh, and what happened to Tony Sinagra--political fundraiser for the Hellenic Society in NEO??

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#1 Criteria for Choosing the Next CEO of CMSD: He/She MUST Make Cleveland #1 in the World in Educating Lead Poisoned Children

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 12/13/2010 - 05:00.

The new science about lead's effect on the brain may force policymakers to re-examine some social issues through a new prism. For example, if lead can cause aggressive behavior, learning disabilities and hyperactivity, might it not also be a contributing factor in poor educational performance among low-income blacks, who suffer the most lead poisoning? - Newsweek, 1991

Where Cleveland Metropolitan School District CEO Eugene Sanders, and CMSD overall, have been completely ineffective, and so failed, is in their Strange Ignorance of The Role of Lead Poisoning in Failing Schools. Sanders is not alone in responsibility for this tragedy, as leadership of Northeast Ohio in general has been so incompetent as to make Cleveland the lead poisoning capital of America and the developed world.

Perhaps our politicians even hired Sanders with the specific direction to ignore the realities of lead poisoning here, as "there exists a body of medical research which demonstrates that politicians themselves are responsible for a conveyor-belt of tragedy that produces precisely those symptoms attributed to "failing schools.""

The good news for the future of Cleveland and education and students here is Eugene Sanders has announced he shall resign, as of February 01, 2011, meaning we may now select a CEO who may lift CMSD students off the "conveyor-belt of tragedy" caused by lead poisoning that literally guarantees the direct hardship of around 30% of CMSD students, guaranteeing the failure of CMSD and Cleveland.... greatly harming the economic competitiveness and sustainability of the state of Ohio.

Op-Art master Julian Stanczak designed an amazing and dizzying plan for the aesthetic bettering of an ordinary parking garage

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/08/2010 - 04:00.

Julian Stanczak Fifth Third mural in Cincinnati, Ohio 2008

I never miss a chance to see the work of - and celebrate - Cleveland-based artist Julian Stanczak... a father of Op Art and one of the great artists of all time. So, during a tour of downtown Cincinnati (VERY NICE) last week, I was thrilled to unexpectedly be walked right past Stanczak's landmark 2008 work "Additional", on the Fifth Third bank and parking complex at Fountain Square. My host in Cincinnati seemed pleasantly surprised I was familiar with a work of public art in his Queen City, as I proudly exclaimed "Wow, there's the Stanczak mural... he's from Cleveland" and ran off to take pictures to share with realNEO.

If the art-superstar status of Julian Stanczak was ever to be challenged - for his life-work or his late-career accomplishments, as he remains productive in his 80s - Julian's most recent and important mural-scale public art masterpiece enforces his position at the top of the "art world" forever.

Have you checked your FLUE PIPE lately?

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 18:49.
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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 01:11.


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Childhood Memories in Ward 14

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 00:38.

After spending practically a lifetime in and around Ward 14, I have watched so many changes, political manuevers, transitions from homeowners and transient tenants; while also sustaining the faith that somehow the days of long ago with small businesses filling the storefronts, every family on the street knowing each other because of the sense of good old fashioned community building was sustained by the residents, and most significantly, because American Pride and the American Spirit had yet to be raped, deprived, and abused so heinously over the last 4 decades...

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sun, 11/28/2010 - 01:07.

I love the insults by the overeducated to the lowly Clevelanders and welfare people..... It's amusing to hear their hardworking slights to those who get assistance..but they neglect to mention that there are over 10,000 not for profits in Cleveland and Cleveland Heights alone; let alone the totals for Cuyahoga County!!!! That's so amazing to hear them slam dunk the needy! This is my response to some Cleveland.com blogs....related to the story about Continental Airlines...It'll probably get deleted...but that's life in Cuyahoga County and Cleveland, OH!!!! CONTINENTAL WANTS TO SEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IMPROVE IN THE NEXT 2 YEARS LOCALLY....OR THEY ARE PULLING OUT OF CLEVELAND...SO, PLEASE START YOUR BUSINESSES NOW TO MAKE THEM HAPPY AND HELP SAVE THE JOBS OF MANY MORE AIRLINE EMPLOYEES LOCALLY....

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Global Warming is Fiction

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Wed, 11/24/2010 - 21:57.

Hamilton Ontario Dofasco steel mill  from  Burlington Bay Skybridge on QEW image jeff buster 11.21.10

Image worth a few (1,000) words - Eh?

Global sky sewers.

Dilution is the solution for pollution.

Pass it on....

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A Rare Example of the Unreal World Being Real: Michael Moore Confronts Industry Designed to Push Him Over Cliff

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/23/2010 - 18:00.

Watch this amazing video of award-winning filmmaker and intellectual activist Michael Moore nearly speechless as he comes to terms, on Countdown, with a Cigna Insurance industry executive, now retired from the industry, who has written a book about how the insurance industry conspired to attack Moore and his movie "Sicko", and deny Americans good healthcare, ultimately being about the failure and sorry state of corporate America, subverting and smearing the best interests of citizens... "which kills 45,000 people a year".

Sicko promotes the concept of universal healthcare, which renders the health insurance industry useless. In its current state, revealed here, the health insurance industry is far worse than useless than you may ever imagine... it is collusive, murderous, and evil, as confirmed by one of their top executives ever.

Leaf cell pattern or urban Street layout - Maple leaf blight

Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 11/12/2010 - 20:36.

maple leaf blight image jeff buster 11.12.10 ohio

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Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 16:59.
Housing Violation for 3526 Seymour Avenue Posted on 3283 West 34th Street

As a young child, my parents owned 4 different homes on West 34th Street between Sackett and Meyer Avenues. I shall forever have fond memories of growing up on West 34th Street, knowing all the families on that street, and having the luxury of sustaining relationships with the families I grew up with from then until now.....

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Admit the Obama administration and Democrats are full of shit and the Tea Party and Republicans are dangerous and stupid

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 11/02/2010 - 10:32.

My thoughts exactly... but then I'm not paid to pimp for Democrats or Republicans... I DID SOMETHING TO MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN INSTEAD, FOR FREE... FOR FREEDOM - REALNEO.US

What to do if you’re courageous enough to admit the Obama administration and Democrats are full of shit and the Tea Party and Republicans are dangerous and stupid?

  When it comes to the treatment of big business, we can’t tell the difference, either

President Barack Obama soared into the public consciousness with a stirring speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He then took Howard Dean’s example and used the power of the Internet to create a fundraising juggernaut for his historic 2008 Presidential run. With a swiftness not seen since JFK’s political ascendancy, Obama became president and claimed broad power to affect “change” across the country. But Kennedy only had to surmount his Irish Catholic background — Barack Obama had to transcend the fact that he is African-American.

But appearances are, in the final analysis, immaterial. Just as a magician uses scenery and sleight-of-hand to divert the audience’s attention, Barack Obama has used his background, intellect, perceived worldliness and powers of speech to distort the reality field, as I call it (to repurpose Steve Jobs’ “reality-distortion field”).  To get Americans thinking about a certain reality, while another is at work behind the scenes.

Maybe you — an Obama voter — have asked yourself, “What happened to the man for whom I voted?” I would argue nothing. Make no mistake about it: Barack Obama is a masterful political manipulator.  And if one is able to let dissolve mental distinctions of party — Democrat, Republican — then Obama can be seen for what he really is: a trojan horse.

EPIC CLEVELAND HARDCORE COMPILATION THE NEW HOPE - Released By Smog Veil Records As Double LP -- Ships November 2, 2010

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 10/26/2010 - 10:10.

American homicide rate over the last century-plus
American homicide rate over the last century-plus

This is cool, Cleveland - hardcore first-wave thrashings from the lead poisoned capital of America at the height of lead poisoning's impact on Americans... sonic origins don't get any more mutated than that. I'll guarantee the following compilation re-release will take listeners to the depths of our industrial hell, at tis worst... and I haven't even heard the album - sounds awesome and as real as Cleveland music may get:

Released By Smog Veil Records As Double LP -- Ships November 2, 2010

Chicago, IL, October 26, 2010 – Smog Veil Records is excited to announce The New Hope double LP featuring 64 tracks with performances by ten North Eastern Ohio first wave hardcore bands.

The New Hope comp was originally released on Tom Dark’s New Hope Records in 1983. It included debut performances from The Guns, The Dark, No Parole, Offbeats, Agitated, Zero Defex, Starvation Army, Spike In Vain, Outerwear, and PPG.

Hi Norm, I think we should take down Cleveland Thermal. Thoughts?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 10/26/2010 - 01:11.

This week, I was thrilled to receive the following forward-thinking message from Nachy Kanfer, Campaign Representative, Midwest States, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign:

Hi Norm, I think we should take down Cleveland Thermal. Thoughts?

Cleveland Thermal is a major private out-of-state-investor-owned downtown Cleveland and regional air polluter that burns 10,000s tons of coal each year... emits 1,000s of tons of pollution on Clevelanders and the surrounding world each year... to benefit only large real estate investors and corporate, institutional and government customers - much like the private, out-of-license "district" coal-burning Medical Center Company (MCCO) plant polluting the community excessively a few miles away, in University Circle.

The Senate scrapped the leading bill to curb carbon emissions following opposition from Republicans and coal-state Democrats

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 10/16/2010 - 08:11.

I've learned first-hand how people become environmentalists. They realize they are being polluted, get mad as hell, and do something about it... NIMBY... Not In My Back Yard!

Learning the harm of lead poisoning in my back yard made me an environmentalist against lead poisoning in my community and worldwide.

Learning the harm of pollution from the Arcelor/Mittal Cleveland Works steel mills in my back yard made me an environmentalist against steel production pollution in my community and worldwide.

Learning the harm of pollution from Medical Center Company coal burning in my back yard made me an environmentalist against coal burning in my community and worldwide.

Which has me exploring how big is my back yard... how big is my community?

Reason why Case Western Reserve University would not pay its property taxes for this parcel, going back to 2007?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 21:52.

Can anyone think of a reason why Case Western Reserve University would not pay its property taxes for this parcel, going back to 2007 - I believe it is the Triangle property, at the corner of Mayfield and Euclid, which is considered one of the most important development locations in the Midwest, which has received lots of charitable and community support for redevelopment as MOCA, the CIA expansion site and some other plans by Ari Maron. 

For the time being, there is nearly $300,000 owed the citizens in taxes, interest and penalties going back to 2007. Why do I have a feeling this is a case of government-enabled intentional tax-evasion in process.

Sort of like writing off power plants and parking lots as charitable endeavors.