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Fuel CellTo Save People The Bother of Attacking MeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/28/2010 - 21:12.
I'll be brief. I co-founded realNEO in 2004 because Northeast Ohio needs realNEO - the world needs realNEO. It is entirely different from any other "social network" or content management system on Earth, building upon the ICEarth co-op conceptual framework. I developed the ICEarth (Internet/Information Community Earth) conceptual framework in global collaboration, in the late 1990's, and founded ICEarth LLC, in 2002, to build the co-op data warehousing and serving platform for the ICEarth conceptual framework. We have built specialised hardware for ICEarth, running specialised open source software, all developed to unique specifications. Initial testing of the hardware and software configurations exceeds expectations.
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Thank you Ronn Richard, Richard and David Goldberg, and the Board of the Cleveland FoundationSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/01/2010 - 15:39.
Clara Evelyn Roulet, 1 minute old I was so busy yesterday having a beautiful baby girl (by waterbirth - by hypnobirth - amazing photos and video to come), I didn't have a chance to thank Ronn Richard and the Board of the Cleveland Foundation for a second great gift that day, showing they recognized the need to transform our regional redevelopment and transformation efforts at the core, after many years supporting and funding what we now have. I believe this opens up new world's of opportunity for our region, just when they are needed most.
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realNEO HD360 7 Materials Park 4 Buckminister Fuller Geodesic Dome Front HillsideSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 01/10/2010 - 15:02.
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King Bush III: Climate protesters brutally beaten on Obama's watchSubmitted by Eternity on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 20:41.
Enjoy the Ride!Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 11/23/2009 - 05:19.
Rick Nagin: a resume of community accomplishmentsSubmitted by talbano on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 10:39.
Rick Nagin for Ward 14
Rick Nagin has years of experience working with people and getting things done.
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? of the Day: Does PD Columnist Kevin O'Brien Cause Northeast Ohioans Economic And Environmental HarmSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/08/2009 - 04:15.
I have noticed, in the reader comments at to their coverage about the great "Crisis at FirstEnergy" Lightbulb rip-off scheme, that many people in Northeast Ohio don't quite grasp this is an example of extreme monopoly corporate corruption of government - big, bad corporation using corrupt lawyers, lobbyists and politicians to steal $ millions from hard working citizens. That is not the work of Tree Huggers. Yet, the tone of Plain Dealer readers is to shoot the environmentalists, and Obama. I realize there are many people of NEO who will blame even the worse corporate corruption, like this, on the most innocent people, like environmentalists, and have wondered why.
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Recommendation To Form North East Ohio Pollution Advisory Council - NEOPACSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 06:34.
Severe Particulate Matter 2.5 Hourly Reading in Cleveland at 8:00 AM on 09/23/09 - see current here There is clear evidence the leadership of Northeast Ohio has failed to create an environment encouraging world-class monitoring, analysis, research, notification and controls of pollution created in our region of Ohio, and the consequences on residents and society. As a result, the people of this region have suffered significant health consequences, including early death, and impaired learning ability, crippling our schools and workforce, and society and the regional economy have suffered greatly. As much of our pollution is exported beyond our region, our failure to be world-class addressing pollution here causes harm world-wide.
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Sadhu Has Left The Country... will he have more impact in Cleveland and Chicago from Canada?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 10:40.
Thanks to REALNEO's lmcshane for pointing out one of the most interesting developments in the American "sustainability movement" ever - what appears to be Chicago's real news source, The Chicago Reader, broke the news, September 4, 2009, that "The Green Mayor's Green Policy Maker Leaves for Vancouver". This is the story of former Cleveland and Chicago area sustainability guru Sadhu Johnston, now set to become the deputy city manager of Vancouver.
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Are you and we as citizens informed and encouraged to consume and waste as little electricity, gas and water as possible?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 09:01.
Welcome to Real NEO; Open Source Capital of the Brightest Greenest State of EarthSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 13:00.
Over the past 20 years, I've spent most of my "professional" time as an entrepreneur, with world-class expertise conducting multi-dimensional, multi-client relational comparative data and best practice analyses of any aspects of the world's largest and best global enterprises, environments and systems, and developing and consulting on innovations and total quality improvement. This work has generated a wealth of knowledge on large general systems, with a unique expertise in information systems and telecommunications. REALNEO is a product of this highest level expertise, drawn from the best practices of the best organizations on Earth. What REALNEO has developed for Cuyahoga County - what has been generated out of the REALNEO-generated Real Cooperative - takes general systems innovation to a whole new level of making us the brightest greenest place on Earth. So, we really do have a purpose to Cuyahoga County owning the Breuer, and the vision is beautifully expressed in this great rendering above, to be REAL COOP citizen headquarters of the open source capital of this brightest greenest state of Earth.
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Environmental Campaign TrainingSubmitted by ohio citizen action on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 14:03.
03/28/2009 - 09:30 03/28/2009 - 16:30 Etc/GMT-4 Are you concerned that your children's health is affected by pollution? Location
Cleveland State University
Euclid Ave. and E. 22nd St. MC 438
Cleveland, OH 44115United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
FAQ's about Renewable Energy for Homes <-Moebius Nature Center---<Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 22:06.
02/28/2009 - 22:00 02/28/2009 - 23:00 Etc/GMT-5 Yes, Solar Erica aka Erika Weliczko of REpower Solutions will discuss renewable energy applications for homes and common questions. Learn some in's and out's about ways that you can make your house less dependent on outside energy sources at a nature center that has its own natural gas well! Ironic no? Location929 East Mennonite Road
Aurora, OH 44202United States
See map: Google Maps "If You Can't Dodge It, Ram It"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 21:41.
The China Problem!?Submitted by Zebra Mussel on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 23:19.
So I am just back from 14 days in Japan. Interesting to be on the sidelines as 3,000 Japanese police protect the olympic toarch from what I thought would be a calm, reserved crowd. Dont get me wrong, I was not in Nagano, I was in Shibuya / Tokyo.. but it got a lot of attention. Pro and anti China student groups and observers literally throwing punches, 70 year old Japanese men going to jail for throwing tomatoes in the face of the police protecting the toarch... etc. It was akin to what I saw in the USA when the toarch came thru California.
Earth DaySubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/23/2008 - 16:21.
04/20/2008 - 21:00 Etc/GMT-5
LocationThe AMP Contract is The Wrong Deal for ClevelandSubmitted by Kevin Cronin on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 20:07.
Cleveland City Council should rescind its involvement in AMP-Ohio's proposed coal-fired utility in southern Ohio. A fifty year commitment to coal is the wrong direction, for Cleveland Public Power (CPP), its customers and the environment. Instead, CPP should develop a comprehensive plan for energy need and energy sources, that includes efforts to reduce demand through conservation, insulation, wind, solar and other alternative sources.
Green Fuel Technology: Potential for a 100 MPG Standard Hits the Media !Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 10:37.
Technology is such an important wildcard in the social consciousness picture, whether we speak of the most innovative approaches to community development using WI-FI and FOSS in tandem or we celebrate some of the latest advances in product development. While bumbling bureaucratic banter restricts radical progress at the nexus of environment and technology (current Ohio legislation insiduously inculcates clean coal and nuclear power measures as green and renewable technologies and considers a 35 MPG mandated standard by 2020 significant) some very innovative R&D experts have launched their media campaign to expedite progress by demonstrating how very close we are to a 100 MPG standard. I was heartened by a full page ad which recently manifested via a variety of media outlets - I happened to catch the one in this week's issue of US News and World Report.
As wind turbines multiply, so do bird concernsSubmitted by Zebra Mussel on Sat, 11/17/2007 - 11:29.
Pacific Northwest is example of energy boom — and worried biologistsPORTLAND, Ore. - Wind energy may be emerging as an important alternative power source for the Northwest, but there are concerns about the danger to hawks and eagles as turbines expand to wild areas of the Columbia River Gorge. By year's end, more than 1,500 turbines will be churning out electricity in the windy gorge. Until now, most of the projects have gone up in wheat fields — cultivated land that long ago drove away the rodents that raptors hunt. But as wind energy developers move into wilder areas along the ridge of the gorge, near canyons and shrub-covered rangeland, birds could be at risk from the 150-foot blades of giant turbines.
ECOSSystem - Extending Community Open Source SystemSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 17:20.
While not currently a powerhouse in Free Open Source Software (FOSS), Northeast Ohio is positioned to begin excelling with FOSS in some very strategic ways that may add great value to the regional economy. Because of FOSS, we may now bridge the digital divide more quickly and completely here than has any other large urban center in America, we may soon have the highest percentage of workforce properly educated for the new economy, and we may lead the world in some fields of application development and technology innovation with global, open standards, all if the region now embraces FOSS.. ( categories:
TOD update from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, GCRTASubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 17:02.
I received an informative email this afternoon from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, about some of their Transit Oriented Development initiatives and vision. It is very exciting to see this as an active subject for discussion and planning here. I am a strong supporter of Transit Oriented Development and consider it the core foundation on which we should rebuild the City of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs. Here is the vision from RTA: ( categories:
What should word of the year "Carbon Neutral" mean to NEO's future?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 18:27.
As an excellent sign of the times, on November 13, 2006 it was announced "Carbon Neutral" is the Oxford American Dictionary Word of the Year. Unlike what is typically defined here as underpinnings of sustainability, being Business as Agents of World Benefit, I see this trend toward individual social responsibility reflects the real world, being Individuals as the Agents of World Benefit, and, in fact, I believe it is only through individuals as agents that businesses act as agents of anything, and so the rising of Carbon Neutral as the word of the year is very hopeful for the future of the world... this reflects social consciousness becoming mainstream. ( categories:
Happy 2nd B-Day, REALNEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 01:22.
Two weeks ago saw the second birthday of REALNEO. I started REALNEO in October, 2004, to provide “Regional Economic Action Links for North East Ohio” and implement for the region some exciting open source social networking technology. While the outcomes have not been entirely what I expected, and these years have in ways been rough, I've been thrilled to help drive and support some great developments in the community.
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Try the "Just One Thing" approachSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 14:32.
“Even when it comes to a problem as big as global warming, doing Just One Thing can have an enormous, positive impact on our planet. For instance, replacing four light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs will keep a ton of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that causes global warming, out of the air. And if everyone in the U.S. unplugged their electronics, such as TVs, computers, DVD players, and stereos when they're not using them, we'd prevent 18 million tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere. Just One Thing is so easy--and so effective.”
Thanks for NEO's highest compliment: appreciation from Cool Cleveland x 2Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 03:55.
I am really appreciative, this morning. After posting what was certainly the saddest news I can imagine, about the hardship my staff has suffered as a result of a lack of appreciation from my former business associate, Peter Holmes, I opened up this week's CoolCleveland and found that their crew had featured TWO postings from REALNEO. I am very touched and thankful to Thomas and his team for noticing REALNEO and taking an interest in the thoughts posted here - thank you. Please show appreciation back to CoolCleveland... if you are not a member, see what you've been missing... subscribe at CoolCleveland - all free - this is a real NEO must, and send feedback to CoolCleveland letters at the links below, and supporting the upcoming CoolCleveland/Tech/Ingenuity party at Fat Fish Blue, July 13, and the Ingenuity Festival, as described below... but first, here's the nice write-up about REALNEO from CoolCleveland today, July 5, 2006:
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