Submitted by Roldo on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 08:23.
Pee Dee Propaganda Machine
The front page of the Pee Dee this a.m. represents Ms. Goldberg’s contribution to the journalism here: big, splashy headlines, much wasted space, but scarce information.
The Pee Dee is always on the bandwagon when it comes to “Progress.” However, never rely upon the newspaper for hard evidence beyond cheerleading.
Here’s what we have under the Huge Headline: “Medical Mart now a ‘when,’ not an ‘if’”- 4 and a half columns wide and 13 inches deep before a skimpy 4 inch story. Wish we had more about "how."
“We’re looking at a tremendous economic boon – something we haven’t had for many years here,” says Jimmy Dimora. "This is a turning point and a defining moment for this community," says Tim Hagan.
One guesses these are references to the last “boon” of Gateway.
Not to take the bloom off the rose, but here’s what Hagan and the boys promised in a full page advertisement in the Pee Dee, May of 1990, for the last “boon,” just as a reminder:
“Gateway will create a development that will generate $33.7 million in public revenues every year and provide,” according to its proponents the following:
- 28,000 good-paying jobs for the jobless.
- Neighborhood housing development for the homeless.
- $15 million a year for schools for our children.
- Revenues for City and County clinics and hospitals for the sick.
- Energy assistance programs for the elderly.
And, of course, “No tax abatement.”
None of those promises were realized and the public costs are still piling up now 18 years later.
What's that saying, "Fool me once....
or is it "fools rush in
where sane people fear to tread?"
One thing is for certain, we can always count on the PD to be the mouthpiece of local government. Their track record is solid on that one. Jeff and I were having this conversation yesterday after the BOCC meeting. Where were the tough questions? Do they just know not to ask them? More and more I turn to other sources for my news. It seems pretty evident that the Plain Dealer is in free fall at this point.
Gotta love it - we are so fooled that we didin't even hear a gasp when Nance and Hagan annouced that the GCP would be the public in this public private partnership. Anyone beside me feel somehow unrepresented by the GCP and the BOCC? How about those elderly, sick, jobless, homeless, children - does the GCP rep them? If they do, do they represent the ones in Hunting Valley and Bay Village and forget them when they arrive in their sleek offices atop the Public Square? Is someone's lawn service really going to benefit from the new medmart - uh... probably. The folks who are still paying taxes on their homes in the City of Cleveland will surely continue to subsidize those grasscutters and fertilizer spreaders and those Hunt Club private school reunions under tents...
Arrgh - "you're killin' me chief, you're killin' me!" (that's one of my other favorite poets - William S. Burroughs from "Roosevelt After Inauguration")
Norm said good thing we don't have tunnels in Cleveland. Well, we do have tunnels in Cleveland. One of the tunnels leads to Cleveland State University from Tower City and I also believe that there might be one leading to the Mall/Convention Center.
Bill Barrow--could you elaborate? My father contended that Rhodes Tower was built with a sublevel to provide eventual train access. I've made some calls. Michael Ruffing jarred my memory by recalling the People Mover project in the 70s? Bob Kaiser described some of the underground tunnels built in the 1950s, when cities like Cleveland and Toronto considered a subway/transit system. Plans were scrapped in Cleveland and implemented in Toronto...
I know that this is lazy research, but I am concerned that if this is not a monumental screw job (And Roldo, not the first time a "public" project has been called a screw job) , then, the arrived-upon location preserves the historic character of both the existing convention center and Tower City.
PD tag line
or miss a day, miss not much...
Medical mart location
I am curious to know how the historic tax credits in Ohio were divvied out?
Does this bode for Higbees/Tower City as the ultimate home of the Medical Mart?